Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Like hell I’ll give up!

Sharen went to her cubby and pulled out her ring. “I’m going back in, and I’m going to leave him this. He can use it just like last time.”

As she ran back to the portal, her friend caught her arm. “Sharen, I have three demons I love too, but this is insane. That horde will have torn him apart by now. If you go back in, they’ll just kill you too. Don’t do this!”

There has to be a way to take on that many…

She froze. There had been a spell. In an ancient book. It was a dangerous, reckless spell, one she’d never been brave enough to try, but maybe it could stop the demons.

But there had been so many warnings in that book. And the pages had been stained with blood. As much as she’d liked experimenting with spells in her younger days, she’d avoided that one like a dead body.

And yet I’ve never forgotten it.

Perhaps somewhere in the back of her mind she always knew it was a contingency plan. A spell to try when death seemed certain.

“You’re not thinking of trying something from one of your damned books, are you?” Elaina knew her too well.

Sharen shook out of her friend’s grip. “Don’t worry about it.”

“This is insane. You can’t—“

“I’m one of the best fucking Leaders in our school has ever seen. I’ll kill every one of those assholes before I let them lay a finger on me or him.” She headed for the portal.

Elaina followed closely behind her. “Just wait. Maybe he got away from them. Maybe if you go to his brothers they can find a way to help. But one thing I’m sure of, if you go in there, if he isn’t already dead, he will be. Seeing a human female will drive those bastards crazy, and he’ll have to protect you.”

She whirled around and glared at her friend, shouting. “Am I supposed to just leave him there? Huh? Is that what I’m supposed to do? Just let him die!”

Tears ran down Elaina’s cheeks, creating more lines in the white powder that covered her body. “I’m so sorry.”

A flash of bright light filled one end of the room for one horrifying second before the angel appeared. He was a beautiful man, with flowing locks of hair, and intense green eyes. But in his hand, he held a dangerous looking sword.

Sharen stared, unsure what else to do. Angels fought the demons alongside the Hunters in the human realm, but she’d never been face-to-face with one before. All she knew was that they were powerful.

“What are you doing here?” Elaina asked, her voice shaking.

The angel’s lips curled into a cruel smile. “Why, killing the demon-whores, of course.”