Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



Any soldier will tellyou that once war has begun, there’s little time for rest. The battle with Tradrych is no different. The Resistance brought down the Tarberman brothel and saved forty women. Mercy and her team at headquarters flew into action, giving the women medical and emotional support.

Damon’s focus shifted to finding Amias and his ship. The former was found dead by a Resistance scout in an alley on the other side of Cryron. The ship? Tucked into an air hanger with the other confiscated and stolen property the Master had been amassing for decades. Damon reclaimed it immediately.

It’s three weeks after the brothel raid that we’re all in the same place at the same time. The Cryron headquarters.

“The last transport of able-bodied women flies out in the morning,” Mercy says from her seat on the couch. “When do we expect the next raid to occur?”

“Three days,” I reply, glancing down at my data pad. Now that people have seen the Resistance in action—have heard the rumors and witnessed the video—uprisings are occurring all over the planet. The Master’s system is falling.

“I have a proposal,” Dimka says quietly.

All eyes shift to him. I nod. “Go ahead.”

“I’d like to focus on the remaining fighting pits—freeing the slaves there. Maybe setting up a transition facility like the ward here.”

Alex nods. “I think that’s a good idea.”

“You wouldn’t have to go with me,” he declares, jaw clenched tight. “I know the pits are my battle and the rest of you have other focus.” His eyes meet Mercy’s.

“No,” Mercy replies, “we agreed. No separating.”

Damon walks across the room to stare out the window. He’s silent and I’m well aware that he’s tired of being cooped up in this building. He hates it. Ever since he found his ship, he longs to get back out there, and this plan of Dimka’s? It’s appealing to him. But he also made a promise to Mercy and the rest of us—we stick together.

Mercy stands. “I’m serious about it. No separating, but I’m not the only one here with a mission. Dimka has baggage to clear. Damon has the urge to fly. Kai to lead and Alex to fight. We’ll go to the pits. Together.”

We all watch her and there’s no doubt why the uprising calls her “The Spark" and like all fires, it’s hard to contain.

“We’ll leave after the transport heads back to Athion,” Damon says, a satisfied grin tugging at his mouth.

“Perfect,” Mercy says, looking equally pleased. She walks across the room and stands before Damon, twisting her fingers in his shirt and pulling him down for a kiss. He doesn’t hesitate like he would have weeks before. He kisses her hotly, passionately—sealing our bond.

She releases him and walks over to Alex, kissing him seductively on the lips before turning to Dimka. She approaches him differently, taking a moment to coax him out of his shell with a sweet, slow kiss that builds and heightens as the moments pass. His eyes darken with passion and there’s no doubt that the fire burning deep in his soul are only for Mercy. He, like the rest of us, has found our forever mate.

She touches his cheek and turns her gaze to me. I hold her eyes, because I never thought I’d find a female that would be my equal. I never thought I’d find one at all. But Mercy Ladd landed on my planet and stole my heart and I’ve never been so grateful to be mistaken.

She walks around the desk and I slide back the chair, well aware that my cock is hard and betraying me in the tight fit of my pants. She looks down at it and smirks before kissing me gently on the ear and whispering, “I’ll come back and take care of that later.”

I swallow thickly and nod, willing my body to be patient.

As they file out of the office to go about their daily tasks, I realize what’s about to happen. As with each of us, Mercy’s gift is shining a light on those in distress, finding their specific needs and helping them become better. She’s made each of us better—more fulfilled—complete.

With Mercy as part of the Resistance—as one of the Custo—she’s about to shine that light of hers on all parts of this galaxy.

Things will never be the same.