Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



Seeingher again was like getting a drink of water after too many days in the desert. I want to drink her up. Consume her. Strip her down and claim her. I catch Damon’s scent on her skin and it only arouses me more, bringing out the sexual desires I’d spent years taming.

“You boys get a drink and catch up,” she says, giving each of us another kiss. “I need to go check on a few things.”

I watch her walk down the hall, stopping the other woman on the ship, Cassidy. Even though it’s foolish, I miss her already, but she’s right. We do need to catch up and there will be time to spend with Mercy later, one-on-one later.

“If we’d had to spend another night on that tiny ship, I think one of us would have arrived needing emergency attention,” I say, following Damon into the lounge.

“I thought the military was tough,” Alex replies, rubbing the scruff on his chin, and taking the glass of scotch Damon offers him. He hands me one, too, and then Dimka.

“It makes it worse when there’s no fresh air,” Damon adds. “We have more space, but I get a little cooped up here, too.”

“How has Mercy gotten along with the Trad and the woman?” I ask, taking a sip of my drink.

“It was rough at first but they talked things out a little. I think she understands that not everything out here is black and white.” He grimaces. “I think it took her longer to trust me than them.”

Alex nods. “The betrayal by Kane had to hurt. They were getting close.”

“He was grooming her,” Dimka says. “Right under our noses.”

“Well now we’ve got the upper hand, “Damon replies. “And you can take her back home to safety, let her get on with her life.”

Alex frowns, but just takes a gulp of his drink. He swirls the small amount in the bottom and asks, “And you? What’s next?”

“We’re making a move on the Master.”

I feel my eyebrows raise. Dimka leans closer. “Now? We hadn’t discussed this—I’m not sure our superiors are going to sign off on this.”

Damon stands and walks over to the bar, pouring himself another glass of the brown liquid. “This is off the books, Kai. It’s something I need to do on my own.”

“That’s idiotic,” Alex says. “You’ll get killed with no backup.”

“I’m tired of waiting for the Athions to get the guts to challenge him. We have good intel on the main birthing ring. I’m not going to risk waiting for the bureaucrats.”

His admission makes me uneasy. It’s definitely against protocol and all four of us could get in major trouble if they find out we have any involvement in Damon’s plans. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. “And you plan on doing this now?”

“As soon as you leave with Mercy.”

“Does she know this?” Dimka asks, quietly.

“She does.”

I study him. “And how does she feel about you leaving in such a risky mission?”

He swallows a mouthful of scotch. “She understands.”

Alex and I exchange a glance, both of us knowing this has as much to do with Mercy herself as the actual mission. He opened himself up to someone—to her—and he’s panicking. I’d say something but I’m tired, smelly, and not ready for this fight.

Not today.

Alex must agree, because he stands and says, “Thank you for the drink, but I think we can all agree that a shower and a bed may be the best for all of us.” He sniffs under his arm and makes a face.

“You’ve all got that castaway kind of thing going on,” Damon says, noting our shaggy hair and beards. “Come on, I’ll show you to your quarters.”

The three of us follow our friend down the hall and I notice Dimka’s quiet. He must have thoughts on Damon making a move against his personal nemesis. Alex is quiet too, a deep line carved in his forehead. I’m just exhausted, ready to clean up, sleep, and spend a little time with my girl.