Her Deadly Angels by Ginna Moran

Chapter 10



“HOW COULD YOU be so careless? Fuck, Dante. He’s hurt.” Raven races the dozen feet it takes to get to Elias and drops to her knees.

“It was a risk we needed to take. I don’t think you understand the severity of his fucking condition. I was trying to help.” Dark green and gold scales sprout from his arms as he unleashes his Hell body, turning into the serpent he truly is.

“He almost died and we didn’t even get any answers.” Raven caresses her knuckles across Elias’s cheek.

“Stay here with him. Don’t go anywhere. Do you understand?” Dante flashes his fangs while he speaks. “You’ll be safe enough.”

“Where are you going?” Raven asks, her voice rising in panic.

“To get answers.” Without waiting for Raven to respond, Dante launches into the air, sending a gust of his burning pinewood scent in my direction.

Raven slaps her hands into the grass and growls, taking out her frustration on the ground. Hanging her head, she lets her midnight hair veil her face, shielding the world from seeing her tears sparkling on her cheeks. A couple splash on Elias’s face, stirring him back to consciousness, and he just stares up at her.

“Darlin’, you look like an angel,” Elias murmurs, reaching up to comb Raven’s hair from her face. “For a second, I thought my prayers were finally answered.”

Raven groans and sniffles, tipping her head toward the sky. If I didn’t know she was looking for her soul keeper, I’d think she was about to pray to the Higher Power. Blinking the tears from her eyes, she clears her vision only to catch sight of me. I don’t hide from her like I should, but her fear is palpable, shuddering through my essence. She needs to know that she isn’t alone. With me, no demon will risk coming closer.

I rub my hands together and thin the veil between planes, pushing out the rest of the world from Raven’s view. She gawks at me in shock. And then what feels like a miracle happens. Raven raises her arm and motions to me.

“Andre, you have no idea how happy I am to see you.” She invites me over with her trembling voice. I can feel her need for my closeness deep in my bones. It awakens a part of me that has lain dormant for as long as I’ve existed. “Please, can you help him? If he dies...” A sob escapes her ruby lips and tears at my essence. How can I deny such a plea?

Folding my wings, I stroll closer and tower over her and Elias, staring down at his frozen form. Blood seeps from his ear, threatening to drip into his hair the second I close the veil and put the world together. Raven’s desperation sinks inside me, and I find myself kneeling beside her. Seeing Elias like this, an angel once so powerful that demons ran in his presence, guts me on a level I didn’t know possible. The same sorrow I felt over Micah’s discarded grace crashes over me, and I can’t stop the tears from burning my eyes.

“My friend, what have you done? What was worth trading your existence for?” I ask, hovering my hand over Elias’s forehead.

“Please, Andre. There has to be something you can do.” Raven rests her hand on my knee, sending electricity coursing through my body, awakening every inch of me under her touch.

I tilt my head and meet her gaze. “I can heal his wounds, but the sickness devouring his lungs is bound by a demonic contract.”

“What?” Raven’s surprise softens her features. “He’s sick because of a demon?”

“I will let you know more if you give me your permission to read his soul. It does partially belong to you in a way.” I summon my heavenly light in my palm, setting Elias’s face aglow. The halo reminds me of another one of his lifetimes, when he would’ve never resorted to a demonic deal.

“Yes, of course. Do what you have to.” Raven scoots closer to me, sliding her fingers through Elias’s. The gesture tugs at me, capturing my attention. I know she doesn’t remember the history of her soul—and neither does Elias for that matter—and I can’t help basking in the bright light they create together. Their souls know they are fated even if they don’t, and I want nothing more than to live in their light.

“It’ll only take a minute, but he will remain out of sorts. Will you be able to manage with your soul keeper acting so carelessly?” I search Raven’s eyes. I can’t tell her that I’ll stay with her regardless, but I also need to know she can handle it. I don’t want her to think I’ve abandoned her.

She hides her lips, tightening her mouth. “I don’t know. I’m scared. Can you stay until Dante returns? We flew here, and I’m not even sure I can find my way back to our apartment.”

“You want me to stay?” My heart flutters, the sensation stealing my breath. A wave of pure joy envelops me as if Raven hugs me. But it’s just her essence. Her need of protection. It’s in this moment I realize how dangerous her effect is on me. If I didn’t feel so strongly about my path and what my mission is, I might lose myself to her completely.

“If that’s okay,” she says, squeezing my knee.

Her touch shoots pleasure to my groin, and I tense, losing focus with my erection. It happens more and more lately, but especially with her closeness. I don’t mind as long as my brethren don’t notice. Such a simple thing is an unnecessarily big deal to Cassius. He acts as if it’s a bad omen. I consider it a connection to humanity. I can serve mortals better knowing what simple things like a body’s reaction to another is like.

“It would be my honor, little hellion. How else am I supposed to influence some good into the dark spots the devils carve into your soul?” I remain expressionless with my words, trying not to let the truth of them get to me.

