Her Deadly Angels by Ginna Moran

Chapter 21

Devil’s Bargain


I HAVEN’T BEEN able to sleep all night, my body continuing to buzz no matter what I try to do. I only pretended to fall asleep because my clit needs a break from all of Kase’s attention. I hate to imagine how insatiable Andre will be when he falls. I might have to ask Dante for help with his toys. I’m sure there is a flesh-light out there to accommodate the biggest dick I’ve ever seen. My jaw is still tired from me stretching it.

I roll over and into Kase. His arms slide around me, and he pulls me on top of him, already excited, hard as stone and ready to go at it again. I groan, my body aching with the pressure of his shaft rubbing between my legs.

Bending down, I kiss him. “If you plan on fucking me every way you please again, I’m going to need extra lube. I think you’ve forgotten I’m a mere mortal.”

He flips me onto my back and grins. “Let me get Dante while you stretch.”

I laugh and grab his wrist, dragging him back to me. “No. Why don’t you draw me a bath while I get Dante and something hot to drink?”

“But you sound so sexy all hoarse from screaming in pleasure,” he teases.

I wag my finger at him and scoot toward the edge of the bed. Fuck me. My body wants nothing more than to slide to the floor where I’ll remain for the rest of eternity. I don’t know if Andre got to Kase or what, but we have never fucked so long—and uninterrupted as we had last night. And me? Fuck. Maybe it wasn’t all him. I don’t know what’s up with angel cum but it was like the world was perfect and right. Heavenly. Actually, I’m pretty sure I glimpsed it. Or at least felt it. My mind is foggy the harder I try to remember.

“Looks like you need me to carry your tight ass around,” Kase says, crawling from his spot to me.

I force myself to my feet, not wanting him to know how weak and achy every muscle in my body is. It’s a good pain, and I get wet just thinking about everything we did to make me hurt this way.

I shiver and grab Kase’s unruly hair, yanking his head back to look up at me. He play-growls and teases me with his tail, nearly making my legs give out on me. “Not happening. I’m good. Great. But draw my bath. You do it the best, and I want you and Dante to massage my entire body. I bet he will even suck your dick if I ask him while you do so. I’d love to watch.”

Kase spins me around and slaps my ass. “You naughty girl. You better fucking hurry up. If you’re not back by the time the tub fills, you’re going to need the lube you bring for something a bit thicker than my tail.”

I widen my eyes and shake my head with a laugh. “But it’s my favorite.”

He hugs me from behind, aligning his tip between my ass cheeks, gently poking me. “Just be grateful I don’t have Andre’s cock, angel-girl. You’d really be in trouble.”

I gasp a laugh and stumble away. “That thing is huge, right?”

He chuckles. “Monstrous. I can’t wait to see your face when you finally break the bastard and take him like the queen of cock you are.”

“What a filthy honor.” I laugh again and manage to dodge away from him and stumble my way to the door.

“Just wait. I can imagine it now. We will fill up every hole on your body. Your hands. Fuck, with enough stretching, we might really fill up that addictive twat of yours. Wouldn’t you love that? Feeling how fucking hot you make us. Letting us have our way.” Kase glides his tongue over his bottom lip. “A real bonding experience.”

“You’re a psycho if you think I’m going to just let you stuff me with cock. You all have holes too.” I fake-glare and open the door. “And plus, I don’t think Andre’s going to want to participate in a devil orgy. Elias either, for that matter.”

He strokes his hard-on like he can’t help himself as the fantasy drifts through his mind. “You forgot Micah.”

“No, I haven’t. I’ll have fucked him how he desires by then. Maybe tonight. I haven’t decided.” I stick out my tongue and close the door, cutting off his growl at my teasing.

The more I think about Kase’s kinky-ass fantasy, the more I realize how he’s gone from possessive to acceptance, knowing that I’m attracted and feel a connection with others outside of him and Dante. I don’t know if it’s because my soul knows what my future holds, but I realize now more than ever how much I want this twisted existence for eternity. I love having these protective, possessive, psychotic devils around, and I love how they’re all mine and I’m theirs.

Strolling past Dante’s room, I peek inside and see him on his side naked, watching porn, and...fuck. I’ll come back. I know if I enter his room now, I’ll end up restrained to his bed or in his swing and wearing the butt plug he’s obsessed with that says ‘spank me’ on the base. I think I need coffee before I set forth on another ass-adventure, especially with Kase waiting.

If Dante hears me, he doesn’t look, and I manage to ease the door closed. Stopping at Micah’s room, I notice it empty—as well as Elias’s—so I make my way downstairs. I find Elias in the kitchen, hovering over a cup of coffee. He glances up and smiles, grabbing the coffee pot to pour another cup without asking me.

“Have you seen Micah?” I ask, slumping forward to rest my elbows on the counter. “He wasn’t in his room.”

