Reconcile by Nicole Dykes

My hands are shaking,and I feel like I’m going to puke. Everything has been going well. We had dinner at Cole’s house with Audrey and Paisley last night. Audrey loves her new school. So of course—of fucking course—this is happening.

I stare at the pink plus sign, the third in a row, and then look back into the mirror and try to breathe.

I’m not eighteen.

I’m in love with Sawyer, and he’s in love with me.

He’s an excellent father.

We don’t live under our parents’ rule.

I let out a shaky breath but then startle when I hear the door to Sawyer’s—now our—bedroom. I quickly throw the tests in the trash and move into the room just in time to see a confident, happy Sawyer walk through the door. “Hey, gorgeous.” His face drops. “What’s wrong?”

Damn him for being able to read me. “Sawyer . . .” My voice cracks, and he closes the space between us, pulling me into his arms.

“What’s wrong?”

I look up at him. “I’m pregnant.”

He lets out a relieved breath, and a big smile takes over his face. “Really?”

“You look happy.”

“I am happy.” He pulls me closer, wrapping his strong arms around me and kissing my head. “I’m so fucking happy.” He pulls me back gently to look into my eyes. “You aren’t?”

“I . . . am . . .” I take a shaky breath. “I’m scared though. Things are going so well.”

“They’re only going to get better, Piper. I promise. Fuck, I can’t wait to have another kid like Audrey.”

I look into his eyes and see the joy on his face. Though, I’m unable to smile with him. “You really are excited. There’s, like, zero fear in your eyes.”

“I really am.” He kisses my lips. “Marry me.”

I shove him back playfully. “I didn’t marry you the first time you knocked me up.”

He reaches into his pocket, and the smug bastard actually produces a brilliant diamond ring that takes my breath away. “I was an idiot, and you were smart enough to know I wasn’t ready. But I’m more than ready now. Marry me.”

“I . . .” I look down at the ring. “I want to say yes.”

He smiles, kissing me softly, coaxing me with those dangerously sexy lips. “Then say yes.”

“My kids are going to have the last name Ross?”

“We can give them whatever last name you want. As long as we all match, I don’t give a fuck.”

I smile at that and nod my head because it’s what I want. Not what my parents would want. Not what I’m supposed to do, but what I truly want. “Yes.”

He slides the ring on my finger. A perfect fit. I take a seat on the edge of the bed, and a heavy sigh escapes me.

“What’s wrong?” He sits down next to me.

“Another baby.”

“Pipes, what’s worrying you? Tell me.” He kisses my shoulder.

“I just . . . The first time I did it all on my own except for the nanny when I was in school. But if I wasn’t in school, I was with Audrey. I don’t know if I want to leave this baby with a nanny.”

“You want to quit? Viv would understand.”

I love working with Viv, Penelope, and Lola. I truly do. “I don’t know. I really love my job. But I love the idea of raising our children myself.”

“Look, if you want to work full-time, that’s fine with me. We’ll hire the best nanny there is. Or I’ll stay home. Whatever makes you happy. But I can see it on your face. You want to stay home with them, and that’s okay too.”

“It feels somehow anti-feminist to quit my job to raise babies.”

“Isn’t that what feminism is? Women making their own decisions based on what they want and not what society wants? Seems to me, if you want to stay home and raise our kids, then that’s what you should do. And you should be able to do that without any judgment. You’re a fucking fantastic mother, Piper.”

I look at him, cocking my eyebrow. “That’s very enlightened of you.”

“Well, I’m a feminist.” He kisses my neck with a smile. “I’m very fond of a few females.”

I laugh and shove him back. “I want to work until I have the baby. Then, I’d like to take some time off to be a mom.”

He grins, kissing my nose. “Then that’s exactly what we’ll do.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. I always have.” He places my hand on his chest over his t-shirt, right where the “P” is inked into his skin.

“I never saw us here. I never let myself. But I’m so happy we made it.”

“I never thought you’d give me another chance, but I’m thrilled you did. Thank you.”

I kiss him with everything I’m feeling, letting my body move under his. Letting him cover me and relishing in him.

I guess even the worst things can be forgiven because I am irrevocably in love with Sawyer fucking Ross.