Sugar Pie by Victoria Pinder



The moon was high in the sky, but I couldn’t sleep. Warren rested on the bed, but I headed to the kitchen to retrieve our clothes then placed them in the hamper in the bedroom.

I didn’t bother with getting dressed. I knew he would wake in a few, and my heart thundered. I wanted more.

His kindness despite his burning ambition might have been what I’d noticed first about him. He might not have been rich, but he was absolutely the only man I admired and believed in.

We were building something from nothing, and it felt great. As I came back, he started to sit up in the bed. I dropped the clothes on the floor and sat beside him. He took my hand and asked, “Where were you?”

My heart pounded. He was the only one I wanted. I swallowed then scooted next to him. “I was watching you.”

His eyes widened. “Yeah?”

I kissed his forehead and traced his body with a hand. Then I brushed his ribs under his right arm. “Where did you get this?”

He shrugged. “It’s a bruise.”

I kissed it. “You never complained.”

His face darkened, and I saw his cock grow as he said, “It’s no big deal. I dropped a sink that I didn’t have a good grip on and then tried to catch it. What you’re doing is nice.”

I used my lips and tongue on his muscles and chest as I climbed on top of him. I saw how he wanted me, but he let me lead. “Next time,” I said, “tell me all the places you might need kissing, and I’ll make it all better.”

I felt powerful and in total control. I tossed the sheets so nothing was between us. Then I traced his body and rubbed my core against his dick.

He grabbed a condom, which I took from him and rolled on. He squeezed me and said, “I need you now.”

“Good.” I invited his member inside me as I arched.

Hot and wild didn’t begin to describe how being with Warren made me feel, but there was more. With him, I was completely myself, and I loved it.