The Alien Prince’s Omega by Lorelei M. Hart



“First,we need to get you human clothes. A shirt and jeans. More than one pair. Maybe a nice jacket and sweater too.”

Listening to Hanson’s voice made my hearts beat faster, but both with a slightly different rhythm. They were singing to my rupling. I peered at my tunic and pants. “But if I remove my clothing, I will be cold when the wind blows and hot when your lonely sun is high in the sky.” It had taken many years for our scientists to perfect the fabric which adjusted to the outside temperature. Removing it was only an option when we mated, and Hanson, my Hanson, was not ready for that step.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and I nudged it with my chin. “Hate to break this to you, buddy, but that’s Earth for you. We bundle up when it’s cold and strip off in hot weather.”

Strip off?I did not need an invitation, or if I did, that was it. I tore off my tunic and stood before Hanson, my thumbs hooked into the top of my pants.

But my rupling did not react the way I had expected. His cheeks were flooded with color. First pink and then red, and he gulped as his glazed eyes roamed over my top half. He flapped a hand in front of his face while the other one clutched his chest. Maybe I was wrong, and he was ready to admit we were rupling.

Shoving his hand away, I placed my head against his heart. It was fluttering, a pitter patter, as if he was in danger and running for his life, not the melodic rhythm of my intended mate. This was bad. I grabbed his shoulders. “Hanson, can you hear me?”

He mumbled something I could not catch, and a droplet of water pooled in the corner of his mouth. Was he dying?

“Mmmm,” he gurgled. “I’m… I’m fine.” I pulled him close, thankful I had not killed him.

“What happened?”

“Oh. Nothing.” He pulled out of my grip. “Just never seen an alien… a chest like that before.” He lowered his voice. “Took my breath away. All good.”

“Should I put my tunic on again?”

“Don’t you dare!” he yelled. He placed a hand on my bare chest. “Sorry, I mean the world needs… I… yes, that’s right… I need to gaze at it a while longer.”

“I am glad it is acceptable.”

“More than you know.” He headed into another room. “In here, Kagin.”

“Is this where I remove my pants?”

Poor Hanson, he sank onto the bed and ran a hand through his hair. His heart must have been weak. Only having one will do that. When we returned home, I would make sure he got immediate medical attention.

“Not yet.” He pointed to a wall. “Open that closet, the door on the left, and you’ll see clothes my brother left here. He’s a fitness nut and much bigger than me. They might fit you.”

I fumbled with the lever. This was not like the knob Idda had turned when she had entered her home.

“Just pull it.”

I did. It came off in my hand and I gave it to him. “Now what?”

“Never mind, there’s a second door.” He brushed past me and my body went cold and hot. I liked it, and so did my member. My cock. First Grandfather had mentioned that word many times in his research. “I was going to donate these, but I’m glad I didn’t.”

“Me too.” Without waiting for any further instructions, I pulled my pants off and picked up a pair of small pants in soft material with the legs cut off. “These are?”

He coughed and spluttered and gazed at the ceiling as he counted. I peered upward too and repeated the numbers along with him. “Is this a ritual?”

“Not really.” His voice was high and squeaky. He must have liked the ceiling, because he studied it for a long time. “Those are briefs. Put those on first.”

I followed his instructions because I wanted to do this right for Hanson. “All done.”

“Now the jeans and finally the shirt.”

When I finished, I tapped his shoulder. “I hope you are satisfied.”

“At some point, yes. More than. I hope to be.”

“Look,” I told him. His expression changed many times as emotions flashed across his face. “I was not sure about the three holes. It seems as though there are one too many.”

Hanson snorted, and he put a hand over his mouth. A giggle slipped out, and then laughter erupted from his lips.

“I am glad you are happy.” I beamed at him.

He plucked the briefs off my head. “These are for… never mind.” He tossed them away. “Though there might be chafing, but we’ll deal with that later. Let’s get breakfast.”

I rubbed my belly. “I am ready for food.”


I followed him out of the room. “Will there be cock? My grandfather said he ate cock while he was here.” Hanson must be so proud I know English words can have more than one meaning. I thought that was right. Or maybe it was chicken. Grandfather’s notes had been jumbled on that point. No idea why.

Hanson shrieked and leaned against a wall. “At some point. I hope so.”