Alien Desire by Hannah Haze

Chapter fifteen - Emma

Iwake in the night to a fever. My skin rages with heat and I’m damp with sweat. A powerful pain radiates through my gut and I roll onto my side and groan in misery. I must have caught some unfamiliar illness, brought on by the cold.

Tor rests his hand against my forehead and his eyes are full of concern, the gold irises darting about frantically and his jet pupils dilated.

“I’m sick,” I tell him, kicking off the covers, my teeth rattling like they did after my fall.

“You are going into heat, Omega.”

“Yes, I have a temperature. Can you fetch me the medical pack so I can take some medicine for the fever?” Then I need to find a way to hobble into the medical scanner and work out what’s wrong with me.

My neck itches like mad and wetness floods my underwear. Did I get my period? Was that why I’ve been so irritable? I’m sure I’m not due for another two weeks. But my mind is foggy and I’m finding it difficult to get a grip on my thoughts.

“No, Omega. You are going into your heat cycle. Your period of fertility.”

I don’t know what he’s talking about. All this rubbish about Omegas and mating. I think kissing Tor has given him strange ideas. And yes perhaps I share those strange ideas too, and the talk of mating and sex left me pretty flustered, but we are different species. We are not compatible.

Although right now I look at his long fingers and have a sudden urge, an overwhelmingly strong urge, for him to touch me where I am wet.

Fuck, I really really want him to touch me where I am wet.

What is wrong with me?

“I need to leave you and lock the door,” Tor says, his jaw tightening. “I can not be around an Omega in heat. It will drive me into rut and then…”

Then … Then ….

I want to know what happens after ‘then’. I need to find out what happens after then. I have no idea what a rut is but it sounds perfect.

He stands up and begins to walk away, and every single molecule of my body screams at me to stop him, to not let this Alpha leave me like this.


Since when did I start thinking of him as an Alpha?

“Wait,” I say, crawling up to my knees despite the cramps in my stomach. “Don’t leave me. Stay, please Tor.”

His hands ball into fists and colour crashes across his body. His tail whips around angrily. He screws shut his eyes and won’t look at me. “No, Emma,” he whispers. “I won’t mate you when you don’t want me to.”

Mate me? Yes, yes that sounds wonderful, amazing, incredible. Mating is exactly what I want to do. I scrabble at my underwear, trying to wriggle my shorts down over my hips. He needs to touch me and mate me.

I’m in a craze, a frantic, maddening craze. I need to come. I need to come now. I’ve never needed to come so badly in my life.

“Please,” I moan, kicking the shorts to the floor. I’m so wet between my legs, but it isn’t blood as I’d expected. It’s the wetness I get when I’m turned on, except there’s never been this much before. My body wants me to be fucked. It is taking over my brain, telling it exactly what is needed to take away this pain and this insistent longing.

He growls through his teeth and dark colours I’ve not seen on his skin before swoop like bats in nighttime skies. I whimper and shiver.

Then he comes to tower over me and I lie back spreading my legs for him, wanting him so badly to fill me up. I don’t care what with; his tongue, his fingers, whatever the damn huge thing I can see straining in his pants is. Actually, maybe that. I can smell it through his clothes and it smells divine, making me pant and dizzy and my mouth water.

“If I mate you, Omega, I will never be able to let you go. You’ll have to come with me to Astia.”

“Yes, yes, anything,” I beg.

“You don’t understand the consequences of this decision, Omega.”

Omega. The word makes me shiver all over. I want him to say it again and again in that deep, melodic voice of his.

“You’ll never be able to go home,” he says seriously.

I freeze.


It suddenly appears so distant. So vague. My memories of it I realise are growing fainter and fainter each day, sustained only by the computer-generated images.

I roll up and hug my knees. Big fat tears roll down my cheeks and drip onto my chest.

Home. Where is my home? Is it really the planet I left behind three years ago? Is it with the people I am severed from? Where do I belong? Who do I belong to?

No one. No where. I am alone in the universe. It is why no one has come to find me.

But Tor has. Tor has come to find me. Tor risked his life to save me. He’s learnt a new language just to speak with me. Trekked out in the storm to find me. But now, when it comes to it, he doesn’t want me. He doesn’t want to commit himself to me. To be forced to mate me and take me back to his planet to be his forever.