Elias tightens his jaw. “Uh...he went to Hell for a bit. When we came in last night—”

“You heard me and Kase, didn’t you?” I ask, my cheeks flaming with heat.

“I think the entire galaxy did.” He rubs his hand over his scruffy face, trying to stop himself from smiling. “How was Heaven anyway? Did Kase manage to get it out of you?”

Holy shit.

My face is never going to recover.

“Usually, people get Hell exorcised out of them,” he adds.

I tip my head back and release a loud ass laugh. Swinging my hand, I smack him in the arm, turning his smirk into a full-blown grin. “Shut the fuck up.”

“Not until you tell me. Come on, darlin’. I’m desperate to know.” He turns me toward him and lifts me up, setting me onto the counter. “Don’t deny a dying man his one wish.”

“You’re just as crazy as the rest of them, Elias,” I say, resting my hands on his shoulders.

“I’m pretty sure you’re into that kind of thing.” Elias surprises me by sliding his hand into my hair and tightening his fingers enough to hold me in place. Bowing forward, he kisses me like he’s been doing it forever, and I hook my legs around his waist and pull him closer until we’re flush together.

I hum and suck his lip between my teeth, nipping him. “I enjoy other things too. You don’t have to summon Hell or Heaven. Sometimes, I enjoy just being here on Earth. It’s my piece of normalcy, you know. Which isn’t a bad thing.”

He offers me a whisper of a smile and loosens his fingers from my hair to run his hands down my back, bowing into me in a sweet embrace I never want to leave. “I’m glad to hear that. I was a bit afraid that I couldn’t compete with—” He waves his hand around, motioning to our surroundings. “All of this.”

“It’s not a competition, Elias,” I remind him, snuggling my face against his throat. “I need all of you, remember? I want you too.”

“You already have me, Raven,” he murmurs, stroking his hand up my spine. “My very being is yours, my gorgeous soulmate.”

“I do, don’t I?” Warmth rises from my middle, and I brush my lips to his again, savoring the sensual caress of his affection. I imagine what it would be like for him to carry me upstairs to shower me with his gentle attention, the perfect cure for the incredible aches caused by the dark wildness of my devilish passion.


A phone rings and buzzes, stealing our focus away from each other. Groaning, Elias scoops up a cell from the counter and glances at the screen. He shows me the name and number like I might know who the Hell it is, but I shrug.

“I can call him back,” Elias says, setting the phone back on the countertop. “Preston probably wants to check in to see if I’m still kickin’.”

It dawns on me who Preston is, and I snatch the phone and hold it out to him. “You can answer it. He’s your best friend.”

Releasing a sigh, he taps the screen and puts it on speaker. I’m surprised by his actions, because my ex would’ve never done this and would have walked into another room. Joel would’ve yelled and told me to mind my own business. I’m almost nervous to listen to this guy, the hunter Elias loved like family enough to trade his eternity for.

“Hey, man. What’s up?” Elias asks like there isn’t tension after what happened with the leader of the hunters.

“Is it okay that I’m calling?” Preston asks, his gruff voice rumbling through the speaker. “You alone?”

“Yes to both. I won’t lie to you, Pres. I’m surprised. I wasn’t sure you’d reach out to me after all the bullshit.” Elias eyes me, running his fingers up and down my arm. Once again, he shocks me by lying to Preston about my presence.

“You’re my brother. I know what kind of shit you got yourself into. I want to help you if I can...which is why I’m calling. We caught Valeka. He showed up at Jose’s bar, looking for souls. Gil, Tek, and Viper snagged him.” Silence hangs in the air.

Turning his gaze to mine, Elias captures my eyes, a mixture of disbelief and hope crossing his face. After another couple of heartbeats, he finally says, “No shit? You have him?”

“Your angel buddies gave us a few new toys to play with. Demon restraints blessed by Heaven’s fiercest angel. We were supposed to call Cassius if we caught a monster, but I thought you’d want first dibs.” Hearing Preston say Cassius’s name feels as if a stone sinks in my stomach. Of course the angels had gotten involved. I bet Andre told them everything when we had left him to deal with the aftermath of the ghost possession.

But fuck. If Preston hadn’t called us first...I hate to think what would’ve happened. If Cassius sent Vincent to Hell, I’m nearly certain there would be no saving Elias from demonic enslavement. Or me.

“I fucking love you, man. I’ll come get him now. You have no idea what we’ve been dealing with trying to get the bastard. I think he has negotiated something with Lucifer himself to avoid our entrapment.” Elias frowns with his words.

“What?” I whisper. No one told me this, but it makes sense how one damn demon could keep a step ahead of our reach.

Elias presses his finger to my lips, forcing me to wait to speak. “You’ve just saved my soul, brother. You have no idea. I’ll be there—”

“Nah, man. I’ll bring him by. The guys don’t want the Hell that follows your unlucky ass around,” Preston says, cutting him off.

