Owned By The Bratva King by Jagger Cole



I’ve barely madeit back to my private quarters before I’m ripping my belt open. I groan, sagging against the door at my back. My pants drop, and I hiss in pleasure as my hand wraps around my thick cock.

I stroke.

I stroke as imagine not pulling away from the kiss just now. I feel my cock surge and throb as I imagine pulling her dress open and dropping to my knees between her pretty thighs. My balls draw tight and swell with cum as I play out the fantasy of pushing my swollen dick into her virgin cunt and claiming her all for my own.

By the time I’m picturing the feel of her pussy clenching around me as she comes, I’m at the edge. With a groan, my dick pulses in my fist. Thick, white ropes of cum spurt from the head and spill across the floor.

My eyes close. My jaw grits. I’m losing control. I’m spinning out of control. This plan should have ended the second I saw who it was that came off that helicopter. A full-out war with the Belsky Bratva would actually be easier than trying to pretend River doesn’t destroy my walls and defenses.

My mind flashes back to the look of hurt and betrayal on her face when I told her about Semyon and why she’s here. The pain of telling her that, and of thinking of that motherfucker laying his hands on her almost ripped me apart. But it had to be done. She had to be told.

I close my eyes. Because she is not mine. She cannot be mine.

I should have sent her back. I should have walked away from this. But now, I can’t. Or maybe I won’t. Maybe both.

Now, I’m in too deep. There’s no going back now. God help her.

I glanceover at her as the helicopter starts to descend. River is looking out the window, her long, blonde-red hair tied up in an elaborate bun atop her head. She reaches down to play with the hem of her summer dress. My jaw clenches as my eyes sweep over her bare thighs.

I don’t relish the idea of showing her off to a pig like Semyon. But I need her looking like this for this meeting. I need him constantly looking at her, reminding him of what’s at stake here. He needs the visceral, visual reminder of what he’ll lose if he fails to give me what I want.

The sudden thought of giving this girl to him sends a stab of fury through my very soul. I snarl and turn away from her, glaring down at the downtown Odesa office building we’re about to land on top of.

This is neutral ground. The modern building is owned by Petya Gagarina—the oligarch who Semyon and I both do lots of business with. Meeting here is an assurance that a peace will be observed, at least for this meeting. We will behave as gentleman… or at least, as much as gentlemen as men like me are capable of being.

I drag my eyes up to the side of her face. She hasn’t looked at me the whole ride over from the yacht. She’s barely spoken a word to me. I know it’s all from last night—telling her about this meeting and why I really took her.

But so be it, I tell myself, repeatedly. So be it. This is business. This is what it takes to run an empire. A king does not save a pawn. A king uses the pawns available to him to win. End of story.

The helicopter touches down. Maksim and a few other well-trusted men have come with us, for security. They step out first, and I eye the frosty looks between my men and Semyon’s who are waiting for us.

The chopper engine shuts off. Maksim turns to nod at me.

“Let’s go.”

“Fine,” River snaps.

She steps out first, arms folded across her chest. We walk down the stairs from the helipad down into the modern office building. The meeting room is through a door at the end of a glassed-in hallway. But when we get there, I nod for Maksim and my men to go in first. When River goes to follow, I suddenly grab her and yank her back.

She gasps as I shove her against the wall, my pulse thudding. I growl as I press close to her, my eyes burning into hers.

What?” she snaps.

“I don’t relish this meeting,” I snarl. “Just so we’re clear.”

“Oh, well, thank you for clarifying, sir,” she spits back.

My eyes narrow. “Do you think I enjoy this?”

She laughs coldly. “Do you really want me to answer that question?”


Her eyes snap to mine. Her mouth thins. “Then yes, I do. Because I think you’re a cold-hearted psychopath with a God complex who fancies himself a fucking king.” She smiles a sneering, sarcastic smile. “So you, your highness. I actually think you’re enjoying the shit out of trading me to a fucking rival like a bargaining—”

I snap. Before she can even finish dressing me down, I snarl and shove her against the wall as my mouth slams into hers. I kiss her fiercely—punishingly. I kiss her hard enough to bruise, until she’s whimpering into my mouth.

And then suddenly, she pulls back. Her eyes flash with green fire. And suddenly, her hand is slapping me across the face.

I stare at her with a mix of fury and shock. She stares back in absolute horror at what she’s just done. But she has just done it. I snarl quietly, my blood boiling as my teeth bare at her. She swallows, her face paling.


“Let’s go,” I snarl. I grab her arm, turn, and yank her through the door into the meeting room. Inside, there’s a long, old wooden conference table lined with designer chairs. And at the head of the table opposite the door is the little piggy himself.

“Semyon,” I smile thinly. “You’re looking fit.”

He frowns. “I am?”

“No, not really.”

He glares at me. But then his eyes land on River and spark. I grit my teeth in fury. I hate that he’s looking at her like that. I turn to glance at my men and his lining the walls to either side of the table.

