Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



The brothel is like a maze,filled with twisting hallways and doorways that lead to nothing. I feel like a rat and it seems intentional. Like they want the women to know they’re trapped inside.

“Fuck,” I shout, hitting another dead end. “What’s the point of having schematics if they’re wrong?”

“I just hope the men coming in from other locations have an easier time getting in,” Kai says, already leading us down another direction.

The two guards that step out to face us are the first sign we’re headed in the right direction. I reach for the gun on my belt, but Kai’s already leveled his at their chests and stuns them before the rest of us have made a move.

They fall over, bodies useless for at least an hour. I follow my brother as they step over their lifeless forms and head further down the hall. Around the corner a set of double doors is unmanned, the sound of chaos bounces off the walls.

Fear grips me.

“We’re late.”

The three of us spring into action and Kai shouts a message into the data pad on his wrist, “Dimka, all hell is breaking loose down here. Have the ship ready.”

His voice crackles back. “Affirmative.”

I grip the door handle and slowly open it. It takes a moment for me to process the scene.

Men in the audience shout numbers, furiously entering them into data pads on their tables. Big screens roll through numbers. Huge numbers of credits pop up and down the screen. The back of the room is dark, all lights focused on the stage. My eyes are drawn up there, to the two figures in the glaring spotlight. One has bright red hair.

“Mercy.” Her name comes out in a low rumble.

“What,” Kai asks, “is he doing?”

Kane stands next to her, his hands on her. I’m already moving, pushing through the throng of people. Where the fuck is Alex? Why is this happening?

As I get closer, a jolt of sheer rage runs through me. He’s touching, no, hurting my girl.

And in a blink, pandemonium breaks out.

Mercy breaks her bond and frees herself and in the space of a heartbeat, extracts the blades on her hands and slashes at Kane. I move to get her but a boot kicks in my back and I stumble, turning to face a Trad guard. We’re made. I swing, punching him in the face, and see that Kai is in a similar fight and through the back doors swarm the rest of my men.

Mercy needs to get the women out of here and we’ll torch the place.

A fist slams into my jaw and I stumble back, wildfire burning in my chest. I push back my sleeves and spit blood on the ground before jumping back in the fray.

It’s time to buy Mercy the time she needs.