Her Deadly Angels by Ginna Moran

Chapter 20

Gates of Heaven


IF THAT FUCKING angel leaves even a scratch on Raven’s skin—a tear in her robe even—I will pluck every damn feather from his wings, shove them down his throat until they explode out his ass, and then I’ll start the process all the fuck over again. It was one thing allowing Raven to spend a few torturous minutes with Andre, who looks ready to cum at just the thought of getting his cock wet inside my angel-girl. It’s a whole other thing that Zade had the audacity to intervene and be the Divine Cock-block.

I didn’t think the bastard had it in him, especially after how Raven slapped him and left Lucian’s mark on his skin, an eternal reminder that he’s a shitty angel.

“Zade, let her go! The devil will hurt you with his wrath. Please! I can’t stand the thought. Just let her go,” Andre shouts as I fly over his head and sink my claws into the sturdy trunk of a tall tree before catapulting toward Zade again.

Raven screams and thrashes, trying to break free from Zade. If he launches any higher, the fall will kill her.

Roaring, I holler my anger into the night, hoping that all of Heaven can hear my fury. “Return her now or I will torture Andre until you do. I will push him toward the ledge of faith until he loses it and abandons you just as Micah had.”

Zade whips around, freefalling with Raven a few feet. She screams and hugs him with her entire body, freaking out about the sudden drop. Blowing a breath of fire, I encircle the grass around Andre in red flames.

Jumping from the high branch of the tree, I prove to Zade that he shouldn’t ignore my threat. I don’t fucking care if Raven might have a growing thing for Andre. I don’t care if this might piss her off. The only thing that might stop Zade from carrying my angel-girl off is doing something he won’t be able to live with himself over if he knows he can prevent it by obeying me.

“Three seconds, Zade!” I shout, landing in the hellfire circle trapping Andre. He doesn’t move or fight, keeping his gaze locked on Zade and Raven.

“Please, Zade. Don’t test his wrath. You know there is another way,” Andre says, straightening his shoulders.

“Time’s up,” I say, growling from deep in my chest. I whip my tail across Andre’s chest, slashing open his shirt.

“Kase, stop. Don’t do this,” Raven says, her pleading voice echoing from above. “It’s not Andre’s fault.”

“Release her!” I shout, ignoring her pleas. She can’t help the feelings crashing through her, but I’ll accept her rage over my actions to ensure she stays safe with us. “Now!”

Colliding into Andre, I knock him onto his back, impaling my claws into his wings and shoving them inches into the ground. Andre hollers as my touch burns over his feathers. A gust of cool wind blows over me. I ignore Raven’s cries and bend down, staring at Andre in my devil form. The red power crackling over my skin reflects in his glassy eyes. He doesn’t beg me to stop, taking every ounce of my wrath.

“Bring her back now!” I shout again, the guttural tone of my voice making Andre flinch. “This is your last chance, Zade. Raven is mine. If you take her, you will be the one who faces my fury next.”

Because I can’t lose her. I can’t even imagine an eternity where she doesn’t claim the throne in Purgatory to bring balance to Heaven and Hell and offer humanity a change. With her bringing Hell to its intended glory and purpose, we will have the power we need to be the Higher Power’s equals. I will not let one blasted, righteous, idiotic angel get in our way. I will do whatever it takes, even if I have to rip Andre apart and make a point that I don’t fucking care who takes my wrath. I will destroy the world for Raven. I didn’t realize the truth of my thoughts until this very moment.

“She is mine!” I sink my teeth into Andre’s shoulder, biting him hard enough to burn my lips and tongue because of the holiness of his being.

Thrashing in agony, Andre finally tries to fight back, unable to suffer through another round of the torture I have planned. Raven screams, her voice catching on the wind. A thud sounds from beside me, and Raven’s familiar fingers grab onto my tail and yank. I whip around and snarl, snapping my jowls, but not at her. Zade stands behind her with glowing heavenly power swirling between his palms. Raven charges me and slaps her palms to the sides of my head, trying to break my focus. She looks me straight in the eyes, her body stiff, her muscles flexing as she braces for my reaction.

“I will do anything to ensure no one takes you from me,” I say, heaving a few breaths as I transform back into my human façade.

“I brought her back, so let Andre go,” Zade says, scowling at me.

“Let him go? He was not my prisoner. He could’ve fought me and chose not to.” I growl, releasing a breath of smoke about Raven’s head. “If anything, it’s you who should let him go.”

She sinks into my arms, snuggling close. I thought she might hold my actions against me, but her body and soul prove me wrong. If anything, she liked it. She enjoyed seeing exactly what I’ll do on her behalf and what lengths I’ll reach to keep her with me and safe, even at the expense of the damn angel she clearly lusts after.

