Made to Order by Brigham Vaughn


“Just so you know, the party is winding down,” Donovan said gently.

His grandmother turned to him with a guilty start and set down the wooden paddle she’d been inspecting. “Oh, I’m sorry. I was being nosy again, wasn’t I?”

He grinned at her. His parents had driven her to his birthday party but when they were ready to leave, they discovered Grandma June had wandered off. Thankfully this time she was only in the kitchen.

He and Tyler had moved in together recently and Donovan had taken over the space. Tyler hadn’t argued. It was now filled to the brim with his cooking tools and they’d already done a scene to christen it. He knew their family and friends were surprised they’d taken that step so quickly but when it was right, it was right. Neither of them wanted to waste any time. Life was far too short for that.

“A little bit nosy,” Donovan agreed.

His grandmother pointed to the crêpe spatula. “Another Joseph Lynch piece?”

“Yes. I just bought that,” he admitted. “Well, one identical to that. I don’t store the new one in the kitchen though.” He gave her a little wink.

He’d broken his original bedroom toy on Tyler’s ass last week. Tyler had looked rather proud of himself after that. It happened sometimes, especially with wooden toys. It was less of a testament to how hard Donovan had been using it than how often he’d used it. Sometimes wooden tools had stress points that weakened over time.

Still, Tyler had threatened to frame it to prove how firm his ass was and how hard of a beating he could take. Donovan had rolled his eyes.

Fucking masochistic veterans.

His grandmother’s smile widened. “I wondered why there were crêpes on the menu tonight.”

He shook his head at her. “By the way, Mom and Dad want to leave soon, if you can tear yourself away from my cooking tools.”

She laughed too. “Oh, I suppose I should go. It is late, and I have a breakfast date tomorrow.”

“With friends or a date-date?”

“A date-date,” she said. “I’m not getting any younger. Figure I might as well meet men for breakfast. Who knows, I could die by dinnertime.”

“You’re not going to die by dinnertime. But enjoy your date.”

She grimaced. “I’ve been underwhelmed by most of them so far. None of them have much stamina. Nothing like your grandfather”

Donovan rubbed his forehead. “That’s bound to happen when you’re in your seventies.”

“Oh, no, he was only sixty-three,” she said. “He just couldn’t keep up with me.”

Donovan felt a sudden flash of sympathy for the men of Pendleton. “I hope tomorrow’s date is better.”

“Thank you.” She tucked the spatula back in the white pottery crock where he usually stored it. “I do wish I could figure out who Joseph Lynch really is.”

“Oh? What do you mean?”

“He’s a bit of a mystery. Rumor has it he lives in Pendleton, but no one actually knows who he is. He designs and makes all of these tools, but he hires someone else to sell them at the farmers markets and festivals.”

“Huh,” Donovan said as he slipped his arm through his grandma’s, steering her toward the front door. “Interesting.”

As they approached, Donovan could hear Tyler talking to both sets of parents. Their friends were still in the living room. They’d kept the party dry, out of deference to Eddie, but he and Andrea had headed home with the kids a few hours ago, so Donovan suspected a few drinks would come out now. As long as everyone was safe about getting home, he and Tyler didn’t mind.

“You really are so much happier now that you’ve found someone,” his grandmother said with a pleased sigh. “I’m glad you finally found the right guy.”

Donovan smiled, resting a hand on the back of Tyler’s neck, and squeezed once. “Me too.”

* * *

“Tyler Hewitt!” Donovan’s voice thundered down the hall and Tyler grinned to himself. Oh yes, this had gone exactly as he’d planned.

Donovan pushed open the door of Tyler’s office and glared at him. “Where are my strawberries?”

Tyler shrugged. “Needed them. We had a ton of daiquiri orders tonight.”

“Oh, you did, huh?” Donovan crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him. “Well, you know what that means, don’t you?”

Tyler shrugged as he stepped forward, waving a clipboard. “I have to fill out the form.”

