Final Extraction by Julie Trettel


Chapter 20




I stood there in shock as Silas stomped away. He was really angry, and I wasn’t certain what I’d done to piss him off.

The worst part was that I had this undeniable desire to follow him and beg his forgiveness. That’s when I saw Taylor going after him. My gorilla raged in fury.


I had the strong urge to curl up and hide. I felt terrible and tears pricked my eyes.

Grant was walking by and noticed. “Hi Vada.” His entire demeanor changed when he really looked at me. “Are you okay? Where’s Silas?”

I frowned. “He left with Taylor.”

“Oh, I guess something came up. Still, are you alright?”

“You’re not worried about your mate?”

He shrugged. “T’s a big girl. She can handle herself.”

“But she’s yours.”

“What are you getting at, Vada?”

“Well she’s your mate, right? You own her and yet you just let her run off chasing another man? I don’t understand.”

He looked at me like I was crazy. “She’s my mate, yes, but I don’t own her, Vada. Taylor’s her own person. She’s mine, but not in the way you’re insinuating. That’s not how mating works, or at least it shouldn’t.”

“Then how should it work?” I asked a little uncomfortable with talking too freely to him.

“Vada, mating isn’t possession. You aren’t being kept in captivity any longer. You understand this, right? You’re free to leave here if you want. I’m a little biased here and very much Team Silas, but if you don’t want him as a mate, that choice is yours and yours alone.”

“That’s what he said, too,” I whispered.

I was so confused. We’d had a couple of mated shifters come through over the years, but it was rare. The two I could most recall were sad and weak without their mates, and both died shortly after their arrival.

Trevor had also paired mates. He awarded the strongest males with a female of their choosing. None had ever picked me. I was too opinionated and would need to be broken.

It had terrified me. The one thing I knew for certain was that I did not want a mate.

I knew enough from talk around the camps that there was a difference between forced mating and true mates. I was told that with a true mate you had no choice in the matter. It was like fate had chosen for you.

Silas Granger was my true mate. It wasn’t my decision to make. I had resolved myself to that fact the first time I’d felt his presence. Still, in my own way, I’d fought against it. I stayed behind. I said it was for the others, and largely that was true, but in a tiny way, it was also me being a coward.

Inside I knew the rules and expectations. It wasn’t an easy life, but I understood it. Out here, I knew nothing. I was nothing.

Jax ran over to me. “Vada, are you okay?”

I looked up, still deep in thought. “Hey Jax.”

You didn’t answer my question.

I’m fine. Just sorting some things out.

There’s another witch here. Do you want to meet her?

Uh, sure. Does she know about you?

No. Promise you won’t tell her?

I promise.

He led me over to a dark haired girl. She looked young, closer to Jax’s age than mine.

“Marie, this is my friend, Vada.”

The girl beamed. “Silas’s Vada?”

I made note of the possessive form she used. Silas and Grant were making me crazy thinking I had it all wrong.

I just smiled at her. I didn’t know how to answer that. If the guys were right and I did have a choice in the matter, would I choose Silas?

“It’s really nice to meet you. Silas seems great. I’m excited to be working with him this summer.”

“I hear you’re a witch,” I blurted out just to change the subject.

Marie groaned. “I hate that word, but sure. I guess I am.”

“What’s your power?” Jax asked trying to sound casual.

“It’s kind of hard to explain.”

His eyes went wide, and I knew he was reading her thoughts.

“I know a witch,” I said.

Jax tried to discreetly kick me.


“Sorry,” he muttered glaring at me. “Don’t look into her eyes,” he said quietly trying not to let her hear his warning.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Vada. What is wrong with you today?”

“Oh, is that how you do it? Looking into people’s eyes?” I asked.

Jax crossed his arms over his chest and lifted one hand to cover his eyes as he shook his head.

“I’m sorry, Marie. She’s not usually like this.”

I snorted, grateful for a bit of normal reprieve.

“It’s okay, and yes, that’s how my gift works. Would you like a demonstration?” She grinned and turned her eyes towards him.

“No!!!!” he yelled as he dropped to the ground for cover.

Marie looked startled. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

“You saw him, even acting like a fool?” I asked curiously.

“Unless someone is purposefully hiding something from me, it happens really quickly.”

I nudged Jax with my foot. “Get up. You’re drawing attention to yourself.”

He rose and looked around. “You can’t tell anyone,” he whispered.

“I get it. I really do. It wasn’t that long ago that I was hiding too. But honestly, the best thing that happened to me was letting people in. I never dreamed I could actually use it as a gift to help people. Look at me now, that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

“You too, Jax. You did great helping me out the last few days.”

“I didn’t really do anything,” he protested.

“I beg to differ. You were amazing.”

He blushed and hung his head.

“May I?” Marie asked looking up at me.

“Uh, sure? Wait, what are we talking about?”

Jax groaned. “I told you not to look into her eyes, remember?”

As soon as he said it, of course, I looked.

Marie frowned. “You really need to talk to Silas. Explain your story, open up to him. Mating really isn’t like that. It’s a union, not a domination. One could try and take you as a mate, but the bond will never seal without you accepting him, too. It’s your choice, Vada.”

I felt too vulnerable as if she were staring right into my sole.

Because she is, Jax said in my head.

“It’s your choice, Vada,” Marie repeated. “He’ll understand no matter what you choose.”

I nodded then turned and walked away from the two of them while they moved to a corner to talk softly.

