Baby and the Wolf by Victoria Sue

Chapter Two

Emmett froze.For a second, the firm lips were moving on his. He knew it would be the sort of take-no-prisoners kiss that he’d always secretly dreamed of, but then as if Ryker realized what he was doing, he stilled. It took Emmett maybe five seconds too long to decide what he wanted and nearly threw himself at Ryker. Ryker grunted as Emmett clung on desperately and tried to get Ryker to kiss him.

“No. No.

It was like being plunged into ice water. Emmett shook, this time not with nerves or arousal but with shame. His arms seemed to slide down from around Ryker’s neck of their own accord. What had he been thinking? What in Emmett’s reality made him think for one tiny second someone like Ryker would be interested in him? He stepped away but didn’t get very far. Emmett dropped his gaze to where Ryker was still clutching his wrist as if he couldn’t let go. “I’m sorry.” Apologizing was good, right?

“Where were you going?”

Emmett looked up. He hadn’t been expecting that question. To be honest, the almost kiss had kind of wiped that out. “I was going to leave.”

Ryker nodded. “Why?”

“Because…” Emmett bit his lip and could have easily given way to tears. “Because Barry will try and find me once it gets light, and I was hoping to be on a bus by then.”

Ryker absorbed that. “Why didn’t you want the cops involved?” Emmett closed his eyes. He could feel his heart start to pound, and he pulled at Ryker’s arm. He needed to get off his feet. “Is there a good reason why you don’t want the cops involved?”

His ears started buzzing, which was really a bad sign. He pulled ineffectually at the hand, but it was like concrete. Clouds seemed to fill his head, and then he was lifted off his feet and held tightly before being lowered to the couch. He took deep breaths, and when he was sure he wasn’t going to pass out, he opened his eyes. He opened his mouth to apologize again, only to have Ryker’s finger pressed gently over his lips. “No, that was my fault. You already explained the stress thing, and I stopped you from moving away.” He lifted Emmett’s hand, cradling it in his own bigger one while he examined it. “Did I hurt you?”

Emmett practically melted into the couch, but then remembered he’d been asked a question and shook his head. “You’ve been very kind, but the more I thought about trying to run in the morning, the more I thought it was a bad idea.”

“And the cops?” Ryker pushed, looking like the question made him feel uncomfortable.

Emmett took a breath. “Barry’s my uncle. Mom died when I was nine. He’s my only relative.”

“How old are you now?” Ryker bit out.

“Twenty.” Emmett’s face pinked. “I know I’m pathetic, but I have no money, and he’s best buddies with one of the deputies. I’ve run twice, and the last time, Deputy Callaghan picked me up. He brought me right back to Barry.” Emmett sighed. He might as well know everything. “I stole his car. I’m not allowed to drive because of the syncope, but I was only trying to get to the bus station. I would have left the car somewhere safe, and I took the back roads so I wouldn’t put anyone at risk.”

Shame licked at his cheeks. He’d been stupid—he’d never passed out unless he was standing up, and he didn’t even have his permit, but that didn’t matter. They’d threatened him with jail time or an ankle bracelet if it happened again. “I got a hefty fine, and I have to work for my uncle to pay it off. He keeps small apartments, short-term rentals, and I have to clean them.” And most of them were disgusting. Plus the cooking and the cleaning he normally did, and it was never just for Barry. Nearly the whole crew hung around and he was expected to wait on them hand and foot.

“I saw you watching. I could tell they disgusted you, so I told Barry I needed to use the bathroom and took a huge gamble.”

Ryker gazed right at him as if he was deciding if Emmett was telling the truth. “And the kiss?”

Emmett knew his face had flushed before, but this time it must have been scarlet. “I thought you were asleep. I didn’t mean to wake you up. I just—”

But Emmett didn’t get to finish the sentence because Ryker’s lips fastened over his again. He moaned, melting into the glorious feeling of being trapped underneath Ryker’s hard body. Almost absently, he wondered why he wasn’t scared. Barry was a bully. Ryker was even bigger, but somehow he knew Ryker would never so much as lift an eyebrow in anger. He wanted this so badly and whined in reaction when Ryker lifted his head. He sounded gratifyingly out of breath. “I’m not going to take advantage. We’ll leave early, and I will take you somewhere you will be safe. I know people. This isn’t necessary and I’m sorry. I usually have more control.”

Emmett smiled in giddy relief, but he almost didn’t care. “I know. I believe you. This is for me. Please. I want this so badly. I understand you might not want me so much.”

Ryker let his head fall forward, and then he raised it again. He tugged Emmett’s hand to his groin. Emmett’s eyes widened at his size, and for a moment, he panicked. “That’s how much I want you,” he said gruffly.

Emmett nodded and pressed his hot face into Ryker’s neck. He smelled amazing. “Please.”

Ryker hesitated. “This is important. You don’t need to do this to get my help. That’s unconditional.”

Emmett nodded. “One question?”

Humor lit Ryker’s face for perhaps the first time. “Only one?”

“Can we go in the bedroom?”

