Russian Boss’s Secret Baby by Bella King

Ch 10


Was I a little harsh?


After the few bad trips I’ve had, maybe it was a little cruel to put that guy into his own personal hell hours before he dies, if he even gets hours. I’m sure that by the time we get back to the headquarters, he’ll be convulsing uncontrollably with his little buddies losing their shit trying to save him without bringing him to the hospital.

Mia is shaking as she sits on my lap, and I hold her just a bit closer than I had on the ride here. “What’s going to happen to that guy?” she asks with some hesitation in her voice.

It’s going to be hard to make Mia feel comfortable with me while I’m torturing and executing other people. I never had that problem with my last assistant, though I think she was a little bit sick in the head, if I’m honest.

“He’s going to watch everything around him begin to melt,” I explain. “He won’t be able to move his limbs or walk much, and he will feel like he’s woken up in another dimension where everybody wants to hurt him. After a bit he will start having seizures, which have a fifty-fifty chance of killing him by the neurological strain alone or by him hitting his head on the floor. Either way, his grey matter is going to be deep-fried by the end of it.”

Mia whimpers a bit, possibly feeling sick after what she’s seen and now knowing the full extent of the abject horror that this man will endure in his final moments. “That’s awful,” she says under her breath.

I hesitate to respond because, yes, it’s pretty terrible, but he needed to be taken care of, and I figured that the punishment fit the crime very well. Distributing drugs under my name, especially such low-quality ones, has probably gotten plenty of people killed. He deserves what he gets in return.

I can feel her shifting uncomfortably in my lap as we drive, and I can’t pretend that her movements aren’t causing me to become aroused. The adrenaline from smoking some asshole always gets me horny as hell, and I’m wondering if I should just cut the bullshit and fuck this girl as soon as I get the chance. No getting-to-know-you phase, no pretending, just straight-up hardcore primal fucking.

When I pull Mia closer, I can feel her muscles tense for a moment before she eases back and rests herself on my shoulder and chest, her body feeling softer against me than it had on the way here when she was sitting more upright.

She’s still wearing that tiny little dress.

I can feel my cock getting harder and bigger, and there’s no way she isn’t going to notice.

She does notice, and I can see her eyes widen as she second guesses herself. She tenses again, but her movements only serve to make me more aroused.

I choose not to move for a bit, just to see what she’ll do. After a minute or so, I feel her body start to loosen again, and instead of simply leaning back like she was, she parts her legs just a tiny bit. Not an advance, but an invitation.

It’s subtle, but I can read women well enough to know what she’s doing. If I call her out on it, she’ll be able to deny having done any such thing, but she’s still able to send a message with such a small movement.

With the hand that is holding her around her hips, I gently begin to pull at the fabric of her dress until I have enough of her flesh to stroke. She inhales deeply, her eyes wide again. I continue stroking her skin with just my fingertips until she opens her legs just a bit more.

When she does, my other hand finds her inner thigh, playing with her incredibly soft skin just below her panties, just enough to graze my finger along her pussy without adding enough pressure to really touch her. She responds with her whole body, pressing herself into my hand as subtly as she can without losing her mind and putting my fingers inside her panties on her own.

After what she just witnessed, I’m surprised by her ability to become aroused, but perhaps there are layers of deviancy deeper inside of her. There’s only one way for me to find out.

Now her legs are open enough to expose her panties to me, and I wonder if she’s oblivious or just doesn’t care that she is likely exposing herself to Michael as well, who is sitting next to me pretending he has no idea what’s going on.

The idea of her being so horny for me that she doesn’t care about being watched as I touch her makes me even more impatient to get back and rip her clothes off.

I continue stroking her thigh, eventually moving up to her pussy through her panties. She’s extremely wet, and I’m curious to see if she is going to get my pants wet as well if I continue. I’d like to discover the answer.

Her panties are soaked, and her clit is firm and easy to find with the tip of my finger. I start light, barely touching it, but I know the kind of sensation that light touches create in women who are this aroused.

She’s burning up.

I wish I had enough time to touch her like this only, just to see if she is desperate enough to orgasm from such little stimulation. When I watch her face, her eyes flutter shut as I press just a bit more firmly against her pussy, her hips moving a bit with the motion of my hand.

The warmth of her pussy has me desperate to fuck her like I haven’t been since it was my first time. The newness of her, the danger of our first interactions has me insane and I’m ready to just tear off her panties and fuck her right here in the back seat while everyone watches.

I won’t do that, though. I don’t really want anyone to see her. I want to possess her, to have her fully to myself. I don’t share women unless I don’t care about them.

We finally arrive at my headquarters at 2 AM, and Michael and Eli leave swiftly to pass out for the night. I’m fully present and awake still, and I can tell that Mia is holding herself back from climbing me like a spider monkey. I doubt she’s been with more than two or three men in her life, and certainly not somebody that terrifies her like I do.

We venture into the hallway, and I slow down as Eli and Michael walk ahead, going to their rooms for the night. As I hear them close the doors behind them, I take Mia’s wrists and press them into the wall above her head. “Is this what you want?” I ask in a low tone.

She gazes up at me, her eyes demure and withholding.

A moment of silence floats through the air, but both of our minds have already been made up.

“Yes, sir,” she replies, barely above a whisper.