My lack of expression does nothing to help Raven, and she reacts with a scowl. “Don’t act all high and mighty, Andre. You’re the one with a damn erection. If anything, you’re a bad influence, reminding me of how enormous your angelic cock is. Now just get on with it. This isn’t about my soul. It’s about Elias.”

Releasing my leg, she cups Elias’s hand between her palms. I wonder what her warmth would feel like to have her hands on me, if I’d feel better or worse. Shaking my head, I push the thoughts of her touching me from my mind only to have the memory of her exploring my erection snap back front and center.

I roll my shoulders, ruffling my wings. “My apologies. I can’t seem to control this common reoccurrence with you. I don’t know how to get it to stop.”

She groans and shifts, hiding her face from me. “Next time you’re alone, rub one out or something.”

“Rub one out?” I ask, continuing on my mission to heal Elias even through this fascinating conversation. I’d love to possess her knowledge on the matter. “Perhaps you can show me what that is.”

Her shoulders shake, and I frown, wondering why she’s crying. I reach out with my free hand and graze my fingers over her forearm. Whipping her attention to me, she bursts out in laughter. I misjudged her body language. She finds great amusement in this moment, and her melodious, contagious giggling eases the worry clinging to me.

“Can you please just finish healing Elias?” she asks, twirling her finger. “We can get into the relief and fun of masturbation some other time.”

“Oh.” Warmth heats my cheeks at her words.

I should’ve understood her comment far quicker than I had. Why does it bother me in such a way? Perhaps because I lack the mortal experiences she’s grown accustomed to, especially with the devils. They enjoy suffering and pain, but I also know how much they savor pleasure and bliss, which might be the closest thing they could ever experience now that the joy of grace is out of their reach.

Raven bumps me with her hip, sending a shockwave of something indescribable through me. My groin tenses at the sensation and my desire turns uncomfortable almost. Persistent. Nagging. The absurd need to touch myself consumes me.

“You have no idea how much I want to corrupt you, Andre,” she comments, watching my heavenly light set Elias aglow. Squinting, she peeks at me through the strands of her dark hair veiling her face.

“Enlightening and educating me on certain physical aspects of humanity wouldn’t corrupt me.” I suck in my bottom lip as Raven touches my leg again. Swallowing, I focus on reading Elias’s soul, the darkness clinging to him so foul that I jerk my hand away and unfurl my wings. “But digging deeper into Elias’s Hell-bound soul might.”

Raven’s eyes widen and she gently sets his limp hand on the ground at his side. “What did you see? Are you okay?”

I shiver. “I will be. His soul was just...so tormented. He traded his soul for the health of someone close to him. Someone like a brother. I couldn’t remain focused long enough to read further. I’m sorry. He is healed as best as I could manage though. Hopefully it’ll buy you time. The demon with his contract hid a stipulation which transferred the lung cancer to him.”

She blinks her eyes, working through the swelling emotions inside her. “That bastard demon. He must’ve learned from Lucian personally on crappy deals.”

I sigh and scrub my hand over my face. Shedding the darkness of Elias’s soul is harder than I expected. “Perhaps. I—” A strange wave of dizziness washes over me. “I’m sorry. His soul—”

Warm fingers sink into my cheeks, and I narrow my attention on Raven’s glorious soul shining before me. She cradles my face between her palms, saying my name, and I manage to use her light to destroy the lingering darkness. Electricity zings through us, and she gasps, falling into me. I automatically engulf her in my arms and pull her up, not letting her slide to the ground.

“Healing Elias had a worse impact on me than I expected. It’s one of the reasons we tend to leave Hell-bound souls be,” I murmur, adjusting my legs until I sit on the ground with her on my lap.

Raven surprises me by hugging me tighter, burying her face into the crook of my neck. “Thank you for helping us despite it. I owe you.”

The pressure of her body sinking onto my erection sets me off with a deep-seated ache that forces me to tighten my hands on her hips to adjust her. I can’t stop the breath of a moan escaping my lips, my body reacting so intensely to Raven. I consider abandoning her to do what she recommended, despite my promise.

“You owe me nothing, little hellion,” I manage to murmur, my thoughts whirling with a dozen scenarios of what I desire to happen next. “But if you’d like to help me in return, I’d gladly appreciate it. The brilliance of your soul brings me great relief.”

She tilts her head. “Even though Lucian taints me with his evilness?”

I smile and touch her cheek. “Your soul happens to be the one exception, it seems.”

“Then do what you need. I don’t mind.” Her stunning blue-green eyes capture mine, the deep navy rings around her irises a dark contrast to the mixture of emerald and turquoise.

Drawing my eyes lower, I memorize her slender nose and full ruby lips, painted with makeup. I suddenly crave to taste her mouth, wondering if her lips are as sweet as their cherry color. And then her pink tongue glides along the seam of her mouth like she anticipates me leaning in and recreating our moment alone in her dream world.

“Raven, I desire to kiss you,” I say, running my thumb across her pout.

“Are you sure that’s what you want? I wasn’t joking about wanting to corrupt you. It’s my mission,” she says, her honesty the purest thing in the moment. I appreciate it more than she could know. As long as we’re both aware of our desires and the grim possibilities that can occur, I can navigate my mission without losing sight.

