Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



“Ms. Ladd,I have a message for you.”

I glance up at the woman that operates the appointment desk. It’s fully computerized and there’s no reason to have a person working there, except it makes the humans from Earth feel better to talk to another human about their health needs. That’s been tested and proven.

“Thank you,” I say, looking at the data pad on my wrist. I swipe the surface with my finger and the information comes up. It’s a notice from my assignment officer. I’m to report to him immediately.

“Tell Dr. Kane I’ll be out of the office for a while. I’ve been called to the Admin building.”

“Of course.”

The Admin building isn’t far—just a few blocks over from the clinic. It’s two stories and made of the same impenetrable stone the rest of the buildings are built from. Other than a few battered shrubs outside, there’s little evidence of the storm that happened the week before.

It’s the most formal building on the campus and when I step inside, the main focus of the lobby is the large, engraved design of Emperor Elrin displayed prominently on the back wall. His hair flows long around his shoulders and his beard thick. To the left, I find my name listed on a wide, blue screen. No humans here. Bureaucracy on Athion is just as impersonal as it is on Earth. Something else we have in common.

My name is third on the list and I sit quietly with the other women as they go in before me. I get a message on my wrist.

K: Why did you leave the clinic? Is everything okay?

M: I was summoned to the Admin office.

K: Do you know why?

M: I have my suspicions.

K: As do I.

There’s little doubt why I’m here. It’s why my heart is pounding and my stomach feels like lead. I’m going to be transferred.

K: We’ll talk about it tonight. Don’t worry.

I don’t get a chance to reply. My number is called.

I enter the office door and this time do find a being—an Athion—sitting behind a desk. He’s thin with a pointed nose and light blue skin.

“Ms. Ladd, the midwife.”

“That’s me,” I say, taking the seat that he’s gestured toward.

His eyes are focused on the screen on his desk. “As you’re aware, you’re coming up on six months at the transitional facility—one full year since leaving Earth. Your records show that you’ve proved to be an exemplary assistant to Dr. Kane and are ready to enter society.”

I’m proud. And scared.

“We will start the process for your transition and you should be on your way to your new assignment within the week.”

One week. No. I need more time than that. I have one card I can play and I lay it on the table.

“As eager as I am to get to the birthing centers and begin my career on Athion, I do have a small concern.”

He glances up, almost like he forgot I could speak. “A concern?”

“We have several pregnant women that I have been assisting since they first conceived. I’m sure you’re aware, but human women do not like to be stressed or upset during their pregnancies. Consistency in their medical treatment is a high priority.”

“What are you implying, Ms. Ladd?”

“I think it may be upsetting for me to leave them right now.”

He stares at me with muddy eyes. “I’m sure Dr. Kane and his other assistants can handle any changes.”

“I’m sure he can, but I know how important every birth is here on Athion. I would hate to be the reason for any problems with their labor and delivery. I also think the educational experience could be extremely helpful when I begin my mid-wifery in society.”

Even this bureaucrat knows the importance of every live birth.

“How much longer do you need?”

“Six months, maybe. All of the babies will be at full term by then.”

He considers this with a calculating expression on his face. “Six months of you here is six months you’re denying mothers of your expertise at the birthing centers across the planet.” He taps his chin. “But you have a point. Experience is crucial. I’ll have to discuss it with my supervisor.”

“Of course,” I say, refusing to show any emotion. “Thank you for taking it into consideration.”

“No promises. We have a whole new ship of sleepers coming into the facility. At least two are qualified mid-wives. Your position is needed.”

“I understand—just a few more months, to make sure the patients are given the best care.”

“I’ll have an answer to your request by the end of the week.”

“Thank you.”

He stares at me blankly and I realize I’ve been dismissed.

It doesn’t take me long to get back to the clinic, and I have messages from all of my men checking up on me, but I’m late and Dr. Kane is short-tempered with me when I return.

“That took long enough?” he says with a snap in his voice.

“Sorry. The Admin office needed to see me,” I say once I’ve put on my scrubs and dive into work.


“Yes, about my assignment.” I consider asking him to put in a good word with the office, but I don’t want to owe him anything. Not with how things are now.

At the end of the day, long after I clean up the examination rooms and work stations, sending the instruments to be sterilized and sorted, I wait by the front door of the lobby. I’d received a message mid-day from Kai saying that Dimka would escort me home today. It’s a blip in the routine but the day had been nothing but irregular.