I wandered around but there was no sign of Silas anywhere. There didn’t seem to really be anyone watching and he had said I was not a prisoner here, so I figured now would be a good time to test that theory and I left the hanger through the door I’d watched him go through.

I stopped and looked around. The sun was high in the sky and I could feel the warmth of it on my face. I looked up while shutting my eyes. It was so bright it hurt, but it was a glorious and welcome pain. I stood there on the side of the hanger shielded mostly by the trees only a few yards away.

I held my hands high in the air and began twirling in a circle. For that tiny moment, it felt a lot like freedom, or what I assumed freedom felt like. In truth, I’d never been free before, so I could only imagine this is what it felt like.

There was a rustling in the trees nearby. I slowed to a stop and opened my eyes just in time to see a giant silverback leap down from the trees. He sat there a few feet away staring at me cautiously.

“Magnificent,” I whispered.

The large gorilla rose up to his full height and pounded his chest while emitting a low deep sound that called to me. My own gorilla was desperate to show herself, but I couldn’t allow that out here in the open.

I feared for Silas being so visible. He put his hands in the air and began to sway in a slow circle mimicking what he’d seen me do.

“Um, hi. Can we talk?” I was so nervous I was surprised I wasn’t stuttering.

In a flash the gorilla before me morphed into a very naked Silas as he stood before me. My jaw dropped. He was perfectly sculpted. I told myself to look ,but I couldn’t stop staring. He was big, and he was hard.

“Did you make a decision?”

“Uh, what?” I asked, my head was fogging over with images and thoughts I’d never had for any other man.

“Vada? My eyes are here,” he said patiently with a slight chuckle.

I closed my eyes and forced my head up before opening them again. That didn’t last long before they slowly drifted back down taking in every inch of him. My mouth watered and my hands itched to reach out and touch him.

“Up here, sweetheart,” he said, but his voice had dropped just a little deeper telling me he was just as affected by me.

I forced myself to look up.

He smirked. “What do you want to talk about, Vada?”

He wasn’t calling me ‘mate’ anymore. I missed it. I thought I hated everything that word stood for, but I didn’t. My head was spinning with confusion.

I was exasperated. “Could you please just put some clothes on first, it’s very distracting.”


“What do you mean, no? How would you like it if I was standing here naked for the whole world to see?”

He held out his hand and something in his eyes told me it was a dare, and he didn’t believe I’d do it.

I lifted my chin in defiance and took off my shirt, slowly. As I reached for the clasp on my bra, the side door behind me opened and Grant poked his head out.

Silas roared in warning. In lightning speed, he covered my body to hide me from the other male’s sight.

“Sorry chief, I’m just looking for Taylor. Do you know where she went?”

“No,” he barked as Grant walked away shutting the door behind him.

I started laughing. “See, I warned you.”

“Get dressed,” he barked.

“Watch your tone,” I admonished.

His shoulders sagged as he turned to face me. “I’m sorry,” he said.

His large hand came up to cradle my cheek. It wasn’t the first time he had done that either. It made me feel safe, protected, and cherished. I leaned into his touch.

“What were you saying?” I asked.

He chuckled. “Maybe you should get dressed.”

His closeness was making me swoon.

“Maybe you shouldn’t… I mean should.”

I wanted him to close the small gap between us and kiss me again as he had in the middle of chaos back in Florida. The kind of kiss that made my knees buckle, but he held back. Instead, he ran his fingers through my hair and leaned in to sniff me.

My throat went dry, and a shiver ran down my spine.

He leaned in and whispered, “Get dressed, Vada, or we won’t be doing much talking.”

I nodded feeling like I was in a daze. I wasn’t sure if I was agreeing with him or hoping he’d act on his insinuations.

The door burst open again, and Silas whipped around to growl at the intruder.

“Sorry, man, but Patrick called. Said you and Vada are clear to return home. Jacob Winthrop wants a full update in person,” Baine said. “The rest of us will stay and handle things here.”

Silas sighed. “Get the plane ready. Just give us a few minutes.” He turned back to me. “I’m sorry. Duty calls. You are welcome to join me. If you’ve decided I’m not what you want, then Taylor will personally handle whatever travel plans you need.”

I was so confused. Hadn’t we just shared a special moment? Now he was telling me I could just leave?

“You don’t want me?”

He shook his head and I thought I was going to throw up. “You have it all wrong. I want you more than anything, but I’m not looking for a new possession, Vada, I’m looking for a mate, my equal. From what I’d seen you are strong, kind, and very stubborn. You soften me somehow. I think we could be incredibly happy together, but if you’re looking for your next warden, well, that’s just not going to be me. It’s your choice. I have to go, I’m sorry. I really am not trying to rush you about this. Stay if you need to. My team will look after you and help in any way. Or you can come with me, see the life I live and maybe get to know me a bit. The plane will be ready for lift off in thirty minutes. I truly hope you’ll be on it.”

He hesitated, looking very uncertain of himself, something I suspected this man was not at all used to.

He grabbed his clothes from the ground then walked away.

I felt exposed and quickly covered myself. Was he really going to leave the choice up to me? What did I want? Where would I go if I said no? Where would I go if I said yes? I didn’t know anything at all about where he was from or what his life was like. I’d been making assumptions based on my own screwed up past and demons.

The one thing I knew without a doubt was that Silas Granger was my one true mate. I wouldn’t get another. Maybe I owed it to him and myself to find out the answers to my questions.