“Andre,” Zade says, ignoring my quip. “Come on. Let’s get out of here. We can call Cassius.”

Andre groans, rolling onto his side to push up onto his knees. Spots of glowing hellfire pepper over his wings where I stabbed him with my claws, but he doesn’t try to touch them. He just gets to his feet and dusts his pants off.

Turning to Raven, Andre gives her his attention instead of showing an ounce of gratitude to Zade for bringing Raven back. Andre risks my wrath all over again to stand only a foot away from us. I growl in warning, ready to shove him away if he considers touching her, but he keeps his righteous hands to himself.

“Are you okay, Raven?” Andre asks, tightening his jaw. “Zade didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“Andre!” Zade snaps, his voice lacing with shock and anger. “Of course I didn’t hurt—”

Flaring his nostrils, Andre swivels and faces Zade. “Leave us. I will catch up. I’m doing what I told you I was going to do, and you need to accept that. What you did, Zade...you could’ve hurt her.”

Zade frowns, unfurling his wings. “But Andre—”

“Leave! I will call you when I’m through.” Andre expands his burned wings, blocking Zade from us.

I narrow my eyes, wondering what his plan is now that he sends his brethren away. Zade launches into the air, the flapping of his wings sending more of Andre’s feather’s scattering across the lawn. Raven grimaces and catches one, quickly dropping it as it burns her with the lingering grace.

“Let me,” I murmur, catching her by the wrist. I tug her hand to my mouth and kiss her palm. If the feathers were still swirling with the full power of his grace, she might’ve faced another angelic brand. Andre’s lucky it didn’t. I might not tear his wings apart for such a thing, but Dante would. I know he still thinks about how Micah branded her before his jump.

“Raven, I’m sorry,” Andre whispers. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”

I glower and tug a demon blade from my jacket. “It doesn’t change that it did. I want you fucking out of here, Andre. I was being nice by not intervening while Raven had her fun, but that’s over. You’re done fucking with my girl since you proved how worthless you truly are.”

“Kase, hold on a sec. Andre didn’t know Zade would follow him,” Raven says, getting between us.

I growl at her. I can’t help it. “He should’ve expected it like I had. Now get your sexy ass inside. No more angel games tonight.”

“Is that an order?” she asks me, placing her hands on her hips. And damn. The naughty little soul. She’s testing me. “Because if it is, you’re going to have to make me. You know I have a job to do. Andre isn’t a threat to me.”

Her blue-green eyes sparkle as her pouty lips curl into a smile. Andre stands quietly a couple of feet away. The fucker is a goner. If he still had any damn angel sense left inside him, he’d have gone already. He’d have bailed with Zade. But he hasn’t. And since he’s here, I might as well give Raven a little taste of what she wants. What Andre might need to dive head first from grace and straight between her legs to taste what real paradise is like in that tight, sexy pussy and ass of hers just waiting to get fucked as much as she craves.

“Is that what you really think, angel-girl?” I ask, rubbing my hands together. “If that’s the case, I want you to prove it.”

Andre shifts on his feet, expanding and folding his wings a few times. One look at his crotch shows how much Raven already gets to him. It’s almost pathetic how obvious his desire is. This will be easier than with Micah. Andre won’t be able to resist. Hell, now I want to see if Raven can break his ass by morning. I’ll help her.

“That won’t be necessary,” Andre says, clearing his throat. He steps back under the weight of both our stares. “I should go.”

“You don’t have to. You can’t fly.” Raven strides away from me and closes the distance to him. “Maybe I can help. I can drive you—”

“I’ll walk.” Andre shuffles back, his sudden nerves obvious.

“Let him go, Raven. You’re going to scare him off. I think he realizes how much power you have on him. I mean, look at his raging boner,” I say, pointing.

“Kase,” Raven chides, swinging her hand to hit me, but she misses. “I’m not the one going to scare him.”

Andre scrambles back, a strange expression crossing his face. I laugh and snake my tail around Raven, tugging her into me. I grab the front of her nightie and lock her in place, using my tail to sneak around to her ass. Andre’s gaze burns over us, and I kiss Raven in front of him, sliding the back of her robe up to expose her ass. She gasps as I slip the tip of my tail between her legs, wetting it with her excitement.

Andre intakes a lusty breath and tries to rush away. A shock of Hell power crackles through the night, sending sparks through the air. Raven grabs my tail, stopping me from trying to slide it into her ass how I like right in front of Andre but only because the fucker releases a husky groan as he realizes his mistake.