“It doesn’t have to be forever,” I choke back a sob, “It can just be for now.

“It is not possible. The Omega I mate will be mine forever.”

He crouches down in front of me so our eyes are level and lifts my chin with a shaky hand.

“I don’t want to take away your choices, Emma. But if I impregnate you — if you bear my child — you will have to come home with me.” He swipes away a tear with his thumb. “A heat is uncomfortable without an Alpha but it is bearable. It will last three days and then it will be over.”

“It’s ok. I can’t get pregnant, if that’s what you’re worried about. I got the contraceptive shot. They won’t let you on missions without it.”

“What is a contraceptive shot?”

“An injection of hormones to stop you getting pregnant.”

“It stops you from conceiving?”


“But then…” His face is a battle of confusion and passion.

“I want you,” I whisper. I know my body is flooded with lust and longing, my mind befuddled, but this one feeling I know to be true. I want to be with him. Not just now. Not just for the three days of my heat, or until our respective rescue ships come to find us. I lied. I want to be with him forever. It is such a crazy idea. How long have I known him? Two weeks?

“Emma,” he says, closing his eyes. His scent is so intense I know how hard he is fighting to resist me, and it only makes me want him more. I see him. He is good and kind. Why wouldn’t I want him? “I’m trying to do the right thing.”

“I know,” I say, stroking his face, tracing the ridge of his cheekbone. “This is the right thing. We don’t have to go back to Astia. There are three universes out there — ones we could explore together. I could show you Earth.” I pause, thinking. We can be together in a way that suits us both. It must be possible. “This is fate, destiny. It pulled us together. It wants us together. This heat is just another way it’s forcing us to be together.”

“We don’t even know if it’s possible,” he mutters.

“No,” I say, “but I trust you.”

I pull back a little and lift my cami top over my head, leaving me naked in front of him. His eyes roam hungrily over my chest, inspecting the roundness of my breasts and the peaks of my nipples, creasing and hardening under his gaze.

Taking his hand in mine, I guide him there, letting him cup my breast in his hand. His scent and his hues swirl together like whirlpools, and I shudder under the touch of his thumb grazing over my nipple. Leaning down, he kisses my clavicle, a soft kiss that starts a trail, down to my breast and then finally, finally to my nipple. Here he kisses it sweetly, chastely, before sucking it hungrily into his mouth and massaging it with the suck of his cheeks.

“Oh,” I moan as more wetness comes flooding from me and everything between my legs throbs with anticipation. I am so swollen and tender and ready for him, and what he is doing to my breast with his mouth just makes me more needy, more determined for him to have me.

“It feels good?” he asks me, looking up at me with amazement.

I bite my bottom lip and nod. He takes the other nipple in his mouth and swirls his tongue around the tip, before chewing it gently between his teeth. It sends sparks darting into my chest and my cunt clenches.

“I’ve never done this before,” he tells me.

“Neither have I,” I remind him. “We’ll work it out together.”

His kisses descend my body, over my ribs and my stomach to the line of curls and the swollen lips of my sex. Here he halts.

“I am unfamiliar—”

I take his hand.

“Here, this is my clitoris,” I hear myself say the words and am amazed at my own bluntness. I’ve never spoken about this with another living soul before. Never even said that word out loud. “If you touch me here, it will give me pleasure.” He presses it with his forefinger and I shudder. Catching my breath, I continue. “This is my vagina,” I consider, “but I’d prefer if we call it my cunt — this is where,” I swallow, “it is where you can … it will bring us both pleasure.”

“And this?” he asks, stroking my anus and making me shudder again.

“My anus.”

I peer down at his face and can read the confusion. It makes me giggle and he looks up at me and smiles that new smile of his.

“This is informative, Emma,” he tells me, “but how do you humans mate?”

“If humans want to make children. Then sperm from the penis must be released into the vagina.” I sound like a science teacher. It’s not exactly dirty talk.

“Sperm is seed?” he asks me.

“Yes, but … Tor, it is like the kissing. There are many things we can do … other than making children.”

“Gryton only do this to create new life.”

“You don’t do it for pleasure?”


I don’t believe that it won’t bring him pleasure. No one could enjoy kissing as much as he does, could suck on my tits like he just has, and not enjoy what we are about to try.