I’m still waiting for my Athion escort when Dr. Kane walks out of his office. A small bag hangs over his shoulder. He looks up at me in surprise.

“Oh, Ms. Ladd, you’re still here?”

“Yes,” I say apologetically. “My escort never arrived.”

He frowns and check his data pad—probably for the time. I’ve just done the same thing. Dimka is at least fifteen minutes late, which is unheard of.

“I haven’t been notified of any problems,” he says. “Would you like for me to escort you back to the dormitory?”

“Oh, um.” My skin heats with a flush. “I’m really not supposed to leave without a Custo escort. You know how particular they are about the rules.”

“I’m aware that your Custo are exceedingly protective of you, but it seems inappropriate to leave you waiting like this. They do have other obligations, you wouldn’t want to be a burden.”

They do, and the last thing I want is to become a priority over their work. I’m also wary of how closely Dr. Kane is watching my relationship with them.

I’m still wavering when he adds, “It would give us some time to get to know one another better.”

Crap. Now I’m in a worse position. If I say no, I’m rejecting him. He’s also suspicious, and the last thing I need is for him to report any of my men. Maybe I can use this time to make it clear to Kane that I’m not interested. Or, I consider, maybe I can talk to him about putting in a good word for me to stay at the clinic longer.

“I’d hate to get you in trouble,” I say, not very convincingly.

He laughs. “I’m an OBGYN with a specialty in high-risk pregnancies, around here I’m akin to a god. There’s no way they can get too angry.” His eyes sweep over me. “With you either, and not just because of your skill as a midwife.”

“W-why else?”

He takes a step closer and I smell a waft of his enticing cologne. “Because you’re very beautiful, Mercy, as well as charming. Why do you think those Custos are sniffing around here all the time?”

I’m stunned by his admission of my beauty, but I swallow and try to keep my expression neutral. If he’s acting this weird when he thinks they just like me, what would he do if he knew our relationships had progressed to a level of intimacy. I didn’t want to find out. “It’s their job to protect me—that’s all.”

He shakes his head. “Oh sweetheart, you just don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what?”

“That they want you. Athion and human alike. They’re infatuated with you,” he takes another step closer, “just like I am, too.”

“You’re what?” The question comes out in a whisper.

His hand reaches for me, touching my neck, sending a jolt of panic down my limbs. He’s so close to me, his perfect face, his intense eyes. Too perfect. Too intense. “I’m very attracted to you, Mercy, and it would be an honor to walk you back to your dormitory and get to know you a little better.”

Fear courses though my veins, something I haven’t felt since I arrived on this planet. “I, I—I think this is a bad idea.”

He frowns. “What?”

“You and me, walking like this. It’s not appropriate.” I step away. “I’m leaving soon. I got my orders today—so whatever you’re thinking about is off the table.”

He stands across from me—studying me closely. I can’t figure out what he’s doing—what he’s thinking. A beeping sound comes from the pad on his wrist and a thin, dark smile curves on his lips.

“What?” I ask, but a loud siren cuts through the air. My heart seizes. “What is that?”

Looking around, I realize there’s no one else on the street, we’ve lingered that long. All the other women would be in their dorms or down at the dining hall. I glance at Dr. Kane, who’s watching me closely. “Do you know what that means?”


That same, slow, wicked grin lingers his mouth. “That means my ship is here, Mercy. It’s time for us to go.”

“Ship? Go?”

“You didn’t really think I wanted you, did you?” his eyes sweep over me. I spot the glint of silver in his hand. I’m caught in his grasp. “I mean, in a way, I do. I need a mid-wife. The best. Your beauty is a bonus. When I discovered you right in the medical clinic, I knew you were the perfect fit.”

“Wha—what?” I tug away, but his fingers are an iron grip. He holds up his other hand and I see the needle—similar to the ones we use in the clinic. “No. Whatever you’re doing—stop.”

He doesn’t respond, just quickly jabs the needle into my neck. The last thing I see is the disturbing smile on his face. My eyes flicker closed and my legs fail me, but I feel him lift me into his arms and hear the whisper in my ear, “When you wake up, Mercy Ladd, you’ll be miles away and no one from Athion will ever see you again. Your life as a servant to the men of Tradrych is just beginning.”