Highlander’s Winter Rose by Fiona Faris


It was snowing, the ground outside covered in snow so that when she looked out the window, all Rosallyn could see was white. White, just like the beautiful wedding dress that Sophia was fussing over, arranging and rearranging the skirts. Rosallyn looked at herself in the mirror, her wide smile relaying her insurmountable joy. Sophia, who had been released from the dungeons the moment that Maximus had returned to the castle, was helping her to dress on her special day, wanting to be as much of a mother as she could be since Rosallyn did not have a mother anymore and she did not have a child.

She could tell that the older woman was nervous, wanting to get everything right. Their family was together now, Sophia who had broken down in tears when she saw her husband alive, her father who was glad to see that Rosallyn and Sophia had somehow gotten closer in his absence, and Rosallyn, who was just grateful to be alive and around those she loved.

She had moved into her father’s house in the castle town although her grandmother had refused to follow, already too attached to the monastery to leave. It had been the most emotional reunion for them all, and her grandmother was still shocked by all that had happened without her knowledge. Even though they only had two weeks living together before Rosallyn married and left them to go to the castle, she had loved every moment with them.

Sophia was nothing like her mother, jittery and every bit the noble who had never seen hardship, but Rosallyn realized that was not bad, just different. That was why even now that Sophia was running around her, buzzing like a nervous bee, she did not find it annoying or absurd, but funny instead.

She caught the older woman by the shoulders as she made to hurry past her again.

“Sophia, calm down. Take deep breaths. Ye dinnae need to be so jittery; everythin’ is good already,” she said.

“Good? But it should be perfect… Ye are getting’ married, and today is also yer first birthday with me, and yer first winter with me!” Sophia exclaimed. Then as she considered it, her jaw dropped. “Oh dear, it is also yer last birthday and winter with me!”

Rosallyn pursed her lips as she watched Sophia turn purple with stress. It seemed she had made it worse. Yes, it was the first day of winter, her birthday… and it was also the day that she was getting married to the love of her life, Laird Maximus Mackay. Maximus had taken to being the Laird much better than he thought he would. It turned out that he was listening to her father during his lessons more than he thought, and he had picked up more than how to be a warrior as he had earlier thought.

He had cleaned up the clan quickly, sending the traitors to Elaise who beheaded them all herself and spending time replacing them with people who had made notable contributions to helping the clan in the time of peril. Her father for example was now a member of the council and Maximus’s advisor. He told her he had worked quickly, so he could make it in time to have their wedding on the first day of winter

Maximus had joined hands with her father and Sophia to make the day as perfect as they could for her, but she did not know how to make them understand that no matter how things were, she was already ridiculously happy. Sophia finally calmed down enough, and they left the room to go out and begin the ceremonial walk to the Kirk where they would say their vows. Her father was Maximus’s best man, and Sophia was her bride’s maid.

In their procession was her grandmother, Elaise Kellgan and her father, although Elaise still seemed to be sulking over having the position of bride’s maid stolen from her by Sophia, and Damien MacMillan and Kurt Donnaben were also there. Apparently this was cause for uproar since Damien had not cared to attend any event in over a decade since becoming Laird of his clan. They were followed by the nobles and other Lairds that Rosallyn did not know, and somewhere behind all of those people, Boyd trailed after them.

They all threw flowers and ribbons on their path, and Rosallyn could feel her heart pounding with joy as she walked across the snow, her dress blending perfectly with its white. When the walk was finally over, and she joined hands with Maximus, she felt as though she had grown wings and could fly. He was as handsome as ever, even with his hair styled back in a way that she had never seen before. He looked more mature too, his eyes glinting with true love as he stood beside her in his dress coat, saying their vows.

She could not stop smiling. What was this feeling? Butterflies? No… It was happiness like she had never felt before. After the ceremony at the Kirk, their procession moved to the Mackay castle which, to Rosallyn’s surprise, was decorated beautifully. She gasped as she looked up at all the white butterflies that filled the courtyard. Noticing her looking Maximus leaned in close.

“Those are from Damien. He says ye had better be impressed,” he chuckled. Rosallyn turned at his words, her eyes finding Damien MacMillan in the crowd behind them. Noticing that she was looking at him, he pointed to the butterflies above excitedly and threw his arms open as though asking if she was not impressed. She threw her head back and laughed, mouthing back that she loved it.

“So, what is yer own present for me?” she asked Maximus as they stepped into the doorway of the castle. He stopped then and wiggled his brows at her.

“Oh, my darlin’, I give ye the gift that just keeps givin’,” he said. Rosallyn playfully began to search around.

“Where could such a gift be?” she teased.

“Me!” Maximus said, and they both burst out laughing. She hugged him then, throwing her arms around his neck.

“Ye are the best gift. I love ye,” she said. Maximus chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Look up for a moment, would ye?” he said. Rosallyn raised a brow curiously and did as he asked. Her eyes widened with excitement when she recognized what was hanging above the doorway. A mistletoe!

“Kiss me,” Maximus said, and without further ado, Rosallyn granted his wish, locking their lips in a sweet kiss and causing their guests to cheer excitedly behind them.

The End?