Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



According to the navigation map,the small vessel is heading straight toward us. I see the red blip on the screen and break into a sweat. What if me helping that pregnant woman got us in trouble? What if the Master found us? A million fears run through my mind but when I look up at Damon, I see a small smile on his lips.

“Who is it?” I ask, gripping his arm.

“Looks like your boys hauled ass to get to you.”

“My boys…?” My eyes move back to the blip, and my stomach flip flops in anticipation. “But what happens now? We’re not at the outpost.”

Amias replies, “Their ship is small, they can dock on us.”


“Yep,” Damon says, arm slipping around my waist. With his free hand he picks up the transmitter and repeats a sequence of letters and numbers, obviously some kind of code.

“Athion One, confirm your status,” he says at the end.

Again, my stomach somersaults when I hear Alex’s voice come through the speaker. “Athion One, confirmed. We’re headed your way. Expect docking in ten.”

“Ten what?” I ask.


Ten minutes and they’d be back with me. Here. On Damon’s ship. His hand hasn’t left my side and I’m pulled snug against his body. The tension that existed between us in the kitchen has vanished with the arrival of our friends. I know it’s foolish but I’m hopeful that at least Kai can talk some sense into him—figure out a better way to get into the circle than going rogue against the Master.

I don’t move during the following minutes, although Amias and Cassidy have both moved into action, prepping the ship for their arrival.

Damon turns to me and whispers in my ear, “As happy as I am to see them, I thought I’d have a few more days alone with you.”

His words send a thrill up my spine. I swallow and say, “I’m sure we can work something out.”

He chuckles. “We’re going to have to work a lot out. I’m not used to sharing, Mercy.”

I hear the truth behind his confession. No, Damon is a man that’s used to getting what he wants, when he wants it, but he knew going in that this relationship is more than just the two of us. Now we just have to figure out how to navigate it.

The idea is both exciting and terrifying at the same time.

The ship comes into sight, and it doesn’t look small to me—but I guess it’s all about perspective. Everyone jumps into action, even Damon and I step back, making sure I’m not in the way. I can’t believe the guys will be here—days early. I don’t know what that means about the next step. Will Damon leave right away? As much as I want to see the guys, I’m not ready for him to leave.

Alex continues to talk over the speaker and he and Amias work out the logistics. There’s a moment of silence as the two ships glide toward one another and Cassidy shouts, “Brace yourself,” which isn’t enough warning, because as the smaller ship docks on the larger one the vessel sways and I stumble, landing on the floor.

Damon runs over. “Sorry about that. You okay?”

I nod and he lifts me off the ground. “I’m fine. Are they here?”

He smiles wide and beautiful. “Yep. They’re here.”