Riley Thorn and the Corpse in the Closet by Lucy Score

Author’s Note to the Reader

Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed Riley and Nick’s latest adventure and that you’re as excited about more from these two and their kooky cast of sidekicks as I am. Now, please hold for my authorly confessions...

Confession #1: The West Shore Farmer’s Market is a real place, but it is not open on Sundays. By the time I got to that part in the book/timeline I had written myself into a corner and couldn’t fix the fiction to match the reality without re-writing a LOT of chapters. There you have it. But to be fair, the farmer’s market has really strange hours anyway, so you definitely want to make sure they’re open before you plan a trip. Cool? Cool.

Confession #2: I mentioned cicadas a few times in this book as a nod to Cicada Fest 2021. After the world survived a pandemic, we were treated to a plague of the 17-year colony of these buzzy flying suckers. I don’t know if Harrisburg always has cicadas (Google wasn’t much help) and if not, I don’t know what the buzzy summer insects we do have are called. But please accept this as my nod to the dozen crispy critters that attacked me while leaf-blowing the deck and not a scientific statement about the habits of insects.

Now that that’s over with, if you loved Riley Thorn and the Corpse in the Closet please consider leaving a review telling other readers what a diabolical genius you think I am. And don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to make sure you don’t miss the next Riley Thorn installment! Thank you for reading and having great taste!

