Russian Boss’s Secret Baby by Bella King

Ch 12


Goddamn, I needed that.

It’s the morning after Mia and me fucked for the first time, and I can’t get her out of my head to save my life. Her skin was so soft, her pussy tasted amazing. I could have stayed between her legs for eternity if I could.

I can’t, though, and I have to deal with the rest of the Imposter’s crew sooner or later. I’m coming back to business so soon, and it sucks.

But I know there will be other opportunities. In fact, I’ll make them. I can’t let go of Mia. I need to have her again, and again, and again…

When I pull my body out of bed, I feel completely exhausted. I haven’t fucked like that in years, maybe ever. I definitely never had such enthusiastic girlfriends in the past. Most of them would be content to just lie there and take it until I jizzed on her belly. Maybe she would be slightly annoyed that I came too quickly or got some semen on her bed.

Mia was different, though. Inexperienced as she is, she responded so well, so eagerly. Just her enthusiasm alone was enough to elevate the experience for me beyond basic penis-in-vagina fucking.

After I leave my bedroom, I see Michael and Eli waiting for me in the common area. I sigh, knowing that they’ve been productive already and plan on going to hunt the rest of the Imposter’s goons as soon as possible.

“What’s up, guys?” I say, still exhausted.

“I think we have a bit of an issue, Slate. The guy that you overdosed last night? He might not have been the guy you were looking for.”

My stomach drops. Did I kill an innocent man?

“He was probably just a paid pawn,” Eli assures me. “There could be multiple all over the city, so we need to be more careful about who we pursue and kill or the trail we leave is going to be really bloody.”

I knew this guy was going to be more difficult than I thought, and can’t go around shoving synthetic LSD down the throat of every low-level dealer in the state. That would be messy.

“How did you find this out?” I ask Eli.

He glances at Michael. “There was a death related to 25i that wasn’t the dude we smoked last night. It was on the other side of the city where all the college students are,” he says. “Someone is still passing that shit around.”

“Goddamn it, so these rich kids are still buying shitty fake drugs from this guy? And I’m on the hook for their deaths when they come up. Amazing,” I reply, more aggravated than I wish to be this early in the morning, especially after such a long and eventful night of accomplishing, apparently, nothing.

“It’s not all bad, though,” Michael says. “This guy is really sloppy, right? Maybe not as badly as we thought he was, but he still chose to get cocky and leave a signature on the tabs that he sold to a bunch of students. So he’s using your name as a cover, but he’s trying to establish a brand for himself that isn’t yours. And we have it.”

I consider for a moment, wondering if it’s necessary to chase this person down immediately or if it can wait for one fucking day so I have a chance to retrace my steps and catch him for good. “Do we have any idea where he’s located?” I ask Eli.

“For now? Not quite. We know his people are moving through the coast again because he’s an idiot. We don’t know where he himself is, though,” says Eli, calming now that he’s informed me of the bad news without getting punched.

Exhaling heavily, I close my eyes. “Take the day. We need to get more coordinated or the cops are going to be on our asses quick. As much as I love a righteous execution, I don’t want to kill another person who’s just trying to feed their family. I’m not about that.”

Eli and Michael both shrug. “Okay, I guess I’m out of here for now,” Michael says. “I’ll see what I can find on this guy, and I’ll get back to you by the end of the day.”

Eli follows Michael as they both leave. Now I’m left to my own devices.

Do I call Mia? I could invent a reason for her to be here.

I decide to text her from one of my phones. I told her that it would be a new number every time I contact her.

She probably has an irregular sleep schedule like all the girls who work in clubs do, but I’m hoping she’ll be up by now. I’ll just ask her to come over and clean a little. She’ll probably prefer that over what she saw last night.

I shoot her a text message and proceed to spend the next half hour pacing around my office until I get a reply. She’s on her way.

About an hour later, Mia is back at the mansion, her first time here in the daylight. The way the light streams in through the huge bay windows mesmerizes her at first, and I have to make sure she doesn’t get distracted.

“Hey, can you go clean the upstairs a bit? Just in this wing of the house. It’s been a while and my last assistant did a terrible job,” I say to her as she wanders throughout the living room.

“Um, yeah, I can do that,” she says, finally looking me in the eyes.

“Is something bothering you?” I ask, praying like hell that I don’t need to confront the fucked-up execution that took place in front of her last night.

“I just… I couldn’t stop thinking about last night,” she replies without making eye contact.

I wait, still uncertain of what she means.

“That was the best sex I ever had,” she says as her tone warms a bit and she relaxes.

A heavy sigh escapes me. “Oh, good, I was worried that the thing with the Imposter was bothering you,” I respond as relief washes over me. I’m always thinking about work.

“I mean, I don’t think I ever want to be a part of something like that ever again. I’ll do the clerical stuff, the paperwork and boring details, but I don’t think I could sleep at night if I saw that again,” she says.

I can’t guarantee that, but to keep her here, I’ll make an empty promise.

“Okay, I can make sure that never happens again. I’m sure it was very jarring for you,” I say, attempting to sound as empathetic as possible.

Do I regret what I did to him? Of course not. It had to be done, but in order to keep Mia around, I need to maintain a more humane persona. That’s something I’ll have to work on, apparently.

Mia nods, and she heads upstairs to begin cleaning. She doesn’t look dressed for cleaning, her petite body covered only in a thin, tight t-shirt and ripped denim shorts that barely cover her ass. She looks more prepared for a shift as a waitress at a strip club.

Not that I mind, of course, but I will have a much more difficult time focusing on the task at hand if she’s running around like that all day.