Sugar Pie by Victoria Pinder


Warren Norouzi is out there in the world, proving he can run a company without Wall Street, or is this just another rich man’s game to get into even more businesses where they don’t belong? When is enough enough for them? I’ll give you more as soon as I find out, loyal readers. Follow this page for more about Lydia and what she knows. And let’s keep gossiping. Burn the rich.

Yours truly,

Regina, your gossip goddess you can’t escape from.


The sound of the water in the shower and knowing Kerry was in there excited me, but my father’s warnings rushed in my veins. I brushed them off, though. Gossip didn’t matter. The sun was out, and it was time to come to terms with a question I needed to answer quickly: How do I tell Kerry that I’m not a Tate but a Norouzi?

I started the coffee, and my phone rang. We needed to fly back and finish work. The other day, I’d said no to security, but we’d taken the plane Mom had sent for the day. I saw my father calling again, so I put him on speaker and read the gossip blog he’d mentioned before. “Pedar, so what if someone knows what I’m doing?”

My mind raced and assumed Lydia meant Linsey, my ex from years ago who threatened to chain herself to my apartment door, as she hadn’t wanted us to break up. I’d probably talked about my life with dread then, but I’d been wrong.

Kerry made my life better because unlike other women in my life, she wasn’t an accessory.

My father said, “It’s never good to be caught out of your element, and your strength is here with us. Together, we can do anything.”

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine just slipping back into my old life but with Kerry. She was the cherry on the sundae, even if she didn’t know it. I swallowed then spoke from my heart. “For the first time in my life, I’ve enjoyed having real challenges where I don’t just play with numbers on my computer.”

“Fun is over, and it’s your duty to protect the one you love. Go to your New York apartment.”

His words spun in my head, and I stood straighter. He was right that I needed to be more serious.

Without a word from me, my father, Parvis Norouzi, a titan to everyone who knew him, harrumphed, the sound he made when he made his point.

Except I hadn’t explained anything to Kerry. I swallowed hard as I imagined how to reveal who I was. “I’ll want to finish business in Greenville today then head to New York tonight.”

“Be fast. The sooner you come home, the happier we all are.”

Right. So I could buy our property in a day and keep our partnership. She would want to run it, and she believed I was a Wall Street guy. I would tell her everything once we were both safe, but Pedar was correct. We couldn’t go home.

I heard her turn off the shower and walk around the bathroom.

“We have a complication and need to go get back fast.”

She came out wearing new jeans and a red T-shirt as she wiped her hair and asked, “What happened? Were you on the phone?”

Together, we would come up with a plan, but that could be done anywhere. I took her hands. “Yes. I… I decided to use my savings for this deal. Text the realtor. Our partnership is still on, but I have to get back to New York.”

She didn’t even blink. I saw trust in her eyes. “What do you want me to do?”

I would have to explain it all to her. I picked up her hand and said, “Close the property deal today with a cash buyout.”

She bounced back to the bedroom as the coffee finished percolating. “I’ll call the realtor.”

I poured her a cup and ordered the plane to be fueled and ready. Our life would soon be very different. I hoped she liked my galley kitchen at home and the Italian espresso machine that she could make her favorite drinks with. And if she wanted to cook, I would send the chef back to my father’s staff.

She finished her coffee and left the cup on the counter as we headed out together.

“Then assemble the preliminary list for a crew to contact and get their schedules so we can coordinate, offer contracts, and begin construction on the model as soon as possible.”

The limo picked us up, but she was at ease as she typed on her phone. “Okay. Schedules will be requested, and I’ll open negotiations for contracts. I’ll make it all happen today.”

I wanted our business to succeed, and the gleam in her eyes told me the same thing. My heart pounded, though. “You’re the best. After we wind up the last business, we’re flying to New York right away.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Is everything okay with your family? You seem nervous.”

My cheeks felt hot. I needed to tell her the truth, but it was better to finish up as much as we could and be safe. I hoped she would understand. “Just thinking we have a lot to do to get our life together.”

Her phone rang. She glanced at it. “My mom…”

I kissed her forehead. “Tell her you’re moving in with me and we’re going to Manhattan.”

She walked me to the door and laughed. “She’d probably want to come and visit if I tell her that address.”

I nodded. “She’s allowed. Whatever you’re comfortable with is fine with me.”

We boarded the plane as she fended off her mother’s questions. As we got seated, she hung up. Without explanation, her lips met mine, and steam rushed through my veins.

We took off. If I’d had more time, I would have wanted to be with her intimately, but there was too much on my mind.

It was better to wait and show her my world.

As we landed, I quickly called my father back as she spoke to the realtor. Then I said, “Pedar, I’ll work to finish up here today as much as possible and be in New York tonight. Don’t worry about me. Kerry and I will come visit you and Maman soon.”

“Wonderful.” He harumphed his approval. “Your brother wants to talk to you.” Emotions weren’t our thing.

He handed off the phone. “It’s Jeff.”

Ah. Perfect.“What’s going on?”

“I want to apologize for my staff leaking some of your info to that gossip site, but I’m glad you’re coming home.”

“Linsey is clearly talking again.” I checked to be sure that no one had heard me. “I didn’t expect this at all, but I have to say I’ve enjoyed being on my own with no one treating me differently because I’m a Norouzi.”

He sounded surprised. “Yeah?”

My heart swelled as if I was telling the absolute truth. “There is something about going out and making it on your own.” And finding a woman to share it with. She needed to know the truth.

Jeff said, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

We exchanged goodbyes, and Kerry took my hand. We left the airplane and headed to the waiting limo.

I breathed the air where I’d earned money with my bare hands.

Kerry was on the phone but then told the driver and me, “First, we need to go to the realtor’s office. The bank needs your proof of funds.”

I laughed. They’d soon see all my accounts, as I wasn’t hiding them. I found my banking information on my phone and snapped photos of the numbers. “I’ve sent the broker my numbers.”

Done. She now saw how much I had in my name and could plainly see my adopted name. I glanced at Kerry, who needed to be told. Then I swallowed, unsure how to start the conversation.

Then she said, “I’m excited to see how you live in New York. It’s another adventure, but…”

My ears burned. I wouldn’t go without her. My throat was tight as I asked, “What?”

“I still want this business we started to be successful.”

I took a deep breath. “Me too. I don’t just want to work with you, though. I want us to start looking forward to our lives together.”

A few minutes later, we stopped at the real estate office. I steeled my spine to face the world again, as being near her made it disappear when she smiled at me.

We headed out as I said, “Let’s be fast when we sign.”

“Don’t be nervous. We have forever.” She took my offered hand, and we went in together.

I needed to believe her. I just hoped she understood and accepted my unlimited wealth.