Sweet Girl by Quell T. Fox

Chapter 16



That much I know.

I don’t know what it is about Charlotte Evans, but she brings out parts of me I want to see more of. Parts of me I want to experience as often as I can. I can’t get enough of her, or myself when I’m with her.

Before meeting Charlotte’s mother, I’d been acting like I was still in college. Partying most nights, uncountable one night stands. Hell, it’s the only reason I bought a bar in the first place. And still to this day I’m surprised I managed to keep it afloat instead of drinking myself into debt.

But then one day, it just hit me. I was getting older. I wanted to settle down. I was sick of the hangovers, the fair weather friends… I was sick of being nothing.

I met Allison one night at the hospital where she was working, bringing in a buddy who had way too much to drink. I asked her out, and she agreed. We went out on a date, and I thought things could be good with her. Normal. She had her shit together. Fuck, she had a kid. But I wanted a family, so it wasn’t a deal breaker. Sure, a little scary, but Charlotte wasn’t really a kid at the time. Not even close. She was already almost legal.

I knew I needed to change my way of living. Especially after that night I’d brought Scott to the hospital… knowing he could have died, it changed something in me.

So, I dropped the shitty friends, stayed home on the weekends, cut down on the drinking and partying, and hired a manager for the bar. Not too long after, I was moving in with Allison and her daughter. Completely flipped my life around.

And maybe I should be upset that Allison cheated on me after being together for so long. Went off and had sex with someone else, but I’m not. It’s not like we’d fucked any time recently. If I’m being honest, things have been stale for a while. I think we both got into this for the wrong reasons. But more than any of that, I didn’t change my life for her, I changed my life for me. She gave me the opportunity to do that, and I won’t regret it. Not for a second because I got to meet her.


Fucking Charlotte.

That girl does things to me I don’t even know how to explain.

She’s gorgeous and sexy and has no fucking idea how crazy she makes me. She’s a fucking tease. I want to own her in every possible way that I can. She belongs to me, she always has. I don’t know how to explain what I feel for her. It’s dark and it’s primal and it’s confusing as fuck. Knowing I’m old enough to be her father… it should bother me. And hell, it did for a while, but now? I don’t care about the age difference. All I care about is my face buried between her legs, her lips wrapped around my cock… something I haven’t had yet, but will so very soon.

After she started playing those little games with me recently, I had a feeling she would take things to the next level. She enjoyed being punished and I knew she would do whatever it took to get punished by me again. I enjoy the chase, and my naughty girl, she wants to be chased whether she thinks it or not. But that’s why she has me, to tell her exactly what she wants and needs, because my baby doesn’t know any better. Not yet.

I see how she reacts to me. How her breath catches in her throat, her pupils dilate. Hell, I can practically smell the arousal from her like a goddamn animal.

Her pushing me away, it was because of her mother. I get that. I could have told her about the state of our relationship from the beginning, but it wasn’t my place. But now that she knows, now that it’s all out there, there is nothing to worry about. We can continue this little game without a worry in the world. Things can be different now that her mother and I are officially apart, now that I live in a separate place. They can change for the better. Now, there is nothing holding me back from taking Charlotte.

I don’t know why I like playing games with that sweet girl, but I do. God, I fucking do. And as much as she pretends to not like it, I know she does. I know she touches herself to me. I’ve heard my name on her lips on more than one occasion.

My baby likes games, and I want to play.

My cock was hard during the entire wedding, watching how she slid her arms around that guy, knowing she was thinking about me. The way he touched her, and I knew she was wishing it was me instead. Every action of hers was because she wanted my hands on her instead. My hands spanking her ass for being naughty, my fingers buried in her pussy, and my mouth bringing her to orgasm.


It’s always been me.

It’s why I put the cameras in the house before she came home.

I knew she would like it. Well, she will once she puts two and two together and realizes what I’ve done.

I know her better than she thinks.

Seeing the wet spot she left for me on the chair… Fuck, what that did to me.

I watched her bring herself to orgasm in the chair I’ve come in so many fucking times I’ve lost count. I don’t think I’d ever seen anything more sexy than that. Something about her doing it in my room, on my chair, knowing how naughty she was being…

I’ve watched her bring herself to orgasm in her own bed countless times, my name on her lips. And I saw how she took control with that guy from the wedding. How she invited him over, rode his cock, took what she wanted.

It should anger me, make me jealous.

It should.

But it doesn’t.

Because I know it’s all for me.