Sweet Girl by Quell T. Fox

Chapter 10



Oh my god, my mom’s boyfriend cheated on her with me.

I push the thoughts from my mind, knowing I’ll just deal with it all later. I spend more time than usual on my hair and makeup and I’d say I’m a little overdone for a wedding, but I can make it work. I think there is some kind of rule about guests not looking better than the bride, but if I do, that’s not really my fault, now is it?

The reception is being held at one of the fancier hotels right outside of town, one I haven’t been to before. With a place like that I’m sure everyone will be dressed to impress and I’m suddenly super excited about this. I’ve never had a reason to get dressed up like this and go out. I’ve been to weddings before, but mostly small ones in town. I had my prom and school dances, but this is so much more… adult.

A soft knock sounds on my door and I turn in my seat. The vanity I’m sitting at used to be my mom’s, back when she cared about makeup and that sort of thing. Once she started nursing school and got her license all of that went out the window. It’s still in great condition, and I have hoped to take it with me to school, but there wasn’t enough room in my dorm. I’m hoping she’ll keep it until I get my own place.

When she opens the door, I know something is wrong and my stomach bottoms out. She’s dressed in her scrubs and not the dress that she bought at the mall the other day.

“Mom?” I ask.

“I know, I know! Claire is sick and asked me to cover for her…”

“But—” I’m not sure what part of this upsets me the most. I was looking forward to going out and having a good time tonight. And besides that, she really needs a day off. She hasn’t had one since I’ve been home, and who knows when the last one was. And lastly, my plan is going to waste.

“It’s fine, Charlie. You and Jonathan are still going. He knows Gina and Rick, it’ll be fine. Promise.” She comes over and kisses me on the head quickly. “See you tomorrow.”

If only she knew what my real issue was. It’s not that she isn’t coming. It’s that I’ll be left alone with her boyfriend dressed like this. What sounded like a great plan at first, doesn’t sound so good anymore. I no longer have the security of my mother to stop things from getting out of hand. Now what am I supposed to do?

“See you tomorrow,” I say quietly as she leaves the room. I stare at the door for a long while before I focus my attention back on my makeup. It’s fine. I can still do this. I can handle this night. Being alone with him doesn’t change anything, not really. My plan will still work. I’ll make it work.

I give my makeup one more look over before I stand and check my dress in the tall mirror. I straightened my hair for the occasion and added bright red lipstick which really pops against the light gray dress. The makeup around my eyes is heavier and darker than normal… overall, I look hot as hell.

I can totally do this.

Tonight is going to be a great night.

The next time someone knocks on my door, they don’t open it and I know who it is. I stand up, wiping out the non-existent wrinkles in my dress and walk to the door, my legs trembling.

I pull it open and there he is. Breathtakingly handsome in his gray suit that somehow matches my dress perfectly. In fact, it looks almost purposeful, but there’s no way that could happen… right? I mean… how would he even know what color dress I had bought to match his suit to it. It has to be a coincidence. Jonathan is staring down at his feet, but when he looks up the expression on his face is enough to tell me my plan is already a success.


The look he’s giving me says a million things. You’re beautiful. You’re gorgeous. I want you. I need you. And so much more. My breath catches in my throat as fantastical thoughts of him picking me up for a date play through my mind.

That look... I could get used to it. And for some reason, I just know it’s how he would look at me. Every night and every day. Catching him off guard like I did, I could live for moments like this. He’s been so cool and collected. Completely in control. Acting like nothing happened between us. How can he do that? I’ve been crawling in my skin thinking of him touching me and he’s fine. Like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

Until now.

He quickly realizes his mishap and his face is a mystery once again.

“We’re leaving in five minutes,” he tells me gruffly before spinning on his heels and walking down the stairs. I close the door and bite my lip, trying hard not to jump up and down in excitement.

Charlotte: 1

Jonathan: 0

During the drive, Jonathan is quiet. I felt relaxed, more in control than normal. But I completely blame that on Jonathan seeming quite tense. I enjoy knowing I’m getting to him because that’s what I wanted all along. That’s what this dress is about. I want to see his resolve slip. See him lose a little bit of that control he holds on to for dear life. And I think it’s working.

We reach the reception room the same time most others are getting here. There is a valet service, so Jonathan drives right up to the front entrance and a man opens the door for me. He offers me his hand to help me out and I take it. Jonathan quickly makes his way around the car and offers me his arm. I hesitate before sliding mine through his, nervous about being this close to him and being seen out in public.

As if someone can see into my brain and know something more is going on between us. Something more than just an innocent stepdad and stepdaughter relationship. Because this is something more. I’m sure of it. After what happened earlier, I know I’m not crazy. I know he touched me that night, made me come all over his mouth. And I know he wants to do it again. Even with him ignoring me, I just know.

And I want him to.

