Beauty and the Outcast by Lucy Darling



“Like this, Bunny.” My breath hitches each time he calls me that. At first I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but I’m slowly coming to love it. It’s not baby or angel. It’s different, and I’m sure there is a reason why he calls me that. One day I won’t be so shy and I’ll push to know why.

Knox comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around me as I stand in front of the punching bag in the gym. I close my eyes, enjoying the feel of him holding me. I settle into him, loving how safe I know I am right now.

“Your thumb needs to be on the outside of your fist.” He pulls my thumb out, putting it where he wants. “Between your first and second knuckles on your index and middle fingers. That way you won’t break it.”

I glance at him over my shoulder. He has all his attention focused on me. I turn back so I can concentrate before I throw the punch. He gives me an approving smile that sends a thrill through me.

“Now if you can—and you're shorter so I’m guessing you will—I want you to go like this. Especially if it’s a man. It’s going to temporarily blind and startle them.”

He shows me how to hit the bag using the palm of my hand. “It’s hard on the bag to go up right, but you want to hit upward.” He moves to stand in front of me, sliding his finger up and down his nose to show me where to aim.

We play around for a while. He shows me a few other self-defense moves. I love how determined he is for me to know how to protect myself. It also doesn’t escape me that he knows all these defensive moves. I try not to think about how hard he had it growing up. It hurts my heart.

“And always watch your feet.” Even as he says the words, mine are swept out from under me. I let out a laugh, somehow knowing I’m not going to hit the floor. His arms grab me before I fall, and he pulls me into him. I wrap my arms around his neck.

“You know a lot about protecting yourself.” As soon as the words pass my lips I wonder if I’ve gone too far. The walls we both put around ourselves are only starting to fall away. I don’t want to push him to open up any more than he’s ready to.

“I wasn’t always this big.” Big is really only the start of what he is. It’s hard for me to see him as anything but this enormous man in front of me who dares anyone to challenge him.

He stares down at me, his mouth starting to lower. My eyes fall closed in anticipation of his kiss, but my phone starts blaring from where I left it. My eyes fling open.

“Not going to stop me, Bunny,” he says against my mouth before he’s kissing me yet again. It’s so easy to get lost in him. I’m not used to that. The letting go part. “They’re fucking persistent.”

Knox grunts as he pulls back from the kiss, putting me back on my feet. He grabs my phone. The irritation is clear on his face. It slips away when he glances down at the screen and answers it.

“Hey,” he says. “I’ve got her.” I know it has to be Faith. “I said I got her.” He pauses again. “Got it.” He ends the call, never giving me my cell phone.

“I’m going to jump in the shower and change. Then I’ll take you to meet Faith for lunch.”

“Oh crap. I forgot all about that.”

“Come on. We’ll change and meet them.” He takes my hand, leading me out of the gym and up toward our bedrooms. He releases me but not before he kisses me yet again. For a man that doesn't care to be touched, he sure enjoys me touching him. I wonder what makes me so different.

It doesn't take us long to meet up with Faith and Ace. I don’t miss the stares we get as Knox holds my hand through the restaurant and out onto the back patio where Ace and Faith are sitting. Her eyes go wide when she sees us coming. Knox continues holding my hand all the way to the table. He even pulls my chair out for me.

“Okay. I’m so digging this.” Faith’s smile stretches across her face. I duck my head as my cheeks start to warm. I really have to get control of this blushing thing.

“Don’t make it awkward for her.” Knox gives his sister a pointed look.

“How can it be awkward? It’s only us,” she defends herself. Knox drops his arm across the back of my chair. When the server comes to get our drink order, I don’t even get a chance to tell him what I want because Knox does it first. I can’t help but get a warm fluttery feeling in my chest at the fact that he knows what I like.

“This is so adorable.” Faith can barely sit still at this point. I know she wants to grill us about what is going on. I’m not really sure, to be honest. We’ve shared some kisses. He lets me touch him. I think that makes us a couple. Maybe.

“Knox said he has some ideas for Healing Homes,” I cut in. Ace leans back in his chair. His arm is around Faith’s chair too. They’re so comfortable together. They fit and balance each other out. Could Knox and I have that one day? This all seems too good to be true.

“Oh?” Faith’s eyebrows raise.

Knox goes into detail about the software he put together. I sit and listen to him explain everything. I’ve never heard him talk so much at once.

“You sound so much like Dad,” Faith says.

“He’s the one who taught me.” Knox shrugs like it’s no big deal. Faith rolls her eyes at her brother. I don’t think building a software program is something easily learned. Oz might have helped him, but Knox is clearly a sponge for information, soaking it all in easily.

“That’s really incredible. I was worried how I was going to be able to track and keep up with everything.”

“Just glad I could help.” His fingers play with the ends of my hair.

“That’s really sweet of you. Thank you. It means a lot.” Under all that ink and bad attitude is a sweet man. He leans down, his mouth meeting mine in a soft kiss.

“They’re kissing,” Faith whispers.

“I see that, babe,” Ace responds.

I let out a small laugh. Knox smiles against my lips. I think I love his smile as much as I love his kisses.