Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



I enter the flight deck,Amias is sitting in my seat. He spots me and moves quickly over to the co-pilot chair. He looks at me expectantly.


“I told her.”

“And she calmed down?”

I give him a look. “Don’t—”

“I’m not saying anything.” He leans and presses a few buttons on the console. “Like I told you so or anything. I am definitely not saying that.”

I roll my eyes. “Easy for you to say. I didn’t see you jumping in with any explanations. You just kept shoving bread in your mouth.”

“I like bread,” the Trad says. “And I don’t think she wants anything to do with me.”

“You’re right about that.” I laugh and scan the map. Everything looks clear for our journey. I’d tried to act confident while explaining what was going on with Mercy—she doesn’t need to know how this mission is incredibly dangerous. If we get caught…if I get caught? Death would be the best option. “We’ve got two weeks. Maybe she’ll come around to not despising your race.”

“Why?” Cassidy says, coming up the stairs. She walks around the co-pilot’s seat and plants a kiss on Amias' lips. “You think she needs more lovers? She already has three—she doesn’t need mine, too.”

I grimace, and not just at my partners' public display. I’m used to that. I’m still getting used to the idea that my unit—my brothers—are sharing a woman. A woman they’ve asked me to risk everything I’ve been working on for years.

Although after seeing, and feeling, Mercy in that dress today, it makes a little more sense.

“I think you’re safe,” I say to both of them. “You good up here tonight?”

Amias nods. “Go get some sleep.”

I leave them alone and pass through the kitchen and down the spiral staircase to my cabin. I punch in the code and the door opens with a whoosh, revealing my quarters. They aren’t extravagant but it’s the largest room on the ship. I have a king-sized bed, oversized bath, and full desk with a data screen and communication center.

I also have a bar.

The ship was given to me by the Master—a gift I earned after fulfilling many tasks for him, each more unpleasant than the last. But it’s all part of the plan to infiltrate his organization. Once all the pieces are in place, the Custo, with me leading the charge, will bring him down. Once and for all.

I pour myself a drink—scotch from Earth—another reward. This one I got for capturing a dozen slaves that fled off their mining crew. For each slave I returned, I got a bottle. Only three remain.

I undress down to my shorts and lie on the bed, taking a minute to look at my data pad, pulling up Mercy’s auction file.

Even if I hadn’t known she was important to the guys, it was obvious the instant she walked out that she was something different. Not only is she beautiful, but there’s a sense of strength, courage. She didn’t look afraid, not even when the auctioneer listed her attributes. Not when she was sold or when I violated her personal space and inspected her.

She didn’t look fearful then, but I felt the tremble of her body when I touched the curve of her hips and beneath her breasts. What I tried to hide was the shudder that ran though my body. The effect she had on me.

Thathad been unexpected.

I lean back on my pillow and go to my encrypted account, sending a message to Kai, before attempting to get some sleep.

I only send three words. That’s all he needs.

I’ve got her.