Nolan by Lane Hart, D.B. West

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Rita, meet Charlotte McNamara, Roman’s wife, and Madison Monroe, our city’s mayor and Cannon’s girl,” Nolan says, introducing me to the beautiful blonde and classy brunette as soon as they walk into the clubhouse.

“Hi, nice to meet you.” I reach out and shake both of their hands.

“Since they know the town, they offered to go, ah, dress shopping or whatever with you today,” he explains.

“You aren’t coming with me?” I ask him in surprise.

“Nah, I’ve got some MC shit to handle and more wedding plans to make. Besides, it’s bad luck to see the dress before the I dos. But I’ll see you tonight in the gardens?”

“Yes, definitely,” I agree since that’s where we decided to have the ceremony.

Nolan pulls his wallet from his back jean pocket, the one attached to a chain so it won’t go flying out when he rides his bike. He removes a credit card and holds it out to me. “Here.”

“No, thanks. I still have the cash you gave me.”

“Take it and use it,” he insists.

“Are you sure?” I ask.

“Yes!” he says. “Buy whatever you want. No limit.” I start to protest, but then he reaches around and tucks the card into my back pocket of my jean shorts, then grabs my ass. “You only get one wedding, right?” he asks as his amber eyes lock on mine, making me understand the deeper meaning of the question. He wants to know if I really think this can work between us.

“Right,” I agree. “For better or for worse. I’m ready.”

“Good,” he says with what sounds like relief.

His hands come up to wrap around my waist, pulling me to him to plant a deep kiss on my lips, one that is slightly inappropriate for bystanders. But when I sneak a glance around him, the women don’t look the least bit offended. A few of the guys on their way out the door let loose a whistle, though.

“Love you, Cherry Pie,” he whispers into my hair before he lets me go.

“Love you too,” I tell him, and he gives me a rare full-on smile.

Brushing a lock of my hair back behind my ear, Nolan says, “I should’ve told you that before, years ago. That morning you were leaving for work I started to but didn’t. If I had, then maybe you wouldn’t have given up on me so fast.”

I nod my agreement, wishing he had told me how he felt. I had thought he loved me then, but I wasn’t sure if he just loved our time together in bed when we were naked or if he enjoyed the nights I was too exhausted to move and he would just hold me.

“Jake! Lucas!” he calls out to the prospects, who scramble off their barstools to come over and stand at attention next to the door.

“You two are staying here and going with the women, taking them wherever they want to go, but you better not take your eyes off them for even an instant. If even one strand of her strawberry blonde hair is hurt, I’ll have your balls. You hear me?” Nolan asks them.

Both reply quickly with a, “Yes, sir,” while Jake adds four words, “Loud and fucking clear.”

“Good,” my fierce protector says. He grabs my left hand, giving it a squeeze. “We’re going to need rings for this finger. I’ll handle them and everything else.”

“Okay,” I agree with a smile, and then he lets go and walks out the door. All the motorcycles loudly rumble a moment later, and then they’re gone.

“Where are they going?” I ask the women and prospects when we’re the only ones left in the bar other than Leo, the bartender.

“No clue,” Jake answers.

“Roman didn’t say,” Charlotte says.

“Neither did Cannon,” Madison replies. “You’ll get used to it. Most of the time it’s better to not even ask. They’re big boys. They can take care of themselves.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I agree. “So, do you two really want to go dress shopping with me, or did Nolan just think I needed more escorts?”

“Why would you need an escort?” Madison asks as she narrows her eyes at the prospects.

“There’s a gigantic fucker who wants to snatch her and carry her up his beanstalk,” Lucas supplies.

The women smile like it’s a joke, but I tell them, “That’s not all that far from the truth.”

Charlotte laughs. “Okay, so we’ll make sure to avoid giants. Shouldn’t be a problem. Men stay away from bridal stores like they think they’re cursed.”

“No kidding,” Madison agrees. “I don’t even use the M word around Cannon, because I’m afraid he’ll break out in hives and bolt like a nervous filly.”

“He’ll come around to the idea,” Charlotte assures the otherwise confident-looking woman.

“I’m not so sure,” Madison responds as we head out the door to the parking lot. “You don’t know Cannon. I’m only his second girlfriend. He’s not the type to put a ring on it.”

“How long have you two been together?” I ask her.

“A few months,” Madison answers. “And we do live together…”

“That’s a great start,” Charlotte says, and I voice my agreement.

And while I just met the two women, I can already tell that we’re going to get along just fine.