Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Caine punchedthe stone floor of his throne room. He was damned weak. He’d died and been born again, which meant he had to gain strength over his powers once more. Dragging himself across the room, he sunk into his throne.

The moment he’d arrived in the throne room, he’d commanded his angels not to interrupt him, and he would not allow himself to be seen by them until he was strong.

A great deal of his forces had been destroyed in the battle, sent into the demon-realm and out of his grasp forever. He would need more angels. More warriors.

Because even though he no longer sensed Sharen’s magic and she was no longer under his thumb, there were nine more Immortals.

As he closed his eyes, he sensed them. His angels worked tirelessly to break them down. This would be their last lives, he’d decided. Since discovering the secret of how to take their powers, he was determined to have what he desired most in this world.

Yes, it would take time. And yes, killing them was far easier.

But he grew tired of simply torturing them. Of watching them being reborn over and over again. Because that was the thing with the Immortals, they could die, and they couldn’t be judges.

Yet now that he knew how to take their powers from them, he could finally kill them for good. And what was more? Once he absorbed their powers, he would be unstoppable.

Sighing, he looked to his throne room. It was crowded with the tiny glowing wisps that represented souls. Far too many had come to gather since his death, without him there sending them away with his judgment.

Annoyed, he sent all but the most defined of the wisps screaming into the demon-realm. He didn’t care if they were good or bad. He just didn’t want to stare at them any longer.

When those were cleared away, a dozen remained. The wisps that still took human form were more powerful. He would look at these more carefully and determine which would make good, obedient soldiers to join his forces, and which were too dangerous to become angels.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of one and stood up.

It was his son, the shapeshifter.

Fury overtook him. His son had one job at the battle. To kill the demon called Kade in front of her. To make her feel hopeless so that Caine could take her powers.

Instead, he’d watched his father die. And even knowing that his spirit still remained, waiting for an opportunity to use Sharen’s powers to take shape once more and become even more powerful, his son hadn’t destroyed her hope. Instead, his traitorous son had killed the woman herself.

Because he believed it would destroy his father.

My son wanted me dead. And now, he’ll pay.

Calling the shape to him, his son’s eyes widened as they focused onto his father.

“You thought I was destroyed forever.”

“No,” the shapeshifter lied, crumbling to his translucent knees.

“Yes,” he hissed.

“It was simply a mistake.” His son’s voice was filled with fear.

He knows his fate, and yet he can do nothing to stop it.

“You killed her, thinking you were sealing my fate.” He smiled. “How could you know you were sealing your own?”

“Father, please, I beg of—“

With a flick of his wrist, he sent his son’s soul to the black pit on one side of the room, something he rarely used. The place where soul’s deemed too dangerous to continue living were thrown into… to be destroyed and never reborn again. The Soul Destroyed.

His son’s soul screamed and screamed, the sound echoing in the room as every tiny piece of his soul was torn and burned until nothing remained.

And then, his throne room was blissfully silent once more.

Caine pressed his fingers together and rested his forehead on his hands. Now back to what matters.

I have to destroy the rest of the Immortals and ensure I’ll rule for eternity.

He smiled. Already he could sense the Immortals suffering.

This will be too easy.

Want to find out what happens to Surcy and her demons? Find out in Supernatural Lies.