“Do you pleasure yourselves then? I mean, when you are alone?”

“I don’t understand.”

“Take off your clothes, Alpha,” I tell him.

He bristles under the order but does as I say, stripping off first his top. I can see how well his wound has healed, barely a blemish remaining where his flesh was mangled. Then he removes his trousers, loosening the waist band and rolling the tight material down over his hips and revealing a deep V of muscle below his rows of abdominals. I hold my breath in anticipation but my view is blocked as he leans forward to tug his trousers down his thick thighs and toned calves.

I knew he was large and powerful but as he rolls up to stand, I appreciate just how strong he is, all raging muscle, toned to perfection. And between his legs stands perfection itself. Hard and curved, promising me everything I am desperate for.

His sex is similar to that of a human penis, although much larger than any I’ve seen on film, in pictures or via accidental glimpses in shared changing rooms. The head is bulbous and reminds me of the petals of a flower and below it the shaft is ringed with ridges not dissimilar to the ones that line his face.

Like the rest of him his hardness swarms with colour, although they are the darkest I have seen here, deep blues and reds and purples. It is swollen and hungry looking and despite its intimidating size I want it inside me.

He watches me examining him. I want to tell him that his cock is beautiful but I’m not sure it is the right word.

“You’ve never been with anyone,” I say, “but you must make yourself come.” I search for a better phrase, the one he’d use. “How do you release your seed?”

“I have never released my seed. Why would I if not to impregnate an Omega?”

“Because it feels good. Like kissing.”

Colours rush across his chest. “I want to kiss you now.”

“Where?” I ask him, breathless, my cunt throbbing. I am amazed at my own ability to hold this conversation. My body is a wet puddle of need and my head so foggy every thought is an effort.

He growls low before he answers, setting shivers racing across my skin. Stalking towards me, he pushes me backwards and kneels between my legs, taking a thigh in each of his hands.

“Here. I want to kiss you here.”

“Yes,” I gasp.

Nobody has ever done this to me before, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since he started kissing me with those plump lips and that skilled tongue.

More wetness flows from me and before I have time to comprehend what’s happening, he leans down and swipes along my seam with his tongue, scooping up the slick and making me jolt.

“Hmmm,” he murmurs against me, the vibration intense, “delicious.”

He does it a second time, deeper and more deliberate, sweeping straight from my anus over my entrance, between my lips and to my clit. As he hits it I shudder and moan, the feeling electric, and he looks up at me from between my legs, his golden eyes glittering, and kisses my nub. Gentle little pecks at first, a fleeting tease each time that has me pleading for more. Then the kisses grow stronger, sloppier, and he sucks me into his mouth. I scream as my body tenses and I fist the sheets.

I was already so close to the brink before he started and now I’m right there at the summit. He groans into me and circles my clit with his tongue, then flicks at it and I tumble right over the edge into an ocean of ecstasy. I haven’t come this hard for years. Maybe ever.

Wave after wave crashes through my body beginning at my core and sailing right to my toes and my fingers, and my body tosses and tumbles in the surf, anchored only by the strong grip of his hands.

When all is calm, I reach for his head, cupping his face in my hands and bringing him towards me. He comes willingly, pressing his warm, naked body against mine. Then rolls onto his side to lie beside me.

“What happened?” he asks me. His face glistens with my slick. He looks filthy and more delicious than I’ve ever seen him.

“You made me come.” His blank expression tells me he doesn’t understand. “I orgasmed.”

“It seemed … good.”

I laugh, my body still buzzing from my high, my raging lust doused. “It was more than good.” I flop back on the bed, grinning like a cat that just got the cream, and bury my face in my hands. “It was amazing.”

He takes hold of my wrist and gently pulls my hands away. “You looked very beautiful, Emma,” he says, and I lean up and kiss him, tasting myself on his lips and on his tongue.

Twisting me onto my side, he lies beside me and we face one another as he presses me against him. One of his hands grips at my waist and the other sweeps down my spine and over my arse.

I let my own hands skirt over the ridges of his chest and the plane of his stomach and down to his cock. It is hot beneath my fingers and when I grip it in my fist, he grunts so loudly, bucking his hips so violently, that I think he might come then and there, spill straight into my hands.

“Ok?” I whisper into his mouth.

