Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



Damon lowersthe hovership over the building. Although we’re cloaked, the clock is ticking on this mission. It started the minute they entered the building, and we wait eagerly as the two dots on the screen shift into motion, leaving one, Rhise, alone.

I focus on the green dot—Mercy--and say a prayer to Laird she is safe. That Alex can protect her and that we will do everything to save these women. It’s what our god wants. It’s what our planet wants. It’s what we want.

I know today is just one fight in all the battles ahead, but this is just the beginning and if it all goes to hell? Well, we may not get another chance, and if we lose her again?

No one is losing Mercy again.

“Do you think they’re in the auction room?” Kai asks for the third time.

“They’ll signal us,” Damon snaps.

The three of us could shatter at any moment, that’s how tight we’re wound.

“Here we go,” Kai says, watching the trackers set into motion. The auction begins in one minute. He jumps up and Damon follows, both checking their weapons. Damon slips to the back of the ship and begins barking orders to the soldiers on the ground.

I watch the green dot for one minute longer, watching as she travels from one point to the next. I make a promise to myself then that when we’re back together, no more shyness, no more hiding. I love that woman with all my heart and she loves me in return.

It’s time for me to show her how much.