Donovan sputtered. “That is the least of it.” He closed the distance between them until they were almost nose-to-nose. “Thirty minutes in the humbler.”

Tyler squirmed, grateful the tavern was closed, and he and Donovan were the last two people there. “I thought we’d agreed on twenty.”

“Thirty,” Donovan said with a low growl. “And if you sass me again, I’ll make it forty.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Tyler smirked.

Donovan narrowed his eyes. “Finish your work. I want you naked, bound, and begging me within the hour.”

“Yes, Sir,” Tyler said. “Anything you say, Chef.”

* * *

“Anything I say, huh?” Donovan purred in Tyler’s ear an hour or so later as he pressed him down onto the bench. He was still breathing hard from the grappling he’d had to do to get Tyler subdued tonight.

He’d been fired up. Pushy and mouthy and … Donovan let out a satisfied little growl as he secured Tyler’s hands to the bench straps. Sexy as hell. Donovan loved this. He loved Tyler’s easy submission. The way he looked to Donovan to lead. The way he surrendered and seemed grateful for the structure and guidance Donovan gave him. But he loved nights like this as much or maybe a little bit more. When Tyler challenged Donovan to be his very best.

They had lost none of the heat and unpredictability of their earliest scenes, only gained a sweetness that was so good it sometimes made it difficult for Donovan to speak past the lump in his throat.

Tonight, with Tyler stretched out over the bench, squirming as Donovan reached for the humbler and slipped his nuts through the hole in it, Donovan felt a sense of awe that he’d found someone like Tyler.

Someone so strong, he was more than Donovan’s equal. Someone who had shown Donovan how to be a better Dom. He’d longed for something he thought he’d never find, only to discover that he could have more than he had ever dreamed.

He strapped Tyler’s thighs to the bench and stood, grinning down at him. “Let’s begin.”

The first smack and subsequent howl made Donovan let out a deep sigh of contentment. “Oh, is it hurting already?” he teased. He smacked Tyler’s thigh again, causing him to squirm and cry out as the movement made the torture to his balls that much more painful. “Just gotta warm you up, and then I’ll break out the dragon’s tail.”

Tyler let out a low keening noise of desperation and Donovan laughed.

He spanked Tyler for a while, dragging the torture out. Now that he’d told him what he intended to do, it was worse to make him wait for it.

By the time Donovan stopped, Tyler’s body shone with sweat and he panted hard.

“How are you feeling?” Donovan asked softly and ran a hand across Tyler’s balls, cupping the abused flesh.

Tyler let out a tormented groan. “How the fuck do you think I’m feeling?”

“I think you’re feeling very lucky to have a Dom like me.”

Tyler stilled. “I am, Sir.”

“I’m the lucky one.” Donovan stroked down Tyler’s back from his neck to the base of his spine, before reaching for the dragon’s tail.

A quick flick of his wrist sent it zinging across Tyler’s ass, leaving a red line in its wake. Donovan beamed at the unholy noise Tyler let out. Thank God they were in a well-insulated house, because Tyler was vocal as hell when he really let go.

Donovan did it again, striping Tyler’s ass with hit after hit, as quickly as he dared, knowing just how much Tyler could take, delighting in his desperate cries of agony. When he was done, he knelt between Tyler’s thighs and grabbed both cheeks, parting them, He dove between, licking and teasing at Tyler’s hole, gripping the sore flesh of his ass and kneading it as he quickly worked him open with his tongue.

A slick of lube and he pushed inside, hearing Tyler’s needy, panting breaths. Their balls slapped together, Tyler’s still in the grip of the humbler, undoubtedly aching. That thought only made Donovan fuck him harder, trusting with absolute certainty that if Tyler needed him to stop, he’d let it be known.

But Tyler only panted and shoved back, body tensed as Donovan drove into him with a ferocity and desperation that took him by surprise every time.

“I love you,” Donovan gasped, and he emptied inside Tyler, hands gripping, body shuddering, whole world going fuzzy and white.

“You too,” Tyler slurred, his own body jerking helplessly with his release.

