Sweet Girl by Quell T. Fox

Chapter 12



I groan as I roll over.

Now I remember why I don’t like drinking wine. Massive freaking hangover.

Dragging myself from bed, I make my way to the bathroom, desperately needing a shower. I brush my teeth twice but can still taste the stale flavor of alcohol. I head downstairs in search of food and find that I’m alone, so I decide to get some things done while I have the house to myself, with no distractions. Running upstairs, I quickly gather my laundry, severely regretting the running part when my stomach rolls and my head throbs even harder. Making sure to go slowly down the stairs, I make my way to the laundry room and toss in a load before making myself some breakfast. Sausage and three pieces of toast. I need the bread and the grease, hoping it’ll make me feel better. When I’m done, I want more, but know I should take it easy. My stomach is still rolling and I don’t want to throw up.

I clean up my mess and scroll through social media as I wait for my laundry. The buzzer goes off and I go to switch it, looking through the window into the empty den. More specifically right at Jonathan’s chair.

A smirk crosses my lips. Quickly, I throw my clothes into the dryer and rush into the den, dirty thoughts on my mind. I stop in the doorway, his chair mere feet from me. Looking over my shoulder, I peek through the kitchen and out the window. The driveway is still empty, there is no one here. I walk inside the room and make my way to the recliner. Images of Jonathan stroking his cock fills my mind as I take a seat, brushing my hands along the soft arms. I close my eyes thinking of how many times I’ve watched him come while sitting here, right in this spot.

The thought makes me ache.

Sliding my sleep shorts to the side, I push two fingers inside of me, moaning quietly as I think of someone else’s fingers inside of me instead. I pull them out and they’re soaked, coated in my arousal that is only for one man. Not Jace, not Michael. Jonathan.

Only Jonathan.

I rub my clit slowly, my hips bucking slightly as I chase the orgasm I need. My body warms as the pleasure takes over. I find my nipple and roll it between my fingers, sending sharp pleasures to my breasts. Using my two fingers, I begin to circle my clit faster, my orgasm is so close. Soft, quiet moans leave my lips as I reach that peak. His name is on my lips as I come, my body shaking violently.


I smile as I look out the window to my right, imagining Jonathan and I switching places. Would I enjoy him watching me as much as I enjoy watching him? Would he enjoy watching me as much as I do him?

When I stand up, I realize I’ve left a wet spot on the chair. I consider wiping it up, but decide against it. Part of me is hoping he finds it. As I stand, my head pounds more, but this time it was worth it.

I finish up my laundry and go upstairs to put it all away. Once I’m done with that, I sit on my bed and open up one of the books on my phone and read for a while, enjoying the quiet, tensionless air. I need to keep my mind busy and away from Jonathan for a while. He already takes up too much of my time.

Because the more I think about him, the more the guilt starts to set in. The more I realize how wrong this is. And I don’t want to think that way. I just want to live in this happy bubble, where Jonathan and I are good to be together, without the judgment of others and causing my mother any pain.

Shaking my head, I groan. I have got to be the world’s worst daughter. Thinking back to what I just did, I feel like a freaking fool. Masturbating on his chair? What the fuck is that? And what about last night? Why did I think it was a good idea to tease him like that?

No. I can’t keep doing this. This is bad. I have a few weeks left to be here. I can’t continue trying to steal my mother’s fiancé out from under her feet while she works. I just can’t…

The rest of the day is quiet. No one comes home and I’m not sure where either of them are, but I’m okay with it. As soon as it gets dark, I get ready for bed, wanting to call it an early night. I still feel like shit from drinking last night and I vow to not do that ever again.

“Did you not think I would know?” The deep, husky voice wakes me. I’m confused for a moment, unsure of what is going on. My room is dark and I can’t see a thing. A strong, warm body lies behind me, hand stroking my hair, face nuzzled in my neck. “Did you think I would not be able to smell the wetness you left all over my favorite chair?”

Oh my god.

How does he know?

“You are such a naughty girl, Charlotte,” he whispers to me, peppering kisses down my neck. “You make it so hard to stay away from you. The things I want to do to you, the things I think of doing to you. Fuck,” he growls, the sound vibrating over my skin. “You think you’re smart, do you? You think you’re going to win at this little game of back and forth? You won’t.”

I fight my body wanting to react to him. It wants to give in. I want to lean into him, to brush my ass against his cock that I know is hard. I want to push him between my legs, but I know that I can’t. I won’t. There is still a part of me reminding me that he doesn’t belong to me and it just isn’t fair. I can’t act on this fully.

I’m constantly torn over what to do. My mind telling me one thing and my body telling me another. I have so many weak moments giving into my body. I tease Jonathan, I live and breathe him. But in my head, I know it isn’t okay. And right now, that part of me wins.

“You need to leave,” I say, my voice cracking.

“What did you just say?” His voice full of disbelief.

“You need to leave, Jonathan. I can’t keep doing this with you.” The words barely make their way out, emotions taking over me. Everything is so wrong. Just so fucking wrong.

His hand slides down my side, over my hip and across my thigh. “Baby,” he says softly, nuzzling into my neck. When I feel the goosebumps erupt over my skin, I pull away, getting to my feet. He’s lying in my bed in nothing but a pair of sweatpants and God he looks so fucking good. I rake my fingers through my hair and look towards the closed door.

“She’s at work.” My eyes look back to his, his face void of emotion.

“Why are you doing this, Jonathan? Really?” I cross my arms over my chest, hiding how hard my nipples are.

“I told you why.”

I shake my head. “This isn’t right. This is wrong on so many levels. I… I can’t do this. You need to go.” I point towards the door.

God, this is so hard. So fucking hard, but I know it’s the right thing to do. I’m just glad I was able to do this before it got out of hand. Before I actually decided to sleep with him… or gained serious feelings. More than just an attraction… He only technically touched me once. I can live with the guilt of that. I don’t like having to keep things from my mother. Even if we have this odd relationship, I still try to be as honest with her as possible. I won’t tell her what happened, but it can’t happen again.

He gets out of my bed, closing the distance between us. He stalks towards me, looming over me with his full height. A gasp leaves my throat as I back up, hitting the wall. My heart is thundering behind my rib cage and I start to feel dizzy. I look up to him, his head bowed to look down at me. He looks much bigger right now, in the darkness of my room, looming above me like some evil shadow man. Every line of muscle shadowed in the light shining in from the windows.

“I wasn’t lying when I said you were mine. I know you want this, don’t act like you don’t.”

“It’s wrong!” I shout. “You’re dating my mother for fuck’s sake. You’re my stepfather, Jonathan. You guys are getting married.”

“No, Charlotte, we’re not.”

“What?” All of the air leaves my lungs. They… what?

He lets out a laugh, shaking his head. He reaches forward, brushing some hair away from my face, a smile still on his lips. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

He turns and walks out of my room, shutting the door behind him, leaving me a confused and shaking mess.

“What the fuck just happened?” I ask myself, shaking my head. Crawling back into bed, I pull the covers up to my neck. I barely get any sleep.