Made to Order by Brigham Vaughn


“You look weirdly happy for a guy whose best friend is in the hospital.”

Tyler let out a little laugh and blinked back tears as he walked farther into Eddie’s room. He was stretched out on the hospital bed, still hooked up to an IV, but otherwise he looked better than he had any right to. He had some scratches and bruises on his face and arms, and his left leg was in a cast, but he was alive and in one piece. And for now, at least, he was safe.

“How’re you feeling?” Tyler asked. He took a seat beside the bed and studied his face.

“Like I got hit by a tree.”

Tyler shook his head. “Pretty sure you were the one who hit the tree, not the other way around.”

“Really? I would have sworn it jumped out at me,” he joked.

Tyler sobered. The happiness he’d felt since he’d woken up in Donovan’s arms this morning faded and worry rose to the surface again. “Seriously, what the fuck happened?”

Eddie grimaced. “Honestly, I’m not entirely sure. I think I misjudged the corner and lost control.”

“No deer or slick roads or anything?”

“I don’t think so.” He sighed. “That would make it better, wouldn’t it?”

“You were drunk. There’s no undoing that.”

“I know.” Eddie picked at the thin hospital blanket.

“You could have died.”

“I know that too.” He closed his eyes.

“How much legal trouble are you in?”

“I’m not sure. There will be charges though.”

“I was afraid of that.”

Eddie shook his head. “I deserve it. I know that. I fucked up.”

“You did. What if the kids had been with you?”

He blanched. “I wouldn’t …”

“Six months ago, did you think you’d have driven drunk?”

“No.” Eddie’s voice was a rough whisper.

“I’m fucking glad you’re okay but goddamn it, I’m pissed at you,” Tyler said. He hadn’t even realized it. He’d been so worried that this had been all that had filled his head. But now that he could see with his own two eyes that Eddie was okay physically, the anger bubbled up, spilling out in a torrent he could barely control.

“You could have died, you idiot. I could have lost you. Andrea could have lost you. The kids. You can’t do that to us, man.” Tyler realized his cheeks were wet and he wiped at his face angrily.

“I know that! What do you want me to say?” Eddie’s voice was pained.

“That you’re going to get help,” Tyler said. “Inpatient rehab. Whatever it takes. And I don’t give a flying fuck if you can’t afford it. I have a plan.” That plan relied on Donovan’s family being very generous, but fuck it. He’d sell his house to pay them back if he had to.

Eddie sighed. “Hayes has been raising holy hell with the VA all morning. Pretty sure by the time he’s done, I’ll have a spot.”

“Good.” Tyler glared at him. “But if you need anything, you come to me. You hear that? I don’t care how fucking proud you are. You come to me or Hayes or Jackson. Or Gordo. Doesn’t matter. But you don’t do this alone.”

“Thought you were usually the one taking orders?” Eddie joked. “You’re sounding pretty bossy there, dude.”

Tyler crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s been a while, but I was a staff sergeant, remember?”

“Yeah well, you never outranked me.”

Tyler let out a heavy sigh. “Not the fucking point, dude.”

“I know.”

Tyler took a seat on the edge of the hospital bed. He reached out and took Eddie’s hand. “Seriously. I love you, man. You’re too important for me to lose. The broken bones will heal and you’ll figure out the legal shit. But if you don’t stop drinking, your liver is going to be shot. Do you want to end up too sick to play with your kids because your organ is failing, and you can’t find a match for a transplant?”

“You wouldn’t give me part of yours?” Eddie joked.

Tyler scoffed. “I would in a heartbeat, but I think the odds of us being a match is pretty damn low.”

They both looked down at their clasped hands, Tyler’s much paler skin contrasting with Eddie’s rich brown tones.

“Huh, you mean you’re not actually my brother?”

Tyler gave him a wry smile. “Not when it comes to blood types and tissue markers. Pretty sure that’s all livers care about.”

“Damn. Assholes.”

“Tell me about it.” Tyler had spent a good chunk of the morning googling organ transplant facts and it had been pretty clear that matches were more likely to be found among members of the same ethnicity. It wasn’t impossible that he could help Eddie that way, but the odds were much lower than if Tyler were Latino too. He sobered, swallowing hard. “But I mean it. What do I have to say to get through to you?”


Worry flickered over Tyler but Eddie shook his head.

“No, I don’t mean that nothing will get through to me. I mean I woke up from surgery and I realized I can’t keep going on like this.” He let out a heavy sigh. “Because you’re right, if I do, I’m going to leave my kids without a dad and my wife without a husband.”

Tyler nodded.

“And I don’t want to leave any of you. I fought so fucking hard to not come home in a body bag. I just need to keep fighting now.”


“And I know how fucking hard it was for all of us to lose Rafe and Frenchie. I won’t do that to you too.”

“Good.” Tyler squeezed tightly. “Because if you do, I’ll kick your ass.”

“The others already threatened me.” Eddie let out a tired sigh.

Tyler chuckled. “I’m serious. I’ll sic Donovan on you too if that’s what it takes.”

“Pretty sure Andrea’s scarier than all of you.”

“Pretty sure she is,” Tyler agreed. “So don’t let us down. Any of us.”

