The Alien Prince’s Omega by Lorelei M. Hart



“I need to take a shower,”I said and toed off my shoes at the doorway. It had been a great day at work, a lot of animals were helped, but with that help came the scent of anesthetics and antibiotics and such. I needed to be cleaned off.

“You can make yourself at home while I do.” Or come in with me. No, that wouldn’t be appropriate. Just because he made me feel things I hadn’t felt in a long—ever, didn’t mean it was a good idea to invite him into the shower with me.

“I think I take that option.” He copied me, removing his shoes at the door. Damn, his ass looked good in those jeans. I put it on my imaginary list of things to buy just for him. Wearing hand-me-downs was fine, but I wanted him to feel like more than a second thought.

“Excuse me?” I asked, unsure what he meant and too distracted by his ass to process possible answers.

“I will take a shower with you.”

“What?” I gasped. “You can hear my thoughts?” How much else had he heard? Please let it not be my running commentary on his ass.

“No. That would be helpful, though. I do not always understand what has you thinking so hard.”

“But how did you…”

“You said or come in with me. I thought that was an invitation. Was it not? Is this a human custom I need to learn?” He was so serious as all I wanted to do was wish away the past thirty seconds so I wouldn’t die of embarrassment.

“I spoke the words aloud by accident,” I confessed.

“So is it not an invitation? Because I think I would quite enjoy it.” He closed the distance between us. “And your pants are tighter—is that not a sign you would enjoy it also?”

“I would enjoy it very much.” So much that just thinking about it had me hard as a freaking rock. “But it would not be appropriate.”

“Because we do not wear human rings of commitment?” he asked, referring back to a conversation we’d had on marriages.

“No. No. Not that. Because it would be taking advantage. You are in a strange place where you don’t understand our ways. I would never want to take advantage of you.”

“Would I be taking advantage of you?” He placed a hand flat on my chest. “Is that why your heart is beating so? I vow to you that was not my intention. I just—I enjoy your company and I find you attractive and my body reacts to yours, and I long to be more than, what did that television show say?”

“Friend-zoned?” I asked, recalling the sitcom that he’d been so entrenched in. He said that his grandfather loved our box of entertainment and he could understand why.

“That. I don’t want to be friend-zoned. I feel more for you than that.” He brought his hand up to my cheek. “Do you want me friend-zoned?”

“That is the last place I want you,” I confessed. “I am attracted to you, but it is more than that. I can’t fully understand it, but… you mean more.”

“Then we should bathe together.” He leaned in and brushed his lips to mine. “Humans do this differently than my kind. I like it.” He did it again, and this time I deepened it, needing—wanting more from him.

“How do they do it differently?” I pressed my body against his.

“We use our tongues as well.”

That was all it took to have me slamming my mouth to his and kissing him as if my life depended on it. Our lips danced together as our tongues explored each other’s mouths, his hard length pressing against my own through the fabric of our clothing. “Let’s shower and get my work off of us.” And see his glorious body naked.

I led him by the hand to the bathroom and set the water. I removed my shirt, then my pants and my boxer briefs. He watched me, his eyes raking me up and down. I never considered my body much to look at, but the way he ogled me, I was second guessing that assessment.

“Let me help you?” I asked meekly. All of this was so new. And not because he was an alien. I had always taken the more passive omega role in my relationships. Being forward like this… it was new to me and had me thinking of other naughty things omegas never got to do. Would he like that? Would he like me in his ass? Or was it taboo like it was here on Earth for so many?

“You are thinking many thoughts.” He cupped my cheeks. “What are they, rupling?” There was that word again, the one that sent a chill down my body in the best of ways.

“I was wondering—in your world, do omegas ever—do alphas like to be penetrated?”

“You are perfection.” He took a tiny step closer, not that there was much room. “Please disrobe me and then bring me into your shower so I may wash your body and you may wash mine.” He brought his lips to my ear. “And then if you would be so kind,” his hand wrapped around my cock and I let out a hiss, “would you place this inside of me and make me come?”

Good gads. He was going to kill me, and what a way to go.