Her Deadly Angels by Ginna Moran

Chapter 12

Jealousy Bites


“SHIT, WHERE DID they go?” I ask, trying to get up.

Dante folds his wings and plops into the booth next to me, eyeing the room. He doesn’t respond to my question and leans his elbows on the table. I scoot over to give him space, his body radiating with the heat of Hell. Elias sits rigidly, clutching onto the edge of the table. His eyes dart from the spot Kase chased the demon into some sort of Hell portal and to me.

“Hell,” Elias murmurs, swallowing his hoarse word.

A dozen thoughts cross my mind. If Kase entered Hell, could Lucian take advantage of it and force him to stay? Fuck.

The room rumbles and the putrid scent of rotten eggs trickles through the air as fiery cracks fissure across the shiny black floor. Dante closes the foot of space I put between us and drapes his arm across my shoulders like we hadn’t just gotten into an argument about his reaction toward me showing Gia my attention. I could try to shove him away out of spite, but the more sensible part of me knows he has his reasons and will explain them to me. Right now, I want to be as close to him as possible before Hell breaks loose.

“Relax, pretty soul. It’s only Kase. You know the realms break easily under his wrath,” Dante says, stroking his hot fingers up and down my arm.

“Apparently, the same goes for Elias’s master.” I sink into Dante, relief flooding through me at the sight of Kase materializing from a burst of flames.

“Not without a price. He’ll be weakened.” Turning his gaze toward Kase, Dante shares a silent look with him. It’s obvious from his quick return that the demon managed to get away. And now he knows Elias is with us.

Kase remains expressionless as he strides to the booth. I try to lock my gaze to his, but he trains his glowing glare on Elias. Shifting on the seat, I prepare to intervene if Kase decides to unleash his wrath. It’s no one’s fault the damn demon got away...sort of. I push the thought of my weird-ass fun with Gia to the back of my mind. I know it could’ve distracted Kase and Dante, and I don’t want to think that something so small will be the cause of my downfall.

“Elias, get up. You’re going hunting with me,” Kase says, crossing his arms over his chest. “I can use his hold on you to track him now that I know who he is. Fucking bottom feeder. I’ll give him credit for his determination but he’s sloppy.”

Elias remains in his spot, his complexion pale, his body trembling. He looks worse than he had only an hour ago. My chest tightens with worry. The unknown stability of his terminal cancer scares me. What if something happens and we can’t get his contract in time? Fuck.

“Can you do it without him? He doesn’t look so good,” I say, tapping my fingers to the table to get Kase’s attention.

Flaring his nostrils, Kase finally meets my gaze. “Why work harder when he can help me pinpoint his new territory? I hate to sound like an asshole to you, angel-girl, but the dickhead isn’t getting any better. He’ll never look good.”

Dante stands up and towers over the table. “I’ll give you another dose of my venom. It’ll keep you going.”

“Until his body just gives out,” I exclaim, tugging on Dante’s jacket. “You guys are going to kill him faster than—”

“Raven, it’s fine. They’re right. I’m not getting any better. I’d rather fight my hardest and fail than waste away, praying to God for mercy when it’s now more obvious than ever that my prayers will never be answered.” Elias slowly gets up, using the table to support himself with one hand. Lifting his other, he gives his arm to Dante to bite.

I clench my jaw, forcing my face to stay in check instead of frowning. I can sense the dozens of gazes penetrating me as both demons and Hell-bound souls alike try to eavesdrop on our business. No one must look at me fully, watching the devils instead, because I spot Gia keeping watch over the crowded bar like she’s antsy to make more heads roll.

Stroking my cheek with his tail, Kase grabs my attention away from the room. “Try not to test Dante too much. I like this bar and would prefer not to see it crumble into the fiery pits of Hell because he couldn’t control his envy in regards to you asking for someone to teach you something we’re plenty capable of handling.”

I stand in silence, letting his words hang in the air. I can’t believe the bastard called me out. They both damn well know that they don’t want to share their demonic affairs with me. This is the first real outing I’ve been on that wasn’t chasing angels. I had no idea that demons like Gia worked for them. They have entire legions that work for them, Hell-bound souls, and who knows what else.

Kase leans over and kisses me, cutting off my argument. Dante grabs his tail and makes him jump and back away like he thinks if Kase starts something, neither of us will stop. It wouldn’t be the first time Kase did as much with Dante in the middle.

“If Elias gets hurt, I’m restraining you to Dante’s bed and screwing him in front of you, Kase,” I say, sucking in my bottom lip to stop from reacting. “I mean it. I know he’s your least favorite, but take it easy on him.”

