Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


His blade caughtthe edge of Sharen’s weapon, sending sparks flying.

The angel looked surprised. “You’re faster than most humans,” he said, then a cruel smile twisted his lips. “But I’m faster.”

In a blink of an eye, he used the broad side of his sword to smack Sharen behind her knees. Playing with her.

She crumpled to the floor, only just raising her Splicer in time to catch the blade he slashed out at her stomach.

Elaina was dragging herself toward the weapons on the back wall. Sharen shook her head. She’s going to get herself killed! But her friend couldn’t see her.

“You know, I almost couldn’t believe it when the Director said a couple of Hunters had fallen for demons.” He grinned. “I didn’t think anyone could be so stupid.”

The angel slashed out again, but Sharen rolled and climbed back to her feet, glaring at her opponent. I need to get to Ryder. I need to save him in time.

“And I can’t remember anyone telling me, not in all my training, that there were demons that could talk. That had empathy. That were… human-like. Why is that?”

He swung his sword around, as if to show off. “Humans aren’t very bright. It’s always better to keep things simple. Demons bad. Angels good. That’s enough for your tiny brains.”

I need to kill this asshole if I’m going to save Ryder. A fact that she was feeling less and less guilty about by the second.

But for the life of her, she’d never heard of someone killing an angel before. Is it even possible?

“Just let us go,” she said, narrowing her eyes at him. “We aren’t going to cause any problems.”

“And I bet your demon husbands won’t either, huh?”

He twisted his blade and struck, cutting a deep slash into her arm.

Sharen hissed, jumping back. Ignoring her injury, she kept her eyes trained on him, willing him not to look behind him to where Elaina was slowly sliding a weapon down from the wall.

“You angels think you’re so perfect. But look at you, attacking humans is beneath you.”

He scowled. “Sometimes angels save lives, and sometimes we take the lives not worth saving. You’ve killed enough demons to know what I mean.”


Elaina looked like she could barely hold her Splicer as she crept up behind him and raised the blade over her head.

“Oh, and you’re so innocent! I’ve heard all about how much you angels like to sleep with humans. To feel alive again.” she accused him.

Anger filled his expression, but just when she thought he was going to attack her with all his strength, he turned around and buried his blade into Elaina’s stomach.

Her mouth opened. Blood poured out.

No! No!

Sharen rushed toward her as the angel pulled his blade out of her stomach. She attacked him, striking, kicking, dodging… but nothing helped. He was just too fast. Too good.

Ryder was being killed by a pack of demons in the other realm.

Elaina was bleeding to death before her.

What could she possibly do to save them?

And then, it hit her.

I can die.