Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Sharen stoodat the very top of the temple, staring out at the sea of forest. She knew in her heart that she and her people would not be safe here forever. This was only a temporary resting place. But there was nothing more she could do now. Being one of the Immortals meant that she could no longer fight.

The idea pained her more than she would ever tell the others.

If Caine had succeeded in gaining her powers, he could have stolen hope from the world. And such a thing would have made it impossible to ever destroy him. She had been reckless not to go into hiding as Marval has warned her. Even though if she could turn back time she’d do it all over again.

But this time things were different. Her demons were with her. Her people were with her. And they were all safe, for now.

She could no longer fight this battle the way she had been doing. She had to wait and be patient. One day it would be her time to battle again.

Because that was the other thing. The thing she told no one.

Caine wasn’t dead.

“Sharen?” she spun to find that Kade had walked the steps to her little tower. “Are you coming to bed?”

She smiled and moved to him, taking his hand. They moved down the many stairs until they reached their room. Throwing open her door, she smiled again at the lovely room filled with everything she could need, a massive bed, and her three demons.

Or were they simply her angels now?

They’d discovered they could hide their wings with glamour, but at the moment, their black wings were spread wide. And the combination of big, half-naked men with dark wings was strangely… sexy.

Alec and Ryder looked up at her as she approached. Then, they closed their wings tightly to their backs. And within seconds, their wings had disappeared.

She smirked. “How does it feel to be angels?”

Alec scowled. “We’re not angels. Angels are winged bats. We’re demons with wings.”

“Demons with wings?” she couldn’t contain her laughter.

“Yes, he exclaimed, yanking down his boxers to fall around his ankles. “Demons with wings and big cocks.”

She threw back her head and laughed.

He was on her in an instance. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to laugh at a man when he says he has a big cock?”

That just made her laugh harder.

Suddenly, she was swept up and tossed on the bed.

“Apparently our wife needs to be taught some manners,” Alec said.

Kade grinned and tugged his own boxers down. “I’m all for it.”

Ryder stripped and leapt onto the bed next to her. “How is it that we always say we’re teaching her a lesson, and then she ends up owning our asses?”

Sharen laughed, curling her hand around his erection. “Because we all know who’s really in charge.

She knew what would come next. And for the first time since her marriage to the demons, there was nothing else they had to do. There was nothing else to focus on. Tonight, she’d make love to her husbands, and the next day, and the next day. There would be no more Hunting or fighting or running.

They would just have… peace.

For now.

And that was enough for her.