Sugar Pie by Victoria Pinder



I paced the room but knew that Warren was outside, waiting for me or for some solution. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking, and that drove me crazy.

For weeks and weeks, I’d waited for him, laughed with him, and now… I closed the door.

I took three deep breaths. Once I was sure, I opened the door and saw that he was pacing the length of the huge bay windows overlooking Central Park. Storming in earlier, I’d not taken in the huge space or the vaulted ceilings, the original minimalistic art on the walls, and the kitchen that was bigger than the apartment we’d shared for months.

His eyes widened as he saw me. “You’re up.”

I took his hands in mine and refused to blink. I loved Warren. “I couldn’t sleep. You weren’t there. I didn’t want everything about us to somehow be a lie.”

He nodded and lowered his head. “I wanted to show you my world so you’d see that even though I have money, my life was empty without you in it.”

My heart knew he was a good person. I let out a sigh. “I was upset because you didn’t tell me.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m sorry. No matter what, I believe our business is the best thing I’d ever done with my life, and I did it all with you.”

“I love you,” I said quickly. The words were easy because it was true.

His shoulders and body relaxed, and he opened his arms for a hug as he said, “I love you too.”

I bounced on my feet. It was on me. I nodded and hugged him tightly. “I want us to work.”

I wasn’t sure, but it seemed like he shed a tear. He quickly wiped his eyes. “Thank you for giving me a second chance. I’ll prove myself to you.”

“There is nothing to prove,” I said as I cried. He had proven himself, and I had hurt him.

Then I pressed my lips to his, and he kissed me.

Warren was everything I ever wanted. His kiss made me forget it all.

A ring in the air brought me back to reality. He picked up his phone and said, “Jeff’s calling.”

I held it in my hand. “It’s late.”

“He was working on your case.”

I’d left my phone in the other room. I picked it up, and we greeted one another with fast hellos. Then I jumped in and said, “I thought you needed till tomorrow.”

“I had the judge review your case and showed the video from the gossip site.”

My heart lifted. I’d never had so much help so fast. “And?”

I held Warren’s hand. With him, I was truly free. His gaze made me warm as his brother droned on. “The order was rescinded under false documentation, and your ex is being questioned on why he went to such lengths,” Jeff said.

I tensed and lifted my chin. “I don’t care what happens to Romeo, but I don’t wish him harm. I just want him gone for good.”

“I can safely say you’re fine now,” Jeff said.

I listened as he said goodbye. We were done. I hung up and gave Warren back his phone.

He kissed my forehead. “So what do you want to do?”

Our life together was my choice and no one else’s. I cupped his face. “I want you to come to bed and hold me.”

“Anything.” He walked with me back to that bedroom.

Together, we weren’t alone. He loved me, and I loved him. It was enough.