It took much too long for Donovan to release him from his bindings and free his balls but when he did, he drew Tyler down to the floor, cradling his head on his shoulder. Donovan stared up at the ceiling, sucking in lungsful of air as he stroked Tyler’s damp hair and guided him into a kiss.

Tyler looked at him, his gray eyes unfathomably deep and glazed with contentment.

Donovan didn’t have words but he could see everything he felt reflected back in Tyler’s gaze, so he merely nuzzled closer and held him tight.

* * *

The following day, Tyler stared at himself in the mirror as he folded back the sleeve of his dark blue shirt. “Does this look okay?”

Donovan scrutinized him, then nodded. “Yes. You look perfect.”

Tyler swallowed. He hadn’t been sure what to wear tonight but he knew Donovan liked the way his best pair of jeans hugged his ass and the look of his midnight blue button-down on him so he’d gone with that.

Donovan slipped his arms around Tyler’s waist and Tyler smiled.

They looked good together. Donovan’s red hair and lean build contrasted with Tyler’s dark hair and wider frame. He had a sudden thought that he’d like to see what they looked like when they played together. What he looked like on his knees as he took everything Donovan gave him.

“What are you smiling about?”

“Oh, just thinking about how good we look together. And how good for me you are, Sir.” That word fell from Tyler’s lips so easily these days he had to be careful not to let it slip out at work.

“I try.” Donovan reached up to touch Tyler’s day collar. It was simple, a dark metal chain that hooked onto an O-ring. It lay flat against his chest and tucked discreetly under the collar of his shirts. Even if it slipped out, it looked more decorative than kinky.

But Tyler loved it, nonetheless. No matter how chaotic or crazy his day got, Tyler always had the reminder that Donovan was with him.

“Ready for this one?” Donovan held up the thick leather band Tyler wore during scenes.

“Yes.” Tyler had to take a deep breath. Because as much as he loved wearing it in private, this would be the first time he’d worn it in public.


Tyler turned away from the mirror to face his Dom and sank to his knees, the gesture as easy as breathing now.

“You belong to me, Tyler Hewitt,” Donovan said as he wrapped the collar firmly around his neck and secured it. He tugged on the silver D ring and smiled.

Tyler smiled up at him. “I’m yours, Sir.”

The ritual and routine of the familiar exchange was soothing, allowing Tyler to slip into a different state of being. The world around them faded until he had tunnel vision and all he could see was Donovan.

Every day, when he walked into the tavern, everyone knew him as Tyler Hewitt, bar manager.

But tonight, he’d walk in as Donovan Ryan’s submissive.

* * *

“It’s okay to be nervous,” Donovan said as Tyler pulled up to the tavern and put his truck in park.

“I know.” Tyler licked his lips.

“We don’t have to go in.”

Tyler shook his head. “I want to go.”

“Well, if you change your mind at any point, we can leave. Just tell me.”

Tyler turned in his seat to look at him. “I don’t think I’ll want to but thank you, Sir.”

“I’m always looking out for you, “Donovan said, running a hand across the back of his head with a smile.

Tyler nodded. That he was sure of.

Still, his heart beat double-time as they walked into the tavern. A few of the staff gave them curious glances as they passed, and Tyler kept his coat and scarf on until he was inside the private room. Like they’d discussed earlier.

He breathed a little easier once the door shut behind him. The room was half full, the munch already underway.

Tyler unwound the scarf. He shrugged off his jacket and felt like everyone must be watching him but when he glanced around, he only caught a glimpse of someone he didn’t recognize who gave him a small, distracted smile before turning back to the person they were chatting with. Tyler hung the clothing over the back of a chair and turned to Donovan. “May I get you a drink, Sir?”

“Please. That Traverse City IPA if it’s available.”

“It should be,” Tyler said with a little smile. “I made sure we had it on hand for tonight.”

Donovan nodded, taking a seat in the chair next to Tyler’s. “You’re allowed one this evening.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

Tyler walked toward the small bar area, his heart still racing as he waited in line.

