Final Extraction by Julie Trettel

Special Announcement


From Jake



I know you were expecting this to be the big grand finale of Westin Force and yada yada, but I’m officially on the team now, and we’ve saved the best for last.

I may not be a shifter, but I still have a story to tell, and I hope you’ll stick around and read it on January 27, 2022 when Waging War releases.


But it isn’t a paranormal, Jake.

This is only sort of true. My mate and I are humans (shh, I wasn’t supposed to share that part) but we live in a paranormal world and our love story is just as epic as those shifters, just wait and see.


How can that be when you don’t have a bond, Jake?

Sure, just rub that in my face, but humans fall in love every day, too and ours is no less real just because we can’t technically form some magical bond. We’ll design our own bond.


Are you going to bite her, Jake, and leave your mark?

Come on, I already told you, I’m just a mere human. We don’t resort to such primitive things, but I do have a way with my mouth and I’m not afraid to go in for a little nibble, but I’ll leave my mark on her heart instead.


Admit it, Jake. You enjoyed flirting with Vada just to piss Silas off, didn’t you?

Well now, I can’t say I hated it that’s for sure. Look, Vada’s a beautiful woman, who wouldn’t flirt with that? I am only human after all. Pissing Silas off was just an added bonus.


So here’s the deal. Go ahead and do me a favor and pre-order book today! I know January 27th sounds like a long way off, but with the world starting to look a little normal again, and schools and activities resuming, not to mention all those end of year holidays, January will be here in the blink of an eye.


Here’s a little synopsis about my book:


Mistaken for a shifter, superhuman, Jake Forrester found himself amid a paranormal world. Shifters had physical advantages over him, but he stubbornly worked even harder, pushing himself to the max to prove himself time and time again. At last he’s landed his dream job as the newest member of Bravo unit.

Unlike his shifter cohorts, he doesn’t have some magical juju to tell him when he’s found “the one” but when he sees Alaina for the first time, his heart tells him all he needs to know.

The problem is, she’s off limits and following his heart could destroy alliances and wage a war they aren’t prepared to fight.




Pre-order your copy today!