Our property not only has defenses against demons and the Hell-bound mortals who work for them now. We also set up some angel traps and Andre walked right into one.

“Looks like you’re not leaving after all, you righteous bastard,” I say, leering at him with my wicked smile.

Raven furrows her brows. “Kase, what is this?”

I drape my arms over her shoulders and guide her along until we stand in front of Andre. “Consider it a present. This asshole was just going to abandon you after all that teasing but now he can’t.”

She sighs. “What did I tell you about gifts?”

I flick my gaze to Andre, watching his expression morph from nervous and into acceptance. Of what exactly? He’ll be damn grateful to find out how much I want to push his grace and to discover if Raven’s angel-kissed pussy can truly make angel’s fall.

“Fine. Consider this his punishment then. The bastard nearly got you taken from me and must pay.” I narrow my eyes at Andre. “The consequences are up to you, angel-girl. You will either let me punish him or accept him as your reward for being a good girl and learning to control him by his cock.”

“Seriously, Kase?” she asks. “What do you expect for me to do? Bone him? I’m not going to do that out here or like this.”

“What about suck his cock like I know you want to?” I ask, smirking.

“Kase,” she says again, though her glare breaks from mine and her gaze wanders down Andre’s body. She’s considering it.

“It’ll make us all happy, angel-girl. You’ll get what you crave for me in return.” I tease her with my tail, and she clenches her body.

She exhales a sexy breath and shivers. “You don’t want me alone and all to yourself?”

Hell yeah, I do, but I also love how the thought of lacing her soft lips around an angelic cock has her soaking her panties. “I want what you desire. Why don’t you ask the bastard if he wants you to make him cum?” I say, encouraging her to embrace the sexy, wild side I know vies to break free. I step forward and grin at Andre. “I mean, what kind of fucking question is this, huh, Andre? You’ve been thinking about Raven’s pouty mouth sucking on your cock, haven’t you? You won’t deny her. Not with what you put her through tonight.”

Raven slides between us, bumping her ass into my pelvis, pushing me back. “Don’t let him get into your head. I don’t want to push you.” She’s full of shit and we both know it. She’s already crossed the line with him, kissing him and touching him in a way he can’t get enough of. But that line must not only be crossed. It must be annihilated.

“Tell her what you really want, Andre. She doesn’t think you desire her. She thinks she’ll corrupt you, and it scares her. We both know that isn’t true. So tell her. Show her how angels don’t lie.” I nudge her closer to him in anticipation. “Show her how hard she makes you. She loves to see.”

Raven remains quiet, her curiosity far too controlling for her to continue to act as if Andre is some innocent being when we all know he’s horny as fuck and needing to experience the kind of pleasure only my angel-girl can bring him.

“I bet he aches just waiting for you. He won’t ask you. He wants to follow your lead,” I add. “Come on, angel-girl. Give him the relief he needs. Start with another kiss. If he kisses you back, then you’ll know. Right, Andre?”

Andre groans and slides his hands around Raven’s back, pulling her body to his. I knew all it would take was a little push, giving him an opportunity to give in to his lust without outright asking for Raven to get him off. I grin and stroll closer, breaking the angel trap to admire how sexy Raven looks slipping her tongue into Andre’s mouth, her nipples hard and pressing against the soft, sheer fabric of her lingerie.

“Fucking finally,” I murmur, shifting Raven’s hair off her shoulder. “Just imagine how soft and hot her mouth will be on your dick. Tell her you want her, Andre. Tell her and I’ll let her have you how she craves.”

“Do you want to taste me, Raven?” Andre asks quietly instead of saying exactly what’s on his mind.

Raven bends her neck slightly, exposing her throat. I give in to her offering and kiss her skin. “I need to hear you say that you want this. It isn’t about me. You already know my answer.”

My perfect woman. I love how she says what’s on my mind, not oblivious to the fact that he hasn’t admitted what he wants yet.

Andre moans and adjusts his junk, his nuts probably throbbing in desperation. “I want you to do this. More than I realized, and so much so that I’m happy to give you what you want.”

“Do what?” I ask, leaning closer, meeting Andre’s gaze. The fire in my eyes reflects back to me, and he flares his nostrils. “Tell my sexy soul exactly what it is you want. She does not leave things to interpretation. Tell her you want her to suck your cock.”

He exhales and shudders, his body trembling at the thought. “I want her to.”

“That’s not what she wants to hear, isn’t that right, angel-girl?” I ask, sliding my tail around her leg, loving how instead of clenching and keeping me out, she shifts her stance and invites me in. “You want his mouth to sound as filthy as his thoughts are.”