Not capable of submission. Ha. Look at him now.

Lacey was working the event tonight and there were a few people ahead of Tyler. Ordinarily, he’d have been tempted to slip behind the bar and help out but tonight he was at Donovan’s beck and call. Subtly, of course. This was just a munch. But they’d talked about going to a play party someday. The thought made Tyler nervous but excited.

They didn’t usually go this far with their dynamic. Where Tyler had to ask permission to have a beer, where Donovan made all the choices for Tyler. That wasn’t something that worked for them on a day-to-day basis and Tyler was perfectly content with what they did have.

But tonight was something new, something they’d never tried before. A test of sorts, an opportunity to show how willing he was, when he’d been nothing but bratty and mouthy the night before. He shifted restlessly, his balls still aching faintly from the scene they’d done.

When Tyler reached the front of the line, Lacey greeted him with a confused smile. “Hey, I thought you had the day off.”

“I do.” Tyler tried not to fidget, wondering when she’d put the pieces together. “I’m not here to work.”

“What are you doing here then …” Her words trailed off and her eyes went wide as her gaze landed on Tyler’s throat where the black leather and silver ring were on display. “Oh. Never mind.”

Tyler managed a faint smile. “Yeah.”

“So, you and Donovan are …”


They’d come out as a couple to their co-workers shortly after Thanksgiving but clearly no one had picked up on the rest of it.

“Cool. Is this your first munch then?”

Tyler nodded. They’d talked about coming sooner but between the chaos of the holidays and finding a night when the munch was held that they could both get time off work it had taken a while. And some understanding from Rachael.

“Well, your secret’s safe with me,” Lacey said with a bright smile.

Tyler cleared his throat. “I appreciate that. It’s not a huge secret, I just don’t necessarily need all the bartenders and servers knowing what I’m up to in my personal life, you know? Not really work appropriate.”

“I understand.” Her smile was reassuring, and she made a little zipping motion over her lips. “So, what I can I get you?”

“Two of the Traverse City IPAs, please.”

After Tyler paid for the beer and tipped her, he carried the cold bottles back to the table, setting one in front of Donovan. “Sir.”

He looked up with a smile. “Thank you.”

Tyler slipped into the seat beside him.

The woman across the table—the one he’d recognized from the gallery downtown at the mixer a few months ago—smiled at Tyler. “Hi. I’m Annette. This is my wife, Lydia.”

Tyler shook both their hands.

“So, your Dom was telling me all about the scene you did last night. Sounds amazing.”

Tyler’s body heated. They’d discussed this ahead of time but it still made him squirm to think about people knowing exactly what Donovan did to him. But he liked that squirmy feeling so he nodded. “It was.”

Annette gave them a curious look. “How long have you two been together?”

“Dating, since June. I collared him in November.” Donovan draped an arm across the back of Tyler’s chair.

“Aww you’re still new,” she cooed. “It’s been ages for me and my wife, so I always love to see new couples.”

Tyler smiled and the anxiety slipped away. Sitting beside Donovan, wearing his collar, he’d never felt more right.

This time last year, he’d never have dreamed he could tolerate spending time with Donovan, much less be here at a munch like this as his collared submissive. But there was no question that he was finally where he belonged.

* * *

A while later, Tyler pressed his shoulder against Donovan’s to whisper in his ear. “Is that who I think it is?”

Donovan followed Tyler’s gaze and caught sight of Jude standing in the doorway, a hesitant expression on his face. A handsome older man with silvery hair and a beard stood on one side of Jude, one hand on his shoulder. A younger guy, big and dark haired, hung back a bit behind them both.

Jude turned back to smile reassuringly at the younger guy, guiding him into the room with a possessive hand on his back.


Donovan shook his head and leaned in to speak in Tyler’s ear. “Well, more power to them if they can make a three-way relationship work,” he said softly.

“You sure you haven’t changed your mind on wanting one?”

Donovan glared and hooked a finger through Tyler’s collar at the back, making it press against his throat, not enough to restrict his breathing, just a warning.