I glower at the phone. What an asshole.

“Okay. I’ll text you the address. Thanks again.” Elias’s handsome face beams with his smile.

Preston clears his throat. “Anytime. You did save my life. Now I have to at least help save your soul.”

The line drops as Preston disconnects. I watch in silence as Elias texts Preston our location and sets his phone on the counter next to me. I don’t have a chance to react before he scoops me into his arms, kissing me with enough passion to awaken my body. And damn. I might be sore from Kase, but feeling his excitement and relief is worth walking funny for the rest of my life.

“This doesn’t look like you getting a gallon of lube from Dante,” Kase says, leaning against the entryway to the kitchen butt-ass naked. His cock jewelry glints in the morning light coming in through the curtain-less window, totally stealing my attention.

Elias nearly drops me to my feet, and I clutch onto him, steadying myself. “Sorry. Don’t get mad. It was my fault.”

“Mad at her? Never. I already do blame you for the delay in our morning fuck-session. Maybe I should make you watch.” Kase cocks his eyebrow and strolls the rest of the way to us, hugging me as he tugs me away. “But the clothes have to go. She likes her men a bit pervy.”

Oh jeez. I hate that he might be right.

“As fucking intriguing as that sounds, hard pass. I heard you all night and it was freaky as hell. I don’t want to know what kind of kinky shit you begged Raven to do that got you purring like a damn cat. I’m good.” Elias flicks his gaze to mine. “Though I wouldn’t mind finding out what had her—”

“Elias, don’t encourage him. Have you already forgotten we have a visitor coming over?” I can’t stop the smile from crossing my face. “We got news that the hunters caught Vincent Valeka. They’re bringing him here.”

Kase’s face twists in anger, his skin rippling as his devil façade tries to break free. “How? There is no fucking way they could’ve. And bringing him here? Damn it. What were you thinking?”

I frown and ease between them as Kase flexes his biceps. He’s about to unleash his wrath solely on Elias. “Uh, we were thinking this was kind of the miracle we needed. You haven’t been able to trap the bastard.”

Kase throws his hands out, flinging red power in opposite directions. Still, he doesn’t look at me. “You don’t get a miracle, Elias. Did you honestly think that some damn hunters could do something we couldn’t? Yeah-fucking-right.”

This time, I reach up and grab his face between my hands, forcing him to stop glowering at Elias. “Kase, chill. It wasn’t them alone. Cassius helped them. He—”

“Now I know for fuck’s sake that this is bullshit.” Kase whistles through his fingers, calling for Dante without yelling. “When did they say they were coming? I bet you a good ass fucking that this is a trap. Your damn demon probably offered them something they couldn’t refuse.”

I swivel and slap my hand over Elias’s mouth. “Don’t even humor him. He means what he says when it comes to betting, and I can tell you wouldn’t be down for that.”

“Be down for what?” Dante asks, strolling into the kitchen. And damn. He’s naked too.

“Is this going to be a thing?” Elias waves his hand at Dante’s junk, swinging with his movements. Even only partially hard, the damn rod of flesh manages to hypnotize me. “The whole rock out with your cock out bullshit.”

“Our pretty soul loves it,” Dante comments.

Kase slams his hands on the counter, startling me. “Enough! Where is Micah?”

“Hell,” Dante and Elias answer in unison. “He’ll be back on his night,” Dante adds, shifting his gaze to mine.

I frown, puckering my bottom lip. He never mentioned he would return to his kingdom. I thought he would remain on this plane until all of his old brethren fell. And the more I think about it, the more hurt I feel simmering inside me. He left without even saying goodbye. Why?

“The fucking bastard. I knew we couldn’t count on him. He still thinks he has a right to a sole claim on Raven.” Kase combs his fingers through his hair. “What the fuck ever. I’ll handle it alone. I want you to take Elias and Raven upstairs to her bedroom and stay there.”

My bedroom? Oh. He means the safe room.

Elias’s phone rings from its place on the counter, drawing all of our attention to it like it’ll suddenly explode and start spewing holy water. Kase growls from deep in his throat and snatches it, slapping the phone to Elias’s palm.

“Answer it,” Kase says, his wrath forcing his blunt horns to break through his forehead. He turns to me. “Start heading upstairs. Dante will make sure Elias gets there.”

I open my mouth to argue, but one look into Kase’s smoldering gaze ties my tongue in invisible knots. Swallowing my nerves, I head upstairs and stop in Dante’s room, grabbing some clothes. I toss them over the banister, knowing Dante will see them coming up. There is just something about thinking of my devils confronting hunters naked that gets to me. No one but us should ever get a look at their amazing bodies. They’re mine.

