Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



I won’t denythere’s an awkward moment when Mercy and Dimka exit the data room, their cheeks flushed from activity and both smelling of sex and release. Alex and I react casually; he suggests a game of cards. Dimka abstains—he’s not a game player of any kind, but the three of us huddle around the small table and I quickly learn I do not understand Earth games.

“I think you’re taking advantage of me,” I grumble, tossing my cards on the table.

“I think you just suck at poker,” Alex replies, yawning. “I think I’m going to head to bed. You know once this storm is over, we’ll be on clean up.”

“Good idea,” I say. Mercy stacks the cards back into a square. “I’m going to check on the data real quick.”

“Have you sent a message to Damon?”

“Earlier. He would have noticed us going off grid.”

“Who?” Mercy asks.

“Someone we work with,” Alex says. “We all keep in touch—for safety reasons.”

“Oh, okay. Are there more beds?” Mercy asks. Dimka has already pulled down one bed from the wall and is sound asleep. Whatever he and Mercy did behind closed doors wore him out.

“Yep, I’ll get it situated if you need to use the bathroom.”

She smiles and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”

I leave them alone, going into the office to check on the storm. The data is mindless but we’ve locked ourselves down here and it’s our job to get back to the surface as soon as it’s safe.

In the other room I hear the squeal of the hinges as Alex lowers the bunks and then Mercy’s quiet voice.

I’d never pray for a storm like this. It’s dangerous and we very nearly lost Mercy out there, but the time it gave us has been a gift from Laird. We needed an opportunity to lay our feelings in the open, reveal our true feelings and find out what Mercy thinks.

I’m still stunned she’s interested in the three of us. That she kissed us. Touched us, and in the case of Dimka, did more.

I lean back in my seat and watch the radar blip over the screen.

“Is everything okay?”

I spin in the chair and see Mercy standing in the doorway, the lights are out in the main room. I see the shape of Alex’s body already stretched out in his bunk.

“You surprised me.”

“I was being quiet,” she says in a low voice, shutting the door behind her.

“They could sleep through anything, you know that, right?”

She shrugs. “Maybe I wanted a little privacy.”

My heart, and other body parts, thunder in reply. Instead of lunging at her, I spin the chair back around and face the screen. “The radar shows continued twisters for the next several hours, but I can see the back edge. It should pass over late tomorrow morning. We can leave the bunker then.”

I feel the soft touch of her fingertips on my neck and then her thumbs kneading in my shoulders. I exhale and say, “That feels nice.”

“You’re very tense.”

“I have a tense job.” She massages into my muscles, working out the knots. I fight the groan building.

“Are you saying I stress you out?”

“You don’t stress me out, but keeping you safe? It’s the most important job I’ve ever had.” My eyes shut. “How did you get so good at this?”

“I learned some massage techniques to help my patients during labor.” She jabs her thumb deep in my muscle and I can’t fight my reaction any longer, exhaling with a loud groan.

“It feels amazing.”

“I like making people feel good,” she says, spinning my chair around. I feel my knees part and open my eyes. She’s standing above me. “I like making you feel good, too.”

I touch the back of her legs, feeling the fascinating mixture of strength and softness. A stark contrast to the hard length sheathed in my shorts. She bends forward, giving me a better view of her curves, the full roundness of her breasts. I leave my hands on the arms of the chair, unsure how to proceed.

“Can I make you feel better?” she asks, lips almost touching mine. I swallow, all words caught in my throat. I don’t know what she wants to do but who am I to say no to this Laird-sent dream before me? I nod and I’m rewarded with a pleased smile.

She continues with her massage, this time while facing me. Her thumbs knead the hollow in my shoulders, the muscles in my chest. Her fingers wander near my sensitive nipples, never quite touching, but I sense it’s on purpose. Mercy Ladd is a deliciously naughty girl.

I’m putty in her hands as she lifts my shirt over my head and eyes my chest with a hunger I can’t conceive is really for me. I don’t have time for insecurities, because she kisses me on the lips, down my throat, across my chest. Her teeth graze the darkest part of my nipples, her fingers explore the hard muscle of my abdomen, brushing through the hair on my lower belly, dipping beneath the fabric at my waist.

I’ve never had the pleasure of a woman like this—never dreamed it would be possible. I chose my job, my mission, and the celibate life I felt was necessary for focus, but that was before Mercy came into my life. Mercy with the red hair and pale skin. Mercy with red lips and full breasts. Mercy who is currently tugging at the waistband of my shorts, urging me to lift my hips and reveal my body to her.

Who am I to deny her? Myself? Us?

Once free, she stands over me, holding her hand toward my throbbing, aching flesh and asks, “Can I?”

“Laird yes.”

The first touch is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. So soft, so warm. Gentle but firm. As a younger man I would have cum all over her in a moment, but I’m older, more restrained, and I will my body to behave.

“This is the first Athion penis I’ve seen,” she tells me, stroking along my length. “Outside of the medical journals at the clinic.”

“Not Dimka?” I ask, hoping I don’t sound jealous.

“He wasn’t ready, and I’m not sure I was either.”

She’s still touching me with those delicate hands. My fingers grasp the arms of the chair, holding tight. I watch as she drops to her knees, her face level with my pelvis, my cock hard and aimed directly at her. When she leans forward and flicks out her tongue, licking the tip, my mind starts to crumble.

She repeats the motion, licking, sucking, stroking. Her fingers dip low, rolling my balls in the cup of her hand. I groan and lean back in the chair, closing my eyes although I don’t want to. I can’t look at her. If I do this will be over in a second. I want this, the feelings, her mouth, all of it to last forever.

“Mercy,” I moan, pushing my hands through that flaming hair. She responds by taking me in, working me up, winding me around and around.

She groans when I tug on her hair, releasing me from her mouth and looking up at me with her bright eyes. Her lips are puffy and swollen, glistening and red. “Come when you’re ready. Don’t hold back.”

I’d been holding back my whole life. Right now doesn’t seem to be the time to let loose, but when she tells me what to do my brain snaps and I stand, right when she takes me in again. The chair spins out behind me and I guide her head at the rhythm I crave. Her fingers grip my backside, my cock fucks her mouth. I grow bigger, harder, more and more desperate, whispering her name in a chant.

My knees weaken, my heart throbs and I’m half-blind with wanton desire when I finally release, my seed spilling deep in her throat. My chest heaves, catching my breath, and the woman before me takes a final swipe with her tongue before looking up at me.

“Get off the floor, Mercy.” I grunt, lifting her by her hands. “That was…that was a gift,” I tell her and run my hands over her backside. “You’re a gift.”

“You keep me safe. You watch over me. You’re my protector, the least I can do is show my thanks for all that you do for me,” she says, kissing my chin.

“Soon,” I say, gripping her tight, “I’ll repay you for your generosity.”

Her lips part like she wants to respond but she doesn’t, just nodding. “I should go to bed.”

“We both should.”

The storm would pass soon enough and we’d all have to face one another in the light of day. I didn’t think it would be a problem, but this bubble we’re in? It makes it hard to know for sure.

Whatever happens when we leave this quiet place, I know one thing for sure: Mercy Ladd has stolen my heart and I never want it back.