“Yes,” he groans, “Yes.”

I glide my fist up and down his shaft, feeling the ridges beneath the soft skin, the swollen bulb of his head, the puckered skin at the base, and his fingers dig into the flesh of my hip and his mouth stalls. His chin tips backwards and his eyelids flutter, the colours of his skin exploding across his body like fireworks.

I could get lost in the colours. They are the most wondrous thing I have seen in all the universe.

“Is it good?” I whisper.

His bottom lip quivers as if he’s trying to answer but he’s too lost to sensation. I increase the speed, and he grasps his own hand around mine, forcing me to hold him more tightly and together we build the pressure.

He’s going to come. He’s so close. But I don’t want him to come like this. For his first time to be like this. I want him to remember this, remember me, forever. I want his first time to be with me, in me. I want him to fill me up with his come. I want his cock inside me. I want him inside me.

I wriggle my hips forward, mewling like a kitten, guiding him towards me. His eyes spring open.

“Fuck me,” I beg him, “Fuck me.”

The head of his cock nudges at my entrance.

“Omega,” he growls so deeply the bed beneath us shakes. “Omega.”

“Please, Please.”

He sucks air through his teeth sharply, his grip so hard at my hip he’ll leave bruises. “Emma, are you sure?”

I am sure. It is crazy, stupid and illogical. But I am. Something far bigger than ourselves is driving us together. We are destined to belong. He is already in my heart and now I want him in my body. I am desperate for it.

“Yes, Alpha,” I say resolutely. “You can have me, all of me, come in me.”

He grips me firmly and yanks me closer. Then he regains his control and pushes his cock forward.

“Here?” he asks, as I part for him, letting him inside.

“Yes,” I murmur, gripping his shoulders. He is large and he stretches me wide. I grind my molars together as he inches inside, opening me up further. I look up at him and his eyes are shimmering like nothing I’ve seen before.

“Ok?” he asks me.

“Yes, don’t stop.”

“I’m not hurting you?”

“No, Alpha.” He likes it when I call him that and it drives him onwards, pushing and pushing. Soon he’s stretched me wider, reaching further than anything before. There’s nowhere left for him to go, no more of him that I can take, and yet he claims more. Soon I’m full of him, entirely devoured, taken over. And it’s too much, he’s too big.

“Stop,” I hiss. “No more.”

He growls at me. “More Emma. You’re an Omega — you can take all of me.”

I shake my head, gritting my teeth. “No.”

“Omega,” he says, low and deep. “Omega look at me.” I meet his glittering eyes, alight with passion and flame. “I’m not done yet. Let me have all of you.”

I cannot refuse him.

“Yes, Alpha,” I submit, eyes fixed on his, already relaxing around him,

He thrusts in further. And then he bottoms out with a deep groan, his hips flush to mine.

We pant. Anchored together. Finally one. It feels so right I wonder why we haven’t done this sooner. What stopped us when he was made to fit me?

“Good,” he grunts. “Your cunt is so tight and perfect, Omega.”

And he is perfect too. But I need more. I need friction. I need the full force, the whole weight of him.

“Move,” I tell him.

He knows what I mean. He wants to. But he hesitates. “It isn’t the Gryton way.”

“It is the human way and I need it, Alpha.”

“I will hurt you.”

I dig my nails deep into the flesh of his shoulders and rotate my hips, creating the movement I need. I’m so wet he slides easily inside me. It makes us both gasp, electricity sparking between us, and any resolve he has snaps.

He flips me onto my back, climbing on top of me, and thrusts. Deep powerful thrusts that whip my breath away and all I can do is cling to him.

Now I see what a truly powerful creature he is. So much bigger and stronger than me in every way. An animal. All emotion and instinct. Grunting and groaning on top of me.

I can’t breathe. I can’t think. I only feel. And I feel like I’ve never done before. As if he’s pumping life back into my dormant body. As if this friction is sparking me up, lighting every nerve, electrifying every vessel. I buzz and sizzle and glow.

“This is what you were made for, little Omega,” he says, his voice heavy with lust. “To take my cock and my seed. And I am going to rut you like this whenever I want.” The rest of his words are lost to a deep grunt of pleasure.

“Yes, Alpha. Rut me, fuck me, have me.”