Many times I thought I was crazy for how often I thought about sex. To the point I thought something was wrong with me. I only recently found out it’s normal for some woman to have a higher sex drive. It just seems it’s who I am. Whatever guy I end up with will be a lucky man, that’s for sure.

We walk into the reception room that’s decorated in navy blue and bright, sparkly gold. It’s breathtakingly beautiful and I hope when I get married, I can afford something this extravagant. We find our names on the list and make our way to the table. Jonathan pulls the chair out for me as I sit, but he still hasn’t spoken a word.

He disappears without saying a word, returning a moment later with a small glass filled with an amber liquid and a tall glass full of wine. He places the wine down in front of me, sliding it over. I raise an eyebrow in question. He knows damn well I’m not old enough to drink.

“What mama doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” he says before bringing his own glass to his perfectly plump lips and taking a small sip. His tongue slides along his bottom lip as he licks off the remnants of alcohol and I can’t help but think of tasting him.

I pick up the wine glass by the stem and take a sip. It’s not bad. I take another before putting it down. Jonathan speaks to a few people as they come in and settle down in their seats. He knows more people here than I do. Though, I can’t say I recall the people who are getting married.

“Charlie?” I turn in my seat and find someone that looks familiar, but I can’t be sure if I know him or not. He looks the same, but different. “Charlie Evans?” He takes a few steps closer, his hand resting on his chest.

I smile once it hits me. “Wow, Michael? How are you?” I smile brightly when he nods his head in confirmation, looking up at him.

“Better now that I’ve seen you,” he winks. He always was a smooth talker, this one. He’s another popular kid who was on the football team. He takes the seat on the side of me, even though I know it doesn’t belong to him. It would have been my mother’s, if she were here. Actually, it probably would have been mine, but I guess it really doesn’t matter.

We chat for a bit and the entire time I feel eyes burning holes in the back of my head.

“Well, I should be going. If I stay away too long my mother will hunt me down and have my head. It was nice seeing you, Charlie.” He gets to his feet and offers out his hand. I place mine in his and he brings it to his mouth, kissing it gently. I roll my eyes and giggle.

I turn towards the table, blushing slightly. I never dress up and it’s nice to be noticed every now and then. Especially by people I haven’t seen in years. In high school, I went to school almost every day in sweats or leggings. Seeing the looks I’m getting tonight makes every second spent on this getup worth it.

“You sure are the popular one in town, aren’t you?” Jonathan says behind his glass.

“Jealous?” I raise an eyebrow. I blame the wine for making me so bold. I finish my glass and push it away, hoping for another.

He chuckles and turns in his seat, leaning into me. “Baby, I have nothing to be jealous of. I’m the one who owns you. Don’t forget it.” He pulls back and takes another sip of his alcohol. “And if you do forget it, I’ll be sure to remind you.” He winks before smiling. Heat rushes to my belly and it takes everything in me not to show him how much his words affect me. I hate how he has so much control over my body with just a few words… yet I love it at the same time.

Jonathan is the one and only person I ever remember having feelings for. Sure, I’ve been attracted to others, maybe had a slight crush. But nothing has ever been like this.


And the scariest part… My feelings are worse now than they were when I was here last and it’s terrifying as hell.

We get through dinner, I sip another wine that Jonathan brought over for me. I start to feel good after the third glass. Okay, I felt it after the second but I wanted another. Nobody questions it though, most of the people here are not paying attention to us or what we are doing.

There’s a tap on my shoulder and I turn to find Michael waiting with a smile. “May I ask you to dance?”

A smile slides across my lips. “I’d love to.” I take his hand, but not before giving one last glance to Jonathan over my shoulder. A smirk rests across his lips, but I see the corner of his mouth twitch. He’s angry. No. He’s furious.


Michael and I reach the dance floor and get into position. I’m sure to stand closer to Michael than appropriate. Thanks to the alcohol for giving me the balls to do so. He smells good. Like expensive cologne. Something musky with a hint of sweetness. It’s nice.

“What have you been up to?” I ask into the crook of his neck, liking how his hands are warm against my lower back. Even from all the way over here I can feel eyes burning holes into my skin. My plan has taken a turn for the better, or perhaps the worse. Only time will tell.

Even though I’ve been okay with Jonathan’s claims of owning me, only because they fulfill every fantasy I’ve ever had, it doesn’t mean I want to give into him so easily.

Where is the fun in that?

I know for sure this is the wine talking, and perhaps I’ll regret it tomorrow, but I’m not worried about that. Right now, I’m focused on making Jonathan as angry and jealous as I can, hoping that maybe he will give me a real punishment. One that calls for his palms across my ass or fingers around my throat, and not one of him playing teenage games of teasing me in front of another boy under the dinner table.

“Working at my dad’s company mostly. It’s not often I get a Saturday night to myself. What are you doing here anyway?”

“My mother is friends with the bride but she got called into work. I got stuck coming with my stepdad.”

“Sounds boring.”

If only he knew how much fun I was having.