Owned By The Bratva King by Jagger Cole


One Year Later:

Yuri holdsthe bottle up high, the sunlight glistens off the drops of water. And then, with a grin, he swings it down against the hull. I shriek, laughing and turning away as champagne splashes everywhere. But then, everyone present cheers.

I look up, holding Yuri’s hand and beaming at the brand new yacht—the newly christened Kiska. It’s bigger, better, and even more beautiful than the one before, and ready to make her maiden voyage out onto the Black Sea.

We’re right back where we started. Only better. Only surrounded by friends and family. And this time, utterly in love.

Yuri turn to smile at me as he pulls me close. His fingers splay across the white lace gown I’m decked in. My eyes drop to his handsome as fuck suit.

“I love you,” he grins.

“I love you so fucking much,” I murmur back, looking into his eyes.


“Very, very ready,” I whisper back. Hand in hand, we turn to face the crowd of our friends and family. The priest steps up between us as we turn to gaze into each other’s eyes.

Belle is crying tears of happiness as she brings us the rings. We say the vows we’ve written for each other—in English, and in Russian, which I’ve been steadily learning. The priest finishes the blessing, and Yuri takes my hands tightly in his, looking happier and more at ease than I’ve ever seen him before.

“I do,” he whispers.

“I do,” I answer back.

We crash into each other, crushing our lips together as he takes me in his arms. First, he took me. Then, he stole me back. Now, he’s keeping me forever.

Looking for more from Yuri and River? Sign up for my newsletter and read a steamy extra scene! This isn’t an epilogue or continuation to Owned By The Bratva King. But this extra hot “follow-up” story is guaranteed to fog up your Kindle! You’ll also get a free full-length book when you join!

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