“Because you’re mine. All mine now.”

I’ve never come from my own fingers inside me. I didn’t think it was possible. But the Alpha hits a spot inside me, the ridges of his cock stimulating my walls, and it flicks a switch that drives me wild. I writhe and wriggle beneath him. Begging for more, pleading for him to never stop. I want him harder and faster and deeper. Needing everything. And he keeps up his relentless barrage, drilling into me over and over and over.

I’m so close, so close, so close.

I can’t hold on, I can’t, I can’t…

“Ahhh,” I moan as I come, the sound dragged from deep within my body.

And I soar, the world left far beneath me. My ears ring. My sight swims with gold. I am all lit up. Alive.

And then he’s pumping himself inside me, and my cunt clutches and clenches hungrily around him, wanting his come.

“Omega,” he pants, “so good, so good. I’m going to,” he groans, “going to knot you.”

I don’t know what he means but then he expands at my entrance, growing suddenly bigger, stretching me to my limit. The pain makes me scream and my eyes swim with tears. What’s happening?

But then it stops, and the pain subsides, consumed instead by pleasure that radiates from my cunt right to my core.

“Wh- what happened?” I ask, as he struggles to keep from collapsing on top of me.

“I knotted you, Omega.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve locked us together. It increases the chances of procreation.”

I wriggle, finding the expansion of his cock at his base has moulded us together.

“Why, why did you do that? I told you this is for pleasure, not,” I wince, “babies. I told you I had the shot. I can’t get pregnant.” I’ve never given children a consideration. Not once.

“I know. But knotting is instinctual. Not something I can control.”

He rolls onto his back taking me with him and stares at the ceiling.

“Are you angry with me?” I ask.

“No, no. How could I be? I’m just … that was so different from what I imagined.”

“Good different? Or bad different?” I lie against his hard warm body, watching the colours of his skin shimmer beneath me.

“Good different,” he says seriously. “I did not know it could be like that between two beings. That I could feel such …”

“You don’t think it is like this when your dad and his cronies,” I struggle for the best way to phrase this, “do this with their Omegas?”

He pulls a face like he’s just eaten a sour grape. “If it is, they have kept it from us. If the other Alphas knew of this ecstasy, they’d have stormed the Omega compound long ago.” He locks his eyes on mine. “But I think it is because of you, Omega. I don’t think it would be this way with a Gryton.”

I’m not convinced. But I’d never imagined my first time would be like that. I’d heard first times were uncomfortable, or sloppy, or fumbling. It’s one of the reasons I’ve avoided it. That and not finding anyone I wanted to do it with. “I never imagined it would be like that either.”

I think of my crew mates, of Jacob especially. He liked me, I’m pretty sure of that. He’d tried to flirt with me, had made it clear in his subtle way that he’d be game for some carnal fun, but I’d pushed him away like everyone else. I didn’t want him to get too close.

Stroking my spine, Tor muses, “It has been drummed into me for such a long time, my whole life in fact, that this act had no purpose other than to create new life. That it was a necessary burden to be borne in order to create the next generation of Alphas, the leaders of the future. But this was no burden. I would willingly do this with you over and over again even though we can not make children together.”

I smile into his chest. “Like the kissing.”

“I think it is even better than the kissing.”

“Me too.”

“Am I very different,” he asks me “from a human man?” He’s seen pictures the computer has shown him, but those men were clothed.

“Not so different.” I push up on one elbow and stroke my palm across his chest. “You have no nipples and your flesh is thicker than a human’s.”

“And my sex?”

My cheeks heat. “Bigger and a human man can’t do this knotting thing.”

A look of smug satisfaction passes over his face.

“And am I so different?”

“Gryton females do not have these.” He cups my left breast and jiggles it in his hands, making me giggle with pleasure. “Well, only when they have a child to feed, but then this is only for a short time. Normally they have a chest no different from my own.”

“And their sex?”

“Similar, although it was never described to me as something quite as soft or as delicious as yours. And they don’t have this little button of pleasure.”

His hand drops between us and he twirls his finger around my clit. He is an astonishingly quick learner. His fingers already know how to play me and his action stirs my desire and soon I’m falling into bliss again.

There’s no going back now. We’ve opened Pandora’s box and unleashed a storm of chaotic desire and passion.