Sugar Pie by Victoria Pinder



I wasn’t the chef in my family, but I’d figured out how to not ruin eggs when I fried them. So I set the toast, started the coffee, and heated the frying pan.

Kerry was in the shower. My phone rang, and I set the eggs on the counter as I answered. “Gerard, I didn’t think you’d call.”

“I let her stay in the spare room and called movers for today.”

Wow.My brother’s life was a mess. I was absolutely sure he would have moved on already. Maybe she’d found his weakness, helping foster and adopted kids like we’d been. I glanced at the door. “Don’t fall for a woman’s sob story.”

He made a sound like he didn’t want to talk about it. “What about you?”

Gerard would figure out his own life. I sprayed the pan with olive oil. “Well, I have a new girlfriend, but I think I’m rushing things.”


I checked to be sure the door was still closed and walked to the other side of the small apartment. “I don’t think she’s ready for a relationship.”

“But you are?”

I wanted her in my life. I nodded. “Absolutely.” Then I headed to the kitchen and rubbed my neck. “Are you sure you want this ex of yours to leave?”

Gerard sighed. “I’d rather not talk about that right now. How do you know your new girlfriend is the one for you?”

I cracked the eggs into the pan. “She makes me feel whole, but I haven’t officially talked to her about feelings.”

“Then nothing is confirmed. Is this the divorced woman Jeff helped you with?”

My heart pounded. “Yeah.”

“Do you know her life story and why she’s getting divorced?”

Gerard was a leader because he saw details. “Some, but there’s more.”

“Well, before you get your heart broken, get her story and her commitment before you tell anyone else in the family. For all you know, she’s another Regina.”

I didn’t believe that, but he offered good advice. The door handle turned, so I said, “Fair enough. Talk to you later, Gerard.”

Then I hung up and returned to my eggs. As Kerry joined me, I knew I needed to take our relationship one step at a time until I knew for sure she was ready.