Sugar Pie by Victoria Pinder



The air smelled of her perfume as we ascended the stairs.

Kerry—and how I wanted her again—had been on my mind as we worked. Last night replayed in my mind as I unlocked the door.

She walked away from me and said, “I’ll start dinner.”

She went to the refrigerator, but I followed her and put my hand on the door to keep it shut. “Wait.” My heart hammered. All I’d wanted since we’d met was her.

She pivoted, and her gaze met mine. “Did you want something specific?”

“You.” I lowered myself to kiss her. Her lips tasted better than cookies. I’d wanted to hold back, but her lips on mine made me forget everything.

The world was composed of just us. She was everything, and I lifted her onto the kitchen counter then tossed my clothes in a pile on the floor. She laughed, and her smile was captivating, but then she unhooked her bra, lifted her shirt, and tossed her clothes with mine.

My muscles tensed, ready to pounce as I glanced down at her. Her nipples were like pebbles that I needed to taste.

She seemed ready for me.

My mind cautioned that I’d wanted to seduce her slowly and ensure that she and I were on the same page, but my body was hard and ready. She snaked her hands through my hair and kissed me again.

My intentions disappeared into the passion of her mouth on mine. The world evaporated into nothingness in the moment.

She ran her hands up and down my chest, though her knees were just as close. Then she tugged me closer and squeezed my ass as she pulled me toward her center.

Fuck. I couldn’t wait. I was breathing too quickly. She could have me anytime, anywhere, and I grabbed a condom and slipped it on as her tongue and mouth teased my overly sensitive neck.

Once it was on, she opened her legs even wider and wrapped them around me, directing me inside her.

I followed her direction. As I entered her core and found my rhythm, one final thought hit me hard—I was falling for her, and it was more than just sex.

As her eyes began to roll back in her head, I continued and found my own release.

Finally, we belonged to each other.