Whoa. Where did that jealousy come from? I need to get my shit together.

I stride toward the safe room, wishing Dante would hurry up. I wish I knew exactly what Kase is getting worked up about with the hunters. Even if they were lying, we shouldn’t have anything to worry about. We’re Hell’s rulers, after all.

Swinging the door open, I startle and screech. A tall figure looms in the darkened room, the sunlight of day not penetrating through the heavy black-out curtains. Micah spins to face me, holding his hands up. I gasp, shuddering and shaking out my nerves.

“You scared me,” I snap, strutting into the room. “I thought you went to Hell.”

He tightens his jaw. “I couldn’t stay away from you, but I couldn’t stand listening to Kase have his way. So I came in here. It’s the only spot I could get some peace without leaving the realm. This room has most of your possessions that you had before Lucian’s deal, and...I don’t know how to explain it. It reminds me of my purpose.”

“Micah,” I say, stepping closer. I don’t know exactly what to say, but I know I need to say something. Splitting my time and energy between each of my devils is harder than I expected—at least with Micah. He doesn’t share the same bond that Kase and Dante do. I know he feels it the same as I do. “You know I care for you, right? Even when I’m with Kase or Dante—with Elias or even one of the angels as I complete this mission—I don’t forget about you. You are mine, and a part of me is yours.”

A soft smile smooths out his hard features at my words. “I just—I’m impatient to be with you on a mortal level.”

I slide into his arms and hug him. “Well, if you get your ass downstairs and help Kase handle the hunters Elias invited over, I think I’d be happy to reward you.”

The front door bangs, and Kase’s ferocious roar cuts through the mansion, vibrating the walls and windows. I tense, wondering what the fuck is going on. Grabbing a curved dagger from his jacket, Micah hands me the strange knife and gets in front of me. A loud explosion shakes through the room, and the door clatters on the wall. Rushing forward, Micah tries to close it, but gunfire makes him hesitate.


“Raven!” Dante yells from somewhere I can’t see. “Raven, get to Kase’s room. I’ll meet you on the balcony. We have to go.”

“What’s happening?” Micah shouts, stiffening and exposing a part of his monstrous true form.

Dante hisses. “The fucking hunters crashed a damn truck through the front. They have a death wish. Just get Raven out back. I’ll meet you there with Elias.”

Thank unholy Hell. I’m glad he has him.

Instead of running through the house and to Kase’s room with the nearest balcony, Micah slams the door and heads to the window. With a swing of his now hooved hand, he shatters it, sending glass raining everywhere. He doesn’t flinch as he sweeps it away with his arm.

“I’m going to jump first, so I can catch you,” Micah says, kicking away the glass from the floor the best he can. “Will you be able to do that for me?”

I nod my head. “I’ll do anything. You know I’m ready to go to Hell to rule with you. If that doesn’t scare me, jumping from the second story won’t.”

Except figures move down below as hunters swarm the backyard. A huge winged shadow cuts across the back lawn, but it’s no angel.

“Fuck. Why are they surrounding us?” I ask, pressing my lips together.

Micah leans out of the window, unfazed by the spray of bullets thunking into the exterior. “Good question.” A crash sounds outside the bedroom door. “Looks like we get to find out. Just stay behind me.”

“Micah, we should just wait it out.” I grip the back of his shirt.

Pounding bangs on the door. “Raven! Raven, I know you’re in there!”

Micah growls deep in his throat. “Doesn’t sound like they’ll be giving up. I think I know why they’re here.”

I groan. “For me, right?”

He transforms completely, getting onto all fours like the wild beast he is. His tusks scratch over the floor, leaving behind burning trails. I clutch the curved blade in my hand, preparing for an army of hunters to come shooting up the place. I expect to have to murder all of them by Micah’s side.

“Raven! This is your last chance. Come out here alone and by your own freewill. If you don’t, we’ll make you.” I recognize the voice. It’s Preston.

Micah roars and smashes the door wide open with his big head. He freezes in his tracks and backs up, whipping his attention to me.

I don’t have time to react, scream, or even brace myself as Micah charges toward me. With all of his strength, he smashes the wall around the window and catapults us into the air. The concrete cracks under his weight, and fire explodes in a circle around us.

“Fuck! What are you doing?” I shout, trying to orient myself to what’s happening.

“I’m taking you to the one place I know you’ll be safe,” he says, his voice rumbling.

The putrid smell of rotting eggs permeates the air.

“Micah, please. Don’t do this,” I beg, clutching onto his tusks.

“We can’t stay here,” he argues, stomping the ground again, sending more hellfire soaring toward the sky from the summoning circle. “Now, don’t let go. I promise this is only temporary.”

At least for now.

I squeeze my eyes shut and brace for the wave of evil to engulf me. For the tormented souls to scream my name.

Because shit.

I’m going to Hell.