“Mmmhmm,” she murmurs, trailing her hands down his chest, lowering her body to her knees, leaving her body open as I stroke her through her panties. “Tell me you want to fuck my face. You want to see how good my mouth feels.”

Andre moans, his hands moving to Raven’s hair as he gathers the dark strands in his fingers. “I want you to taste me. I want to feel what it’s like to fuck your mouth and feel you on the level I already feel your soul.”

She moans at his filthy desires and unzips his pants, pulling his dick out. “Tell me more.”

Damn. I love how much she enjoys dirty talk. I suddenly can’t wait to see if that fucking enormous angelic cock can even fit without dislocating her jaw.

“Do to me what you’d do to Kase. I want to know what it’s like to be a devil. What it’s like to have you always,” Andre says, moaning and watching as Raven glides her tongue over the length of his shaft before sucking the tip of his cock into her mouth.

Satisfaction courses through me at his words. Usually I’d prefer to have someone watch Raven suck me off, but I get a fucking boner just seeing Raven on her knees and showing this bastard how incredible her mouth is. He won’t even know what to do with her, which means that I can have my way, doing as I please and as she wants. Fuck, this is going to be fun.

I hum under my breath. “You want me to fuck you with my tail, angel-girl? Show this bastard how good your moans of pleasure feel vibrating on his cock?”

She responds by shifting on her knees, widening her hips. Snatching the back of her silky robe, I undress her for Andre, showing how sexy she is in her lingerie. I hook my fingers to the front of her nightie and pull it up until she raises her arms, letting me tug it off her. I want Andre to know what Heaven prevents him from having, and how Raven is worth his eternity. He groans, rocking his hips to her mouth like he needs to feel her throat with his tip. I smirk at him as he stares in anticipation, watching my tail slide over her thigh until I slip it into the waistband of her G-string.

Pleasure zings through me at the wet heat of Raven’s pussy welcoming my tail with her slick desire. It takes everything in me not to drag her away from Andre and lift her up, so I can fuck her tight ass from behind as I stroke her G-spot with my tail. She clenches me with her body, moaning as I ensure my tail rubs her clit hard and fast as I sink inside her over and over.

“You’re such a dirty girl, aren’t you?” I ask, tipping my head, watching how sexy she looks taking in Andre’s cock like the goddess she is. I rub my fingers just below her temples, massaging her in a way that will keep her going. “Do you think he’ll taste like Heaven? I bet he’s dripping for you, my insatiable tease. Do you want him to cum?”

She hums her agreement, and Andre tightens his fingers through her hair with one hand and grabs my fucking shoulder for support. He’ll explode at any second. My fascination over seeing a savior come keeps my attention on Raven’s sexy lips stretching over his wide girth that it doesn’t bother me that he hangs on to me and tips his head back, his eyes rolling with the building of his release.

“Oh, God. God. Raven. Beautiful Raven,” Andre murmurs, calling upon the fucking High Power like he is thanking it for Raven’s glorious mouth. “I think I’m ascending. You’re my paradise on Earth.”

Raven bobs her head, her lips and chin glistening with her spit, making her look ravishing and sexy as sin in the pale moonlight.

“Brace yourself, angel-girl,” I say, picking up the speed and pressure of my tail.

Andre tries to pull away, his eyes widening, but I dig my fingers into his shoulder at the same time Raven clutches onto his hips. He moans her name so fucking loud that his voice echoes through the night. She freezes, accepting his angelic load in her mouth and swallows as much as she can until she jerks away and plants her palms to the grass. She screams out in pleasure with her orgasm, squeezing her thighs shut so tightly that I can’t even pull free until she finishes.

“Raven,” Andre says, falling to his knees beside her, a strange look crossing his face. “Have I hurt you?”

I tip my head back and roar a laugh. I almost forgot that the bastard angel doesn’t know what it’s like to see a woman cum. Scooping Raven into my arms, I lift her up, not giving Andre a chance to do anything. I’m not allowing him to ask her anything more. Fuck, I’m taking her away to torment him. He’s gotten enough.

“Raven’s fucking great because of me. There was no way I was going to let her get you off without rewarding her myself. Now, get the fuck out of here. She’s mine. I’ll take damn good care of her while you’re off begging for forgiveness.” I turn my back on Andre, leaving him standing in confusion.

Raven strokes my cheek, her eyes rolling for a second as she blinks and finally focuses. “Fuck, Kase. I think I saw Heaven.”

I flick my gaze to Andre, staring at us with his cock still out and already looking like he’s ready for more.

“Tell me all about it. I’ll let you know, angel-girl,” I say, carrying her back inside. “And then I’ll fuck the thoughts right out of you. I’ll give you a glimpse of my favorite parts of Hell.”