“Let’s dispense with the spectators, shall we?”

Semyon frowns. But then he nods. “Fine.” He turns to his men. “Ubiraysya,” he grunts. Get out.

I watch Semyon’s men leave through the door opposite me. I turn to nod at Maksim. He mutters to my other men, and they all file out the door we came in. Then, it’s just me, Semyon, and River.

I take her arm, still throbbing with… something from the way she slapped me. I pull her towards one of the two chairs at this head of the table.

Sit,” I grunt.

She does as I say, smoothing her dress down as she takes a seat. I sit in the chair next to her. My hands steeple on the table in front of me as I eye my rival.

“You’re a real bastard, Yuri,” Semyon mutters.

I shrug. “I am what I am.”

He glares at me. “You think this will work on me? Bringing her here all dressed up looking beautiful?”

We’re speaking in Russian. But River can tell by the way we keep glancing at her that she’s the subject matter of this back-and-forth.

“She is beautiful, isn’t she?” I growl, turning to let my eyes slide over her. I turn back to see Semyon looking furious. “And that’s clothed.”

He bristles. “This is not how business is done, Yuri.”

“This is exactly how this business will be done.”

He looks away, shaking his head. “No.”

I frown. “No?”

“I said no!” he snaps, whirling back to glare at me. “I know you think of me as an idiot, Yuri.”

“That isn’t true, Semyon.” I smile. “I don’t think of you as an idiot. I just know you are.”

He bristles. But he catches the outburst before it happens.

“This isn’t going to work, you motherfucker,” he hisses through clenched teeth. “Not this time. You aren’t going to bully and provoke me into giving you whatever the fuck you think you’re going to get from me.” He shrugs. “Have her. Keep her. There will be other women for me to claim.”

I smile thinly. Semyon is a terrible bluffer. But just the same, I can see he needs to be pushed; provoked. He needs to be reminded.

I turn to smile at River. “She’s gorgeous, isn’t she.” I reach out. She gasps, half turning to me when my knuckles brush her cheek. Her face reddens as her eyes find mine.

What are you doing?” she hisses quietly.

Business,” I growl. I turn back to Semyon and smile. “I’ve been told you’ve been thinking about settling down, Semyon.” I grin. “Marriage, was it?”

He bristles. “Who told you that?”

“People. So don’t try and bluff me, you dumb fuck. You are bad at it.”

He grits his teeth. But then he shrugs. “I do not care anymore, Yuri. Keep her. You’re not getting shit from me.”


I smile. My pulse thuds. And suddenly, my hand drops to her knee beneath the table. River gasps. She whirls to me, and her own hand drops to grab mine, as if to pull it away. But I grip her tighter, staring at the man across the table.

“You’re sure about that, Semyon?”

His nostrils flare. He can’t see, because of the table. But he can see where my hand is. I grip her knee tighter. And then slowly, my hand begins to slide up her thigh. She gasps sharply. Her hand grips mine, trying to pry my fingers from her. But when I don’t budge, she stops trying. Her fingers grip around my wrist—not fighting me, but almost like she’s hanging on for whatever comes next.

I slide my hand higher, and her face burns red. Semyon glares at me, then her, then back to me.

“What the fuck are you—”

“Nothing that concerns you, Semyon,” I growl. “Just enjoying what you’ve clearly told me I can keep as my own.”

My hand slides higher, pushing her dress to the side. River stiffens, gasping quietly. Her eyes dart to mine, her teeth raking over her lip.

What the fuck are you—

“This,” I snarl quietly. My hand pushes even higher under her dress. And suddenly, my knuckles are brushing the soft lace of her panties, right across her little slit.

River quivers, gasping as a soft whimper escapes her lips. I groan, feeling my cock surge in my pants. But I drag my eyes from her to the fucker across the table. He’s staring at me in horror.

Stop that,” he chokes.

I smile thinly. “Stop what?”

My hand rotates, palm against her pussy through her now damp and warm panties. River’s hand clutches my wrist. But I can tell she’s not trying to pull me away. She’s just holding on, trembling against me.

I let one of my fingers drag up her seam. She moans quietly and I feel her get even wetter through her panties.

“Stop that!” Semyon barks. “Stop it, Yuri!!”

I grin as I turn to him again. “Stop what, you little worm?”

His face is bright red with fury. “Stop… stop touching her!”

“What, like this?”

My fingers deftly pull her soaking wet panties to the side. River chokes and gasps around a halting moan as my finger strokes up through her bare lips. This time, she goes to pull my hand away. But I don’t let her. I keep it right where it is, and I’m much stronger than her.

She whimpers and tugs at my hand. But I keep stroking her eager little cunt, feeling her wetness coating my fingers. She chokes out another moan, and I watch as her eyes roll back.

“Enough!” Semyon roars. “Enough, Yuri!”

I turn to smile at him. “Not yet it’s not, you motherfucker,” I snap.