“Good luck following through, angel-girl,” he quips, giving Elias a nudge forward. He peers at Dante from over his shoulder. “Take our soul to the new place. I’ll meet you two there later.”

Dante doesn’t give me a chance to say anything and blocks my view of Kase and Elias leaving. Like the demons around us finally give up on their nosiness, voices pick up again, blending with the pulsing music. It grows louder in volume, proving I was right. Fucking demons.

Dante sits down and pulls me onto his lap, hooking his arms around my stomach. “You have no idea how frustrated I am with you. I want so badly to bend you over my knee and spank you until you lose feeling in your ass.”

I shiver at his words. “The humiliation of getting spanked in front of your minions might be worth it if it helps you get under control enough to have a conversation that won’t make you spit acid on anyone who looks at me.”

Dante groans deep in his chest at the thought, his body awakening beneath mine. “Don’t tease me like that.”

A figure moves in the edge of my vision as Gia struts up to the booth. “My king, can I—”

“Get the fuck back to work,” Dante snaps, slapping his hands on the table. “I know what you’re doing, and it won’t work. I think you’ve forgotten your place. This soul is mine.”

I scrunch my nose. “Dante.”

Dante covers my mouth with his hand. “Do not argue, Raven. Gia is a demon of deception and manipulation. She is excellent at her job for a reason. Just because she doesn’t try to get to you the way others have tried doesn’t mean she doesn’t plan to. I swore to protect you, and that’s what I’m doing.”

“Are you sure it’s not about controlling me, Dante? Because that’s what this feels like.” I swivel to look at him. “You got pissed off because I was giving her my time.”

His eyes flash green, and he drops his gaze away from mine. “It’s more than that. It’s not about controlling you. It’s about controlling them. Yes, I’m jealous that you chose to give her time doing things you didn’t seem interested in before, but if Gia thinks she can take something, she will. Whether it’s your time or attention, she is a demon of my domain and will always want what others have.”

“But she can’t have me,” I say, touching his chin to get him to look up. “I belong to you.”

His hard features light with the fire of lust. Dante might be a tough-ass. He might push boundaries and do psychotic things. But even through the fire and envy, there is a part of him that needs the reassurance only I can give. I don’t know if it’s our bonding of souls or what, but with him being my soul keeper, it’s like my humanity prods at him. Instead of pointing it out or making him resent it, I tend to it. I work with it and use it to grow our relationship beyond me being a possession. I want more, and it’s obvious so does he.

“Damn straight,” he confirms, combing his hand into my hair.

I bend my neck slightly, exposing my throat to him. “Why don’t you show them? Give me a mark that they can always see.”

“My perfect soul,” he murmurs, kissing my neck. “You’re the one with the power over me, you know? It’s you who controls me.”

I exhale a small breath, my body tingling with anticipation as he teases me with his fangs, preparing to bite me. I shift on his lap and squirm, wishing we weren’t in this booth in the middle of a crowded club. I can’t stop my curiosity from getting the best of me, and I glance toward the bartender serving drinks. I catch sight of Gia glaring at me, her once friendly demeanor now gone with the blazing fire dancing in her dark eyes.

“Relax,” Dante murmurs, tugging me by the hair more, positioning me how he wants to bite. “It’ll be a little pinch. I’m not going to bite you with venom either.”

“You’re not?” I ask, almost whiny. The reminder of how he can get me high blooming front and center in my mind. It’s strangely exciting.

“I want you clear headed for me.” He kisses my neck again. “All I’ll do is drink. Taste you as I crave. Feel you as I’ve always wanted.”

I moan at the pressure of his bite as his fangs sink into my throat. I expect him to pull away, but he doesn’t. He loosens his mouth enough to retract his fangs and molds his lips over his bite mark, sucking hard enough to drink my blood. The act sends pleasure shooting right between my legs.

“And I thought you were worthy of the kings of Hell, but here you are acting as prey in the snake’s grip.” Gia appears at the booth with her hands on her hips. “I knew I should’ve grabbed you when I had the chance, but I’m willing to fight.”

Gia unsheathes a dagger before Dante has a chance to react. She slashes it at me, but Dante’s arm gets in the way and she cuts him. My body kicks into action, and I kick my leg, knocking her blade away. Lifting me up with him, Dante gets to his feet, towering over Gia. She freezes and raises her hands in surrender, and the awe I had for her vanishes.

