Owned By The Bratva King by Jagger Cole



The town carpulls through the big, wrought-iron gates. It slows to a stop outside the gorgeous, mid-century style Laurel Canyon mansion surround by towering palm trees. Of course, Belle being Belle, she couldn’t live in a big modern place in the Hills like every other movie star. Ms. Free Spirit had to buy a place made famous by the folk musicians and rockstars of the 60s and 70s.

I turn to Yuri, and I squeeze his hand. “Ready?”

He grins. “Ready.”

Outside the car, the door to the big mansion opens. Belle skips out, beaming at the tinted windows. She knows I’m here in the car. She doesn’t know about Yuri. All she knows is, I’ve just landed back in the US from my adventures abroad, and that I “want to tell her everything.”

I’ve warned her it might be strange for her. I’ve told her it’s not what she thinks. But I wasn’t exactly going to say “and by the way I’m in love with your dad” over the phone.

So, here we are. This might backfire or blow up in our faces. Yuri and I talked about hiding it; keeping it a secret so Belle wouldn’t be hurt. But neither of us wanted that. And so, after being kidnapped by two different Bratva kingpins, after being shot at, and tied up, and scared to death a hundred different times… this is about to be the scariest thing I’ve ever done.

But with Yuri next to me, I know I can do it. I have to.

I turn and kiss him slowly. Then I pull away, open the door, and step out into the California sunshine.

“You’re here!”

Belle screams as she rushes over to hug me. I quietly close the door to the town car behind me before hugging her tightly back.

“Okay! The suspense is fucking killing me! Tell me!” She laughs. “Tell me, tell me, tell me!”

I bite my lip. “I want you to know that I love you.”

She frowns curiously. “I love you too, weirdo.”

“And you’re my best friend in the world, Belle.” Tears bead at my eyes. “You’re like a sister to me.”

She frowns. “River, are you okay?”

“I can’t tell you,” I whisper. “I have to show you.”

I reach back and open the car door. And Yuri steps out. Belle stares in confusion.

Dad,” she frowns. “I didn’t know you were…” she shakes her head. “What are you do—”

She freezes. Her mouth suddenly drops open.

“Oh holy shit…”


“Holy shit!” she chokes. She backs away, and then whirls, her fingers shoving through her hair as it really hits her.

“Holy shit!” she screams up at the palm trees.

Yuri takes my hand. I squeeze it tightly as I desperately try and stave off the tears.

“Belle, I-I wasn’t looking for it, and it’s nothing we planned—”

“I fucking knew it!” she crows. She whirls, and I stutter. She’s not furious looking. She’s smiling.

“You… what?” I choke.

“I fucking knew it! That bullshit about the oil tycoon heir or whatever?!” She laughs. “I knew my dad was on his boat in the Black Sea. I mean I didn’t know, but… I wondered. I even bet Niko on it.” She grins. “He officially owes me fifty bucks.”

I stare at her. “Belle…”

“I’m not mad,” she says quietly. Her eyes dart from me, to her dad, to our hands locked together. “And if I was, fuck me, right? I mean, you’re my best friend. You’re my dad. I don’t own you two. I can’t veto how you both feel. But…” she smiles quietly. “I’m not mad.”

I let go of Yuri’s hand and step towards her. Her arms go around me as I hug her so tight she might snap.

“River,” she pulls back and takes my hands in hers. “I didn’t really know my mom, and I certainly didn’t know her with my dad.” She looks past me to her father.

“You’re someone I’m getting to know, as my family. And you?” She turns back to me and smiles. “You’re my family. So this? This thing between you two?” She shrugs with a smile. “I like it.”

Yuri clears his throat. “If you don’t…” he turns to look at me. He smiles as I slip my hands from Belle’s and entwine my fingers with his.

“Then I hope to change your mind,” he smiles at his daughter. “Because I love her, Belle. I love her with all the parts of my heart that aren’t already yours.”

Belle smiles, bringing a hand up to wipe at her eyes.

“I’m not crying, you’re crying,” she chokes with a laugh as I start to cry too. She turns to shake her head at me, grinning. “I’m really never going to call you fucking stepmom though, just so we’re clear.”

I giggle. “Hey, we’ll talk about that later.”

“No, we just did.”

I laugh as she swoops into my arms again, hugging me tight. “I love you,” she sighs. She pulls back and sinks into Yuri’s arms. “And I love you.”

I sob a cry of happiness as I throw my arms around them both.

“Shall we head inside? I was going to order tacos and margaritas.”

“Sounds perfect,” Yuri chuckles.

“Works for me, just as long as you’re brushing your teeth in time for bedtime.”

Belle turns to arch a brow at me as I grin impishly.

“Yeah, you better cut that shit out right now.”

The three of us erupt into laughter.