Reconcile by Nicole Dykes

One year later

“Daddy! I want to go outside!”I laugh as Audrey whines, which I still find really cute. I’m holding my son in my arms, trying to get him back to sleep so Piper can sleep a little longer, but that’s not going so well with Audrey here.

“I promise we will soon, okay? Let’s let Mommy sleep for a little longer and try to keep Mr. Adrian quiet for a little while.”

Audrey thinks that over, placing her little finger on her chin and then bouncing out of the room. I look down at Adrian, his big eyes peeking up at me. He’s not crying, but he’s not sleeping either.

Audrey walks in with a green blanket and hands it to me. “It’s his favorite.”

I smile. She’s such a good big sister. “Thanks, kiddo.”

“No problem.”

There’s a quiet knock on the front door, and I scramble to answer it before they do it again and startle Adrian. The kid has a set of lungs on him.

I laugh when I see who it is and open the door for Ash, who walks in with Baz in tow. “Hey, man.” He looks at Adrian and grins. “Hey, little man.”

I hand him over to his Uncle Ash, giving up on the whole nap thing. Viv walks in with their baby boy, and I grin as she hands him over to me. “Where’s Piper?”

“I’m right here.” Piper emerges from the hallway with a big grin on her pretty face, greeting our guests.

“Good, we brought dinner,” Viv says as Pipes lays a kiss on me and heads into the kitchen with Viv. Audrey and Baz take off to play, and Ash and I take a seat on the sofa, both babies in our arms.

“Jesus, who would have thought?”

I chuckle at that, looking into the blue eyes of my best friend’s son. He’s in a good mood. All smiles. “I know. This is pretty fucking crazy.”

“Wouldn’t trade it for the world, though, would you, you sappy motherfucker?”

I laugh and shake my head. “Nope.”

“You ready for the wedding?”

My grin takes up my entire face. “Hell, yeah.”

I’m marrying Piper Ward tomorrow, and there’s not a nervous bone in my body.

“Tomorrow, I’ll have everything I could ever want.”

“Yeah well, you fuckers stay out of the pool on your honeymoon. Give your girl a break.”

I laugh, “Mind your business, fucker.”

The girls join us, taking their babies into their expert hands and freeing us to take Baz and Audrey outside to play. But before I walk away from Piper I lean in close, my lips brushing over hers, “What would we do, Pipes?”

She doesn’t miss a beat, showing off a brilliant smile before saying, “Everything, Sawyer. We’re doing everything.”

I give her a kiss before heading out with Ash, ignoring him giving me shit about being so fucking adorable, but what the hell do I care?

Never in a million years did I think I’d be marrying Piper and have two beautiful kids with her. But here we are.

And I can promise one thing . . .

I’ll never fuck it up again and I will give them everything.

The End