I offer her an assuring smile. “You can try your best, but that’s an impossible task, Raven. The only bad thing about you is Lucian’s chain, and even then, it does nothing to me. So to answer your question, yes, I’m most certain. I yearn to know what it’s like to kiss you on this physical plane.”

With a small nod, Raven tilts her head and caresses her lips to mine, the feather-softness of her caress prodding at something warm inside me. Goosebumps prickle over my body, and I deepen our kiss, tasting the sweet sugar flavor of her tongue. Just the simple gliding of her tongue across mine ignites an undeniable desperation inside me, and I slide my hand down the length of her back and pull her into me, needing the pressure and weight of her body against mine to stop me from floating away on this ride of excitement.

She combs her fingers through my hair, rocking her hips like she wants to feel my desire for her. I moan and dig my fingers into the soft skin of her waist. The pleasure she brings with such a simple gesture sets my body off, each touch, each shift, even just the sensation of her breath on my mouth as she pulls away makes me feel as if I’m ascending to the point where I’ll have nowhere to go except back down.

She gasps and eases away, clutching onto my shoulders like I’m the only thing keeping her grounded as our essences try to soar away together. “I have to stop,” she mumbles, her heaving chest grazing her breasts against me—breasts I imagine are as perfect as the parts of her I see now. “If I don’t...” She shivers. “You’re not ready for that.”

I try to keep her in place. “I’m ready for anything, my little hellion.”

“Then maybe I’m not.” Raven shifts out of my arms and gets to her feet, kicking our private world back into motion. “Thank you, Andre. For everything.”

I frown and use my wings to launch me up. Towering over her, I look into her eyes, trying to get a read on her soul, but she steps away. “Have I done something wrong? I apologize if—”

I shudder, my words cutting off as I sense the quivering darkness of Hell rising from my right. Without finishing my thought, I launch into the air, leaving Raven standing over Elias in the grass. Dante stalks in their direction, his body soaked in the filth of demon guts. I only watch for a second as Raven throws her hands up at Dante, her shouts lost on the whistling wind.

I can’t bear to witness the most breathtaking soul I’ve ever seen lose itself to a devil’s darkness, especially after reminding me of Heaven. My body still buzzes and aches, and I fly to a rooftop and bow against an access door, clinging onto Raven’s light and the memory of her closeness. Unzipping my pants, I pull out my erection and stroke my fingers along the length of my shaft, taking care to massage myself in the fast, exciting strokes I get from my thoughts of Raven.

My body tenses, and I moan, staring at my release splattering on the door. My vision turns white, the pleasure and relief from a simple act helping to clear my mind. I inhale a few long breaths and slow my racing heart. It feels as if it wants to escape my chest to chase the soul that calls to me, wanting nothing more than to feel my light and love and grace but a soul so afraid of unleashing darkness that Raven will deny what could be something glorious and pure between us. She doesn’t see it, but I’m good for her and her soul. She can’t corrupt me.

It makes me more determined to prove it.

I will show her that there is hope beyond her binds to Lucifer. She can experience good grace and Heaven with me.

“Andre, I’ve been calling to you. What has kept you from responding?” Cassius’s deep voice cuts through the air behind me.

I stiffen and adjust my pants, not allowing him to see he caught me in an act intended for humanity. “Raven.” I cannot lie to Cassius despite knowing he’ll be displeased. “Her soul keepers are up to something.”

“You are not to be around her.” Cassius scowls and gives me a once over, trying to figure out what I hide from him. “She—”

“She could be useful.” I cross my arms over my chest. “I know you worry, Cass, but I know my purpose, and I will not allow a single soul to ruin that. Yet, I also can’t seem to get the thought of gaining her trust out of my mind. My instincts believe she can do what we have been incapable of accomplishing. She can keep us informed about Hell’s plans. Kindness goes a long way. So does mercy. Have you thought about that? Instead of disregarding her, we should see what she is willing to do to help the Higher Power.”

I press my lips together, the suggestion hiding my alternate desire to get to know Raven on a physical level. That is none of Cassius’s concern as the knowledge will do nothing apart from worry him for no reason.

Cassius studies my face for a moment before nodding. “I suppose you’re right. But I want you to be careful. Don’t get too close. You know why her soul shines so brightly.”

I nod without response.

Like he must confirm it out loud, he adds, “She is an abomination. Her essence born from our own brethren’s fall from grace. It isn’t good, Andre.”

“Yes, Cassius.” Except he’s wrong.

Cassius unfurls his wings. “It’s deceptive. If you’re not careful—”

Anger lashes through me, and I scowl. “Enough! Do not speak to me as if I don’t know and understand my purpose. I will not fail.”

“I pray so,” he whispers, glancing at the sky. “I can’t lose anyone else.”

Without another word, Cassius launches into the air, taking flight. He might not want to lose anyone else, but I don’t want to lose Raven. He will see her importance. And when he does, he will realize what I know on a soul-deep level.

Raven isn’t a lost soul.

She’s a force that’ll take on Hell.

She’s angel-kissed for a reason.

With her, I know the Higher Power will continue to rise.