Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Ryder hidthe key just in time. Darla walked straight to his cage, surrounded by angels. Her cruel gaze swept over him.

“Time to come out, little demon.”

“When I get my hands on you, bitch, you’re going to wish—“

She laughed. “Save your anger, because I don’t give a shit. I just wanted you to know that your girlfriend is walking right into our trap as we speak.”

His stomach clenched. “You’ll never get your hands on her.”

Darla’s face was twisted in a strange way that reminded him nothing of the sweet witch. “The Fate has decreed her death and soon it will come to pass.”

“I thought your master wanted her alive?” he asked, trying to ply the traitor for answers.

“Oh, he doesn’t plan to kill her quickly. First, he’ll get what he wants from her.” She smiled. “I just wondered if you could tell me which of you demons she loves the most.”

Ryder spit at her in response.

She wiped the liquid from her cheek, not looking amused. “Well, then. I’ll have to go with my own choice by personal observation.”

Ryder tensed, prepared for what was to come.

“Men,” she said, gesturing to the angels behind her. “Go get Alec. Lay him where we need him, and be ready to severe his head.

“No! Take me... I’m… I’m her favorite.”

Darla smiled. “Sorry, but the choice was made long before I asked you.”

“Then, why did you even ask? What the fuck game are you playing?”

Her brows rose. “I came because I get a little bored putting all my father’s chess pieces into place, especially when it’d be so damn simple just to kill your human. And, because I have a message for you.” Again, she waved to the angels.

Something wet and bloody dropped to the ground, partially wrapped in cloth, just outside his cage. It was a finger… one that could only belong to the poison demon.

He swallowed the bile that rose at the back of his throat.

“See, unlike your people, we’re good at ferreting out traitors. Now, Ryder, will you give us the stolen key, or do we have to take it from you?”

For a minute he considered lying, but what was the point. “Come and get it. Unless you’re scared?”

Darla smirked, pulled another key from her pocket, and unlocked the door.

Ryder leapt toward her, determined to tear out her throat for her treachery. But the angels were on him in an instant. He fought like a madman, but there were too many of them. They pulled him down, piled on top of him, a sea of punches and kicks that he registered somewhere in the back of his mind.

Damn it! I’m not going to win this! My only chance is to do something unexpected!

He gathered every drop of strength within him. Picturing his brothers. Picturing Sharen’s sweet face.

With a roar, he stood, throwing the angels off of him. Barreling between the cages, he ran toward Darla, whose eyes were wide with fear.

But instead of pummeling her as he longed to do, he raced past.

When he exploded into the sunlight, he didn’t give his eyes a chance to adjust to the light. He just kept running, no matter that his body screamed in pain. Within seconds, he realized that he was running through broken down farm equipment, and then he was in a field of dried corn.

He heard the angels shouting and knew soon they’d take to the air and easily reach him. He pumped his legs with all his might until he reached the woods, and then he kept going.

The trees were old, thick, and provided the perfect cover. The angels wouldn’t be able to reach him by air. Their only chance was to follow him into the shadows of the forest.

And Ryder was a demon, accustomed to the shadows. Accustomed to hunting his prey in darkness.

The angels wouldn’t stand a chance. And the second he finished with them, he’d find a way to get back to his people. He would rescue them and warn Sharen.

He just hoped that wherever his brothers were, they were safe.

And that I get to Sharen before she falls into their trap.