“I’m sure. You’re more than enough work for me,” he teased.

Tyler let out a little noise of disagreement. “Excuse you. I’m very well behaved, Sir.”

“You weren’t last night.”

Tyler’s expression turned to one of outrage. “You told me to act up!”

It had been such a hot scene. It had been a while since they’d had the time to do longer, more intense play and Donovan had taken his time planning it. They’d talked it out ahead of time and he’d encouraged Tyler to get bratty, to push his buttons and argue until Donovan wrestled him to the ground and cuffed him. He’d tied him up after that, Tyler struggling the whole time, until he’d gotten him fully immobile. He’d had his wicked way with him then and left them both gloriously wrecked and happy.

Donovan reached out, squeezing a spot on Tyler’s thigh that he knew he’d left tender, and Tyler shot him a glance that was both a warning and filled with heat.

Donovan just grinned. Winding each other up was definitely still a part of their dynamic and Donovan wouldn’t have it any other way.

Tyler froze, then patted his pocket. “I have a message, Sir. May I check it?”

“Of course.”

Tyler still worried about calls from Eddie, but he had been doing well. Shortly after being released from the hospital, he’d been admitted to an inpatient program. It had been a slow recovery and Donovan knew it chafed at Tyler that he couldn’t talk to him for most of it, but the program had appeared to do Eddie good.

The last time Donovan and Tyler had gone up to Grand Rapids to see him, he was back home. He’d gained some weight and his face looked much healthier.

He’d taken Donovan up on his offer to have Kate Ryan defend him in court and she’d arranged for a plea deal. Eddie had been charged with a relatively minor count of reckless driving. Her impassioned speech about his military history, mental health struggles, and willingness to enter rehab had left Eddie with a suspended license and probation. Probably the best he could hope for under the circumstances.

It would be a long while before Andrea, Tyler, and the rest of the guys could fully relax and trust that Eddie was on the road to recovery, and there was always the possibility of him backsliding. Donovan had reminded Tyler it wasn’t a linear path. But Donovan was hopeful for all of them.

Now, he was relieved to see Tyler roll his eyes and shake his head at his screen before he typed out a quick message. When he was done, he tucked his phone back in his pocket.

“Good news?” Donovan asked.

“Just the guys being idiots.” He looked at Donovan. “That reminds me. I’m supposed to ask if you want to go on our next camping trip.”

“I appreciate the offer,” Donovan said. He dragged his fingertips down Tyler’s spine, enjoying the way he quivered in response. “But no. This will be the first one since Eddie got back and I think the five of you should just enjoy your time together. Tell them thank you, though. I’ll come another time.”

“Okay.” Tyler’s smile was easy. “I’ll pass that along.”

Donovan tuned back into the conversation across the table.

“I was disappointed by the selection at KinkCon this year,” Annette said with a frown. “Very few good vendors.” The group around them been talking for a while about implements and who to buy from. Donovan had asked them to send him the links to several sites.

“Oh, I got this great paddle recently,” Donovan said to Annette. “Let me show you.”

He reached for his phone but was surprised to find his pocket empty. He checked his jacket but didn’t find it there either. He remembered setting it on the console in the truck on the drive there and suspected he’d been too focused on Tyler and making sure he was okay to remember to grab it.

He rose to his feet and Tyler shot him a questioning look. “Just need to run out to the truck. Keys?” Tyler fished them out of his pocket and handed them over. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Donovan passed by Jude’s table as he left the room and he acknowledged Donovan with a nod. The silver fox looked up too and Donovan felt a flicker of recognition. God, he looked familiar, but Donovan couldn’t place him. Maybe he recognized him from around town or perhaps he’d dined at the tavern before.

Donovan had retrieved his phone and was halfway back to the building before he spotted Jude striding toward him. “Wait up a sec.”

Donovan raised an eyebrow at his ex. “What do you want, Jude?” he asked warily. He hadn’t been surprised to see him at the munch tonight, though he’d been hoping to avoid him.

