Sweet Girl by Quell T. Fox

Chapter 15



I’m so confused by my feelings. I don’t know what to think or what to do. I should be on my mother’s side no matter what, but I can’t. I feel so angry with her. How could she do that to Jonathan? He’s done nothing but be kind to her. It’s hard to find a man as good as Jonathan… The nice guys always get treated like crap, walked all over, and it’s why they turn into bitter assholes.

But am I upset with Mom over what she did, or am I upset with her for hurting and betraying Jonathan? Does it matter? And am I upset about it because it’s wrong or because… I have feelings for him. Because I do have feelings for him, and no matter how much I don’t want those feelings to be there, they are. And it just seems that no matter how much I tell myself we can’t be together, the universe keeps pushing us closer.

There is nothing standing in our way now. Nothing.

I’m not underage. I’m not living in my mother’s house. He’s single.

Jonathan is single.

He is so fucking single.

A warm hand takes my own, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Do you feel like talking yet?”

I look over to the man in the driver’s seat. I take in the way he looks, the messy hair, the sharp chin, the firm arms.

I shake my head. “I don’t feel like talking,” I say softly.

“What did you have in mind?”

“I have too much on my mind, that’s the problem.” I look over to him. “Make it all go away?”

“I think I can manage that.”

Michael leans over the center of the truck, his hand reaching for my face. He pulls me close to him, taking my mouth, and sliding his tongue in without hesitation.

It’s bright out today, but I can see dark clouds over in the distance. They’ll be here soon enough, bringing rain and hopefully thunder along too. It’s the middle of the day, but that doesn’t stop Michael from sliding his fingers into my shorts and playing with my clit.

There is no one else here, just Michael and I. There usually isn’t this early on. It's not a well known spot, it’s also not all that nice for people to want to be here. Teenagers come here at night to fuck. Doesn’t usually happen during the day like this, but I am not complaining at all. I need the distraction.

Michael licks and sucks on my neck while his fingers slide in and out of me. I pull the lever on the chair to lean back. My hand goes to the back of his neck, nails digging into his skin. My hips thrust forward with each plunge of his fingers, causing them to go in even deeper.

“Harder,” I whisper. He laughs softly into my neck but delivers, driving his fingers as deep as he can. Pulling them out and slamming back in. “You’re going to make me come,” I say, my voice breathy.

“Yeah, come for me. Come all over my fingers, baby.” I tighten around him and he pushes his fingers deep inside of me, wiggling them and stroking my clit, making my orgasm hit even harder.

Michael definitely knows what he’s doing when it comes to the female body. And it’s something I could get used to.

According to society’s standards, Michael is a good choice. He’s a decent guy, good job, my age. But most of all… he isn’t my stepdad. Or ex-stepdad.

Do I like Michael as a person? Yeah, he’s not so bad. He’s funny, charming, and good looking. I’m not sure I could see myself being with him…

Because he’s not Jonathan.

I tell my subconscious to shut up.

If Michael is okay with whatever this is we have going on, then so am I. He knows I go to school five hours away. He’s not stupid. He can’t expect me to quit my life to stay here with him, can he?

No, he’s not that kind of person.

I laugh quietly as I catch my breath, looking over to find Michael staring at me with heat in his eyes. And all I can think of is how Jonathan looked at me this morning. The same type of stare only… more.

Michael is great in bed, but I know Jonathan is better. Even though we haven’t made it that far, I just know it.

Why can’t I get him off my mind?

“How was that? Clear your mind okay?”

“Almost.” He raises an eyebrow and my eyes dip to the bulge in his pants as I bite my bottom lip. “Think I need a little more though.”

I pull off my shorts before I climb over to his side, straddling his hips and freeing his cock, sliding down onto it slowly. Riding him does the trick, keeps my mind from worrying about a million things. The only problem is, the entire time I’m imagining Jonathan beneath me, not Michael.

It’s dark when I finally make it home. Mom isn’t here and I assume she’s gone to work already.

Jonathan’s car is gone and I know he isn’t here either.

And he isn’t coming back.

Part of me is happy about that. Out of sight, out of mind.

Cause that worked so well the last time. You were five hours away for a whole year and he was still on your mind.

I groan as I pull out my keys and let myself into the empty house, closing and locking the door behind me.

I’ve never liked being in this big house alone.

I drop my bag and keys onto my bed and head for the shower, needing to wash the sweat and bodily fluids off of my skin. Dressing in pajamas, I get into bed and send Jace a text. I feel bad that I haven’t said much to him. I suck as a friend. Hell, I’ve barely talked to Izzy since being here and I know she’s probably miserable too.

Jace and I chat for a few hours through text, and it’s a different type of distraction I didn’t know I needed. His mom is doing better, which makes me happy for him, but she’s not quite out of the clear yet. It seems every time they think it’s time for her to go, she bounces back, shocking everyone.

Jace: I’d love to spend more time with you and I’m sorry it isn’t working out that way.

Me: Don’t be sorry, Jace. Your mom comes first.

I love how sweet and caring he is. I really do. We make plans to hang out again, hoping to grab a movie or something mindless.

Jace: Still friends?

Me: Of course. Text me whenever you need. I’m here to talk.

Jace: Thank you. 3>

The alert on my phone pops up, telling me my battery is low. I plug it in with a plan to head downstairs and watch TV. I’m not tired, my mind is running, and I know I won’t be able to settle down for sleep. But my phone dings and I check it before I go anywhere.

Jonathan: If riding my cock is what you wanted, you could have just said that. I’d gladly allow that perfect pussy anywhere on my body.

My eyes bulge out of my head. What the…

Is he following me? Did he see me and Michael today? No, of course not. He must be just saying things to rile me up. But that is an awfully big coincidence. My phone dings again.

Jonathan: I said you were mine. I meant it. Bringing guys home to fuck will only make your punishment worse once I get my hands on that ass.

He saw me and Michael? Here? My face heats with embarrassment. How? He wasn’t home, was he? Did he sneak back in and I didn’t know? I feel awkward at the thought of someone watching me, yet at the same time… it’s exciting. I hate how my body responds to him, even though he isn’t here. Just his words excite me. The thought of him punishing me. It’s… fuck, why do I like it?

He is single.

He is fucking single.

My mom was cheating on him.

And because I am weak for him, and everything keeps pointing to me going forward with this, I send him a text back.

Me: Maybe that’s my plan.

He responds almost immediately.

Jonathan: Such a naughty girl you are, Charlotte.