Something dark and deadly comes over me. The world hazes red and it’s as if my soul separates from my body. I watch myself launch from Dante’s arms at Gia, landing on top of her. Instead of dragging me away, Dante strolls to Gia’s head and grabs a long sword from somewhere hidden on his devil form breaking free.

“Do not underestimate me, demon,” I say, my voice seemingly snapping my soul back to my body. “Dante is my king. Mine. I should cut you to pieces.”

Gia remains placid beneath me.

“Do it,” Dante encourages, pointing his sword.

I narrow my eyes, training my gaze to the unpredictable demon. “I have a better idea. I will spare your life but you will now serve me as your queen. If you betray me, you will know the true Hell given to me by my kings.”

“Yes, your majesty,” Gia says, tightening her jaw.

“And let this be a lesson on how to control my legion,” Dante says, pulling the sword away. “If you kill all our servants, we will have no one left to serve us.”

I push my palms into Gia’s chest and get to my feet, dusting myself off. I expect her to blast me with fire or some shit, but all she does is bow her head in respect. My emotions run wild. I was foolish to think that maybe I could befriend a demon. She was obviously testing me. For the first time in weeks, I feel a bit bad. I mean, my ex basically made me ruin all my friendships and relationships outside of him that it made keeping it that way easier. But now? Will it ever be possible again?

“All right, pretty soul. Time to leave this hellhole and go somewhere worthy of your presence.” Dante scoops me into his arms and strides from the bar without another glance around.

Outside, he sets me on my feet and kneels in front of me, surprising me. He takes my hands between his and brings them to his chest, sandwiching them to his pecs. His heart beats furiously against my palms, and his eyes shine with his devilish light.

“What are you doing?” I ask, his weird gesture stealing the sadness from me.

“Groveling. Pleading. Begging for you to forgive me and also allow me to show you my appreciation. Drinking your blood opened you up in a way I’m unused to, and it’s getting to me.” Dante squeezes my fingers. “Your protectiveness of me has me so hot right now. It’s taking all of my power not to ravish you right here, but I’m also afraid that if I take you home, I will lose control, and I know I fucked up in there. I know you might not want to fuck me if you think I’ll pull that shit again.”

“You mean the shit where I was naïve? We both made mistakes. I’m not going to hold that against you, Dante. I should bend you over and spank you myself for thinking that. You have been so good to me, even if it’s sometimes in weirdly psychotic ways.” I grin with my words.

He pulls me closer, stretching to bury his face in my cleavage. I laugh and link my fingers through his hair, tipping his head back. The smile he graces me with could melt the panties right off me. He’s so sexy on his knees, looking ready to lift my dress and make me scream with his tongue.

“If that’s what you want, pretty soul. You can teach me a lesson,” he murmurs, sliding his hands to my ass. “I’m yours.”

I love the sound of that. “I do...just not here. I don’t want to risk interruptions, especially when you’re on your knees before me.”

“Worshipping you inch by inch,” he teases, testing my resolve by sliding a finger between my legs to feel what he does to me. “Mind, body, and soul.”

I pull him to his feet and kiss him, savoring his devotion. Feeling him on a level I never imagined possible. “And then it’ll be my turn.”

A bright flash of light steals my attention, and I stiffen. Dante hisses and spins, not hesitating to throw acid in the direction of the saviors coming into view. Red flames explode across the ground in front of us, creating a barrier, and I stare in surprise as Gia stands by the entrance of the club.

It’s enough to steal Cassius and Zade’s attention from us, and they turn their heavenly fury toward the demon.

Gia growls and unsheathes two small daggers hidden on her hellish form. Without hesitating, she throws them at Cassius, hitting him in his wing. The demon is quickly making up for her bullshit inside, and I nearly cheer for her.

“Time to go, pretty soul,” Dante says, lifting me into his arms.

I don’t argue and bury my face into Dante’s chest. Launching into the air, Dante avoids the blasts of fire and light, flying me away.

I glance down at the fight below.

Andre steps from the shadows and glances up at me. I tense in anger. Has he been messing with me this whole time, waiting for the opportunity to lead Cassius and Zade to me? Fuck. How could he?

As quickly as my angry thoughts rise, they fade. Andre isn’t fighting with his brethren against the demons rushing from the bar. He’s hiding. Sneaking around the building and away from his brethren, Andre disappears in a flash of light.

“Looks like he can’t get enough of you,” Dante says, following my line of sight.

“But you will get everything you want. Everything he can’t have.” I hug Dante tighter.

He hums under his breath. “I can’t wait to see him fall. You’re truly Hell’s queen.”