Eddie nodded, his expression grim and determined. “I won’t.”

Tyler leaned in, carefully wrapping his arms around Eddie. “Thank you.”

“Thanks for having my back.” Eddie patted him awkwardly.

“Hey, can we get in on this?” Hayes asked.

Tyler turned his head to see him, Jackson, and Gordo in the doorway, looking hesitant and hopeful.

“Hell yeah,” Eddie said, gesturing with one arm. “C’mon.”

They piled on, as carefully as three large fully-grown men could manage, and the last of the tension slip from Tyler as the five of them clung to one another like they hadn’t done since Frenchie’s funeral.

Tyler let out the heavy breath he’d been holding Eddie pressed their temples together.

Eddie had a ways to go but Tyler had to believe that he’d get through this.

For the first time in years, he had hope again.

* * *

“There’s one thing I want to do before we head home,” Tyler said. After returning from Grand Rapids, they’d swung by Donovan’s place for a few belongings and were heading over to Tyler’s.

Tyler was so tired he felt like he’d been hit by a truck but he had one last thing to take care of before he crashed for the next twelve hours or so.

“What’s that?”

“I want you to stop by my parents’ place. I want to tell them about us.”

Donovan’s mouth opened and Tyler was grateful they were stopped at a red light because Donovan wasn’t looking at the road. “You sure you want to do that now?”

“Yes,” Tyler said firmly. “I want to tell them. Unless you don’t want me to, Sir.”

Donovan blinked. “Of course I do. If you’re ready, we’ll do it now.”

Less than ten minutes later, Donovan pulled the truck up in front of Tyler’s parents’ home. “Do you want me to come in?”

Tyler hesitated. “Actually, maybe let me talk to them alone first. If that’s okay?”

“Whatever you think is best.” Donovan squeezed his fingers. “I’m here if you need me.”

Tyler was almost too tired to be nervous as he hopped out of the truck and walked up the sidewalk. His dad looked confused when he opened the door.

“Sue, Ty’s here,” he called out. “Did you know he was stopping by?”

“No.” Tyler’s mom came out of the living room. “What are you doing here, honey?”

Tyler licked his lips. “Just want to talk to you for a few minutes.”

“Sure. You want anything to drink?”

“No thanks.”

A few minutes later, they were seated in the living room. From Tyler’s spot on the couch, he could see the cab of his truck. He couldn’t see Donovan clearly but knowing he was close helped. “I have something I want to tell you. I’m … I’m dating someone. The chef at the tavern. Donovan Ryan. He’s … he’s a man.”

There. Bandage off in one quick rip.

“A man?” His father gave Tyler a puzzled look. “I don’t understand. Where did that come from?”

Tyler shrugged. “I don’t know, to be honest.”

“So you’ve never dated a man before?”

“No,” Tyler said honestly. “But once I got to know Donovan, I realized we were really good together.” That was an extremely brief version of their relationship but it would have to do. “We’ve been seeing each other for almost six months now.”

“So, you’re gay?” His mother asked. A concerned frown crossed her face. “Why didn’t you tell us before now, honey?”

“No.” Tyler rubbed his head. “I’m not gay. I’m dating a man. I’m bisexual, I think. And I didn’t tell you before now because I only figured it out myself.”

“But you said you’ve been seeing this Donovan guy since June,” she said. She pursed her lips.

“Oh.” Tyler let out a relieved little laugh. “Well, I wanted to be sure it would work out before I made a big deal out of it.”

“But it’s a big deal?” His father asked.

“I love him, yes.” Tyler swallowed hard. “And I can see a future with him.”

“Oh, honey, that’s wonderful.” His mom rested a hand on his. “I am so happy for you.”

His dad frowned. “I still don’t understand where this came from. One day you’re straight and now …”

Tyler sighed. His dad wasn’t trying to be a dick, but this was the exact sort of thing Tyler had feared. “I wish I could make it easier to understand. I just … It seemed pretty fucking stupid to tell someone who was great for me no because … well, because I’ve always been one thing in the past. So, yeah, I was straight before. And now I’m something else. But it doesn’t really matter, you know?” Tyler swallowed. “I know this is an adjustment for you, but I really am happier than I’ve ever been. I hope you can accept that, Dad.”

His dad sighed. “You always did want to go your own way. If I had anything to say about it, you’d have been a plumber like me with a wife and kids, but I know I don’t get any say in it.”

“Well, I think it’s turned out okay,” Tyler said. “I don’t regret my military service and I love my work at the tavern and being with Donovan. Kids are something we’ll talk about eventually so that could maybe still happen. But either way, I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”

“Good.” His mom squeezed his arm. “That’s all I want for you. Honestly. Your dad too.”

His dad let out an unimpressed ‘hmmph’ but he nodded. “I guess we better meet him then.”

A little of the worry slipped from Tyler’s shoulders. “I’d like that. How about you come have dinner with us next week? We’ll cook.”

“You cook now?” His mom sounded so surprised that Tyler laughed aloud.

“A little bit. I’m getting better at it.”

“Well, how ’bout that?” his dad said, a smile beginning to creep across his face. “Maybe he is good for you.”

Tyler smiled. “He is. He really, really is.”