My fingers part her lips and center on her clit. I start to rub in slow circles, rolling the little nub beneath the pads of two fingers. She whines quietly. She’s still grabbing my hand, but she’s not trying to pull me away anymore. It’s like she’s making sure I don’t.

Her breath comes faster, haltingly. Her pussy gushes wetness onto my fingers. Her hips push, greedy and desperate for more. I rub her clit around and around, until suddenly, her hands clench my wrist tightly as her bright red face scrunches up.


And suddenly, she’s coming for me. Right there at the negotiating table, she’s coming on my fingers and desperately trying not to cry out in pleasure.

I keep rolling her clit as she comes, until she’s shuddering against me. Slowly, I pull my hand away. With the blood roaring in my ears, I slowly turn to Semyon.

He looks like he’s about to explode. He looks like he wants to kill me right here and now with his bare hands, even if this is neutral ground.

You son of a bitch,” he chokes, sputtering in rage. His head shakes. “You son of a fucking—”

“Your entire construction sector,” I say evenly. “All of it, Semyon. And half of your narcotics trade.”

His jaw drops. His eyes look like they might actually pop out of his head.

“I will kill you for this,” he snarls dangerously.

“You have two days to think of my offer. After that, I ask for more. Or else…” I turn to let my eyes sweep over River, who’s blushing furiously and staring down at her hands.

“Or else maybe I have more than a taste next time, hmm, Semyon?”

His chair falls back as he stands abruptly. He’s shaking all over, his face red and his eyes furious. He jabs a finger at me. But when he opens his mouth, all he can do is sputter. With a snarl, he turns and storms out of the room through the door behind him, letting it slam behind him.

Instantly, River’s chair does the same as Semyon’s as she lurches to her feet. She whirls on me, fury on her face as she shakes her head.

Fuck you,” she snaps.

When I say nothing, her eyes flash with green fire.

“You disgusting pig!”

“A pig?” I smile thinly. “Tell me, kiska, do pigs usually make you come like that?”

Her face blushes deeply. But she’s still glaring at me with fury in her eyes. My eyes hold hers as I bring my hand up to my face. Slowly, I open my mouth, suck my fingers inside, and wetly lick them clean. Her mouth falls open. Her eyes are wide as the blush throbs hotly on her cheeks.

And then suddenly, she slaps me again, hard.

Fuck you,” she spits as she whirls for the door. “We’re fucking done here.” She makes it half a step before my hand shoots out. I grab her wrist with a snarl and yank her back as I stand abruptly.

Once again, I’ve miscalculated. Once again, I thought of myself as stronger. And once again, I was fucking wrong.

River gasps as I yank her back into my arms. My hand cups her face, the other holding her wrist behind her at the small of her back.

“We are done here when I say we’re done here.”

And instantly, my mouth is crushing to hers, fiercely. I groan as I kiss her. And when she whimpers back into my mouth, I know there’s no coming back from this.

A line has been crossed. An unwritten law has been shattered. And suddenly, I know the rules of warfare have changed.

I growl as I kiss her deeply. But I want more. I need more. The one little taste of her sweet pussy from my fingers isn’t enough. It’s on my tongue like the first hit of a drug. And now, the addiction is sinking its claws into me.

My mouth sears to hers, kissing her deeply as she moans into my mouth. With a snarl, I whirl us and slam her back against the conference table. I slide her ass up onto it, groaning as her legs wrap around my waist.

I push her back as my mouth dives to her neck. My hands skim down her sides to grip her hips. I drop between her legs as I shove them wide apart.

Oh God…” she cries out as I grip her panties. My knuckles brush over her slippery little pussy before I yank the soaked lace down her legs. I snarl, and my mouth presses between her trembling thighs. My tongue suddenly touches her silky soft lips, and I groan at the sweet taste of her.

“Oh fuck!” She moans as my tongue drags through her lips. I groan, pushing my tongue into her.

Fuck me, she tastes like candy. She tastes like heaven. She tastes like she’s all fucking mine.

My tongue delves deep, eager to drink every drop of her sweet sticky cream. I drag it up to her clit, humming against her as I suck the nub between my lips. River cries out, her thighs clamping around my head as her body clenches tightly.

She moans, shuddering on the conference table. Her hips raise up against my mouth. Her eagerness makes my dick throb and pulse between my legs. I hum into her, sucking her clit between my lips. I tongue it in small circles, gripping her creamy skin tightly. Her body quivers and shudders against me as her whines fill the room.


And with a wrench of her hips and a jolt through her entire body, she’s coming against my tongue.

She moans and thrashes, trembling as I keep licking and sucking. I growl into her, tasting her sweetness deeply as I demand the orgasm from her supple young body.

When I pull away, she’s staring at me with awe; her eyes wide and her cheeks flushed.

Now,” I growl quietly as I pull her off the table. I push her skirt down. But then I bring her panties up and slip them into my jacket pocket. I cup her chin and kiss her hard, letting her taste her own sweetness from my lips.

“Now, we are done here.”