“To apologize.” He jogged toward Donovan and stopped a few feet from him. His hair flopped over his forehead, and he pushed it back with an annoyed little flick of his hand.

“Oh. For what?”

“For being a pushy asshole before.” He grimaced. “Once I got over being hurt, I realized you were right. I was way out of line.”


“I was feeling really shitty about where I was at.”

“You aren’t now?”

Jude shrugged. “Things are looking up for me. It’s given me a slightly different perspective.”

“Huh. Does this have anything to do with the two guys you were talking to pretty intently earlier?”

Jude gave him a half-smile. “It might.”

“The silver fox looked familiar, and it just hit me who he is. Isn’t he a friend of the family? I swear I remember seeing him at parties your parents held, and I know we spoke a few times.”

“Yeah.” Jude dragged a hand through his hair. “He is. My dad’s best friend actually.”

Donovan winced. “Wow. And he’s … kinky?”

“Logan? Yes. I mean, I’d never have guessed it, but it turns out he very much is.”

“Didn’t he have a wife?” Donovan had a vague memory of a blonde woman on his arm.

Did being the operative word,” Jude said. “They’ve been divorced quite a while.”

“Still. Getting involved with your dad’s friend … that’s not going to be easy.”

“I know.”

“What about the other guy?”

“It’s complicated too.”

Donovan coughed. “You don’t say.” Combining any three people would be.

“You were the one who told me to give it a shot.” His tone turned a little defensive.

“How’s that?”

“You said, ‘if you want a triad with a Dom, go find it’.”

“Ahh.” Donovan considered the idea. “I had no idea you intended to follow my advice to the letter but good for you. I hope you’re happy.” He meant that with all sincerity. “I genuinely wish you the best.”

Jude smiled faintly. “Thanks. Looks like things are working out with you and Tyler. You sure didn’t waste any time claiming him.”

“Why should I? Life is short. You never know what’s going to happen.”

“When did you get so philosophical?”

Donovan shrugged.

“You’re happy though? He’s what you wanted?”

“He is.” Donovan smiled, his heart light in a way he’d never experienced before. “He’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of.”

“I’m glad.” For the first time in years, there was peace on Jude’s face. “I want you to be happy.”

“I am,” Donovan said with a smile. “I truly am.”

* * *

“There you are, Sir.” Tyler smiled at Donovan as he took a seat beside him again. “Thought you got lost.”

“No.” Donovan chuckled. “Just ran into Jude.”

“I noticed he slipped out and wondered if he’d ambushed you. Everything okay?” He rested a hand on Donovan’s thigh.

“Yes.” Donovan smiled. “He’s happy, I’m happy. It’s all good, I promise.”

“I’m glad. Did you find your phone?”

“I did.” Donovan pulled it out and scrolled through until he found the picture of the paddle he’d bought Tyler for Christmas. He held his phone out to Annette. “This is the piece I bought.”

“Ooh that’s gorgeous. Look, Lydia.”

“Oh God that looks painful,” Lydia said but she sounded delighted. “Please, can we get it, Mistress?”

They all laughed, and Donovan glanced over at Tyler to see a smile stretched wide across his face. It hit him square in the chest.

“I love you,” he said roughly.

“Love you too,” Tyler whispered softly. He reached out and touched Donovan’s cheek, eyes alight with happiness and wonder. “Yours and only yours,” Tyler whispered.

Donovan had to blink hard for a moment because he was so happy the feelings were almost too much to contain.

Contentment filled him at the sight of Tyler beside him, wearing his collar.

Right where he belonged.


Looking for more books in the Naughty in Pendleton Series? check out Flipping the Switch!

The next book in the series features Jude, a feisty, irreverent switch. Tony, a sweet submissive with a secret. And Logan, the silver fox Dom who just happens to be Jude’s father’s best friend. Could three be the perfect number for true love?

Grab it now!


If you loved Donovan and Tyler together, check out Showing His Strength, a FREE dirty and sweet outtake that offers another glimpse of their future together.

Read it here!