Beauty and the Outcast by Lucy Darling



Isit up when a knock sounds at my door. “Come in,” I call out, throwing my legs over the side of the bed to get up. Oz steps through the door a second later. I drop back down onto the bed when I see it’s him and not Whitney. She went to her room to get ready for bed an hour ago.

“We need to talk,” he says, closing the door behind him. Shit. How is this about to play out? I thought he was okay with everything after catching us in the gym, but maybe he did that for Whitney’s sake so she wouldn’t get too embarrassed.

“I’m not going to stop seeing her.”

“I didn’t ask you to. When are you going to learn that you don’t always have to be on the defense around here? Name one time I didn’t have your back, Knox.” My mind shuffles through my memories. Even when I was in trouble, Oz was always there helping clean up my messes.

“Fuck me.” I drop my head, my throat growing tight. What is wrong with me lately? Since Whitney came into my life, she’s peeled a layer back off the shield I try to keep up to protect myself from getting hurt. Now I find myself feeling way too much. “I'm sorry.”

“I don’t want you to be sorry.” Oz walks over, sitting down in one of the chairs. “I want you to realize we’re a family. I know you didn’t get a great family to start with, but this is one, and you’re a part of it whether you like it or not.”

“I like it,” I admit.

“A woman will do that to you. Have you thought about the future and what you want to give her?” He’s right. Whitney should have a family. I want her to stay here with us.

“I can’t concentrate since I met her. Every thought I have circles back to her. Am I losing my mind?” I ask. “I crave for her to touch me.” Oz’s eyes drop to my chest for a moment. He’s seen the scars I have there. He’d once taken me to get one of my scars covered with a tattoo.

“You’re not losing your mind. You’re in love. Love has a way of healing you.” I run my hand down my face over this mushy shit right now. I’m starting to get on edge for some reason. Today was a little too perfect, and when you’ve lived a life like mine, you’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“What did you want to talk about?” I change the subject. I might very well be in love with Whitney. Not that I understand what love actually is. I’ve seen it, but I’m not sure I’ve ever felt it.

“Whitney’s stepfather has been poking around about her.” My head snaps up.

“I’ll kill that fucker if he even comes in the same room as her.”

“Did she tell you something about him?” I shrug, not willing to hand over the information. That’s Whitney’s story to tell. Not mine. “I don’t know why I even asked that after the last incident at school.”

“I’m not a rat.”

“Trust me, I know. You’re Fort Knox.” He smirks at his own pun.

“He better stay away from her. I’m not messing around.”

“That’s what I thought.” He stands from his seat. “I know I don’t have to tell you this, but I’m going to say it anyway. If Whitney leaves the house, I think it’s best she isn’t alone.”

“She won’t be, but I’m starting to think there’s more you're not telling me.”

“He’s popped up a few times. Even grabbed one of the girls that was heading into the apartment units asking about Whitney’s whereabouts, but he took off when security spotted him harassing the girls.”

Fucking hell. This prick doesn’t sound like he’s going to give up anytime soon, if ever.

“You’re on probation,” Oz keeps going. “Don’t get your ass tossed in jail over this piece of shit.”

“What can we even do if he shows up? It’s not against the law for him to talk to her. A few broken bones might actually make him think twice.”

Oz folds his arms over his chest. “But it doesn't have to be you who breaks them.” I swear his eyes get a bit darker. “I have someone trying to track him down already. Let me see where that leads.”

“What about a restraining order?” I suggest. “That way he can’t come near her at all. If he does, the cops can actually do something.”

“Already in the works. Judge Ellis is going to handle it first thing Monday morning.”

“Thank you,” I say, standing up from my bed. I know Oz will do everything in his power to keep Whitney safe. Of that I have no doubt.

“You don’t have to thank me. We’re family, and family protect each other.” There goes my throat getting all tight again on me. I know how much family really means to Oz. His brother tried to fuck him over, and his mom is a freaking nut ball. I’ve only met her twice.

“You consider her family?”

“I don’t think you’re going to be letting her go. I know that look in your eyes. I’ve seen it in the mirror.” He claps me on the shoulder. “Don’t fuck it up.”

That is a lot easier said than done. I watch him leave my bedroom. I want to go over and knock on Whitney’s door. To slip inside and see what she’s doing. It’s a fucked-up thought with what she’s gone through already. I don’t want to fuck this up because I can’t control myself. I’m already worried I’m coming on too strong with her.

I force myself to flip the light off and crawl into bed. I toss and turn, unable to fall asleep. It doesn’t help that I can’t stop wondering if Whitney is in the shower, running her hands all over her delicate body as the water drips down her. Would she touch herself?

I reach down, pulling my cock out of my sweatpants and wrapping my hand around it. Sex and the need to get off was never something I had the drive to do before I met her. Not with all the messed-up crap I’ve seen some men do. And the things that a few of them tried to do to me. But that’s not the case anymore. The scent of her alone puts me on edge. Whitney took a sledgehammer to my control. Now all I can think about is eating her pussy or sliding my cock deep inside of her.

She’s so damn small. I’d have to take my time with her. Give her a little bit more of my cock each day until she was ready to take all of me. She has to. I don’t think I could take her pushing me away. It almost killed me thinking she didn’t want me around those few weeks. I started to slip back into some of my bad habits.

I work my cock faster, picturing my little bunny on top of me, riding my cock, her tits bouncing with each rock of her hips. I let out a groan, my balls already starting to draw up.

“Knox.” I release my cock, pulling my sweatpants back up as I sit up. My bedroom door cracks open.

“Bunny? You okay?”

“Can I come in?” she asks hesitantly.

“You never have to ask to come into my room. I’ll always want you here.” She slips in, shutting the door behind her before she shuffles over to the bed. She surprises the hell out of me when she crawls under the covers with me. This is not helping the massive hard-on I have.

“I hate thunderstorms. Can I stay with you for a while?”

You can stay with me forever. I want to say those words out loud, but it’s too soon.

“Of course.” I lie back down. She does the same. I want to grab her and pull her into me. Two bad I don’t have a tiny ass bed. Her cherry smell starts to fill my space. My balls are starting to ache. I’m pretty sure I gave myself a case of blue balls.

“Knox?” She whispers my name. I can’t take it anymore. I roll over to my side, grabbing her and pulling her into my body.

“Yeah, Bunny?” She presses her cheek against my chest.

“Never mind. I was gonna ask if I could move closer.” I let out a laugh.

“Bunny, I’m going to say it again: You can do whatever the hell you want when it comes to me. I’m not going to stop you. I can promise you that.”

“I thought you might come over but…” My hold on her tightens.

“I wanted to, but I didn’t want to scare you.”

“Right.” She puffs out a breath. “I don’t care if you come into my room either. You’re different. I know I’m safe when you’re near.” I’m not so sure of that. If she could see into my mind, she'd be running for the hills.

Lightning lights up the room, followed by a crack of thunder. Whitney tenses in my arms.

“I’ve got you.” I keep her close all night long. It’s bittersweet having her in my arms this way. I don’t care if my balls ache for the rest of my life.

I’m never letting her go.