Ryker huffed out a laugh but stood and held out his hand. Emmett stood, and Ryker drew him in close. He brushed one of Emmett’s curls off his face and breathed in.

“You smell amazing.” He cupped Emmett’s face in both hands and steadied him. “I have one thing as well. You can say no at any time. All you have to do is say no. It doesn’t affect my help, and I am capable of stopping as soon as you say.”

Emmett just reached up on tiptoes, aiming for his mouth. He still had to pull Ryker’s head down though, and he exulted in the small, almost growl he heard in the back of Ryker’s throat before their lips met. The thought of Emmett being responsible for that sort of reaction in Ryker set his heart thrumming. And then, for the second time, Emmett found himself lifted up. He wound his arms around Ryker and returned kiss for gorgeous kiss until Ryker managed to stumble into the bedroom, pull back the comforter, and lay him down like he was made of glass.

But Emmett wasn’t. He was hard and aching and so desperately wanted to explore Ryker’s body. Emmett wriggled out of his jeans while Ryker watched him with hungry eyes. It made Emmett feel about ten feet tall, and when he was naked, he reached up for Ryker before he even thought to be embarrassed. Ryker, who was still wearing his jeans, stretched out alongside him. He trailed his fingers from the dip in Emmett’s throat all the way to the dip under his belly. His cock was hard and leaking. In Emmett’s very narrow experience, he must be leaking a lot because he was wet underneath his balls. He felt almost sticky and for a second worried Ryker wouldn’t think he was clean, but then Ryker dipped his head and kissed Emmett’s belly. Emmett nearly came off the bed and reached for his cock in desperation. “Ryker.” It was so damn good. Ryker’s chest seemed to rumble in approval.

“Let’s take the edge off if you’re worried. We have time. I’ll get you somewhere safe in the morning.” He nuzzled the hair on Emmett’s groin, and Emmett clutched Ryker’s shoulders instead. The first touch of anyone’s lips around his cock was indescribably good. Ryker was gentle but firm, and he clasped Emmett’s hips firmly as he sucked. Emmett couldn’t have kept still if his life depended on it, but Ryker didn’t seem to mind his begging movements, the awkward thrusts his hips seemed to make of their own accord. Ryker hummed around Emmett’s cock on his last thrust, then almost swallowed it down. The orgasm that hit Emmett like a train was the best moment of his life. If he died now, he would be happy. He groaned helplessly.

“Don’t worry,” Ryker soothed. Emmett suddenly realized to his shame he hadn’t given condoms, protection, a moment’s thought, and suddenly nerves kicked in. He remembered how big Ryker was. He bit his lip though. “We’re just going to take things steady. You wouldn’t be able to take me without a lot of prep, and I don’t have any condoms with me anyway. I’m safe just to play. This is a one-off.” He stripped his jeans off, and his cock sprung up, hard and heavy. Emmett’s spaghetti-noodle limbs seemed incapable of movement, but he heard what sounded suspiciously like laughter as Ryker gently turned him over.

“I’m negative,” Emmett whispered, regret and understanding filtering through. Not that he expected Ryker to take his word for it, and he wasn’t about to say he was a virgin.

“So am I, but that’s not just the point. I still won’t hurt you.”

Emmett closed his eyes and surrendered to the amazing feeling of being kissed and teased. By the time he was nearly delirious with arousal, Ryker trailed kisses from his throat to his belly, then went exploring with his fingers. Emmett moaned at the glorious sensation, and he desperately wanted to feel Ryker inside him.

Ryker paused as his fingers circled Emmett’s hole, and Emmett could feel the slick on him. He might not have had condoms, but he must have had lube. It was so good. He loved the glide and tug, desperately wished it was something else, and started rocking his hips as Ryker inserted first one finger, then another.

He heard Ryker’s breathing change and him mutter something about him prepping. “Yes,” Emmett moaned, assuming it was a question. “Please. Please fuck me.”


“Please,” Emmett cried and rocked his hips. He could feel Ryker just there and wanted it with everything in him. Nothing in his crazy, fucked-up life had ever felt so perfect. This was though. He knew it. He knew Ryker wouldn’t hurt him, and he nearly cried in giddy relief when Ryker turned him on his belly and pushed a pillow under him . For a moment, Ryker held still, then lined himself up and pushed.

“You can stop me,” he ground out. “If it hurts.”

But Emmett simply pushed back, and Ryker slid inside. “Fuck,” Ryker swore. “Emmett. Are—”

“I’m perfect,” Emmett assured him. “Please move. Please.”

As if Ryker was unable to help himself, he groaned and slid inside some more. Emmett couldn’t speak. Could barely think. The fullness, the rightness, was utterly incredible.

“You’re good?” Ryker asked again, an audible catch in his voice. Emmett pushed against him and gasped.

“So good.” Which Ryker must have believed this time because he started to move. Cautious thrusts as if Ryker was scared to hurt him, but that drove Emmett mad with need, and he begged and cried for harder, for faster. Just at the moment where Emmett was going to tip over, Ryker pushed a hand under him and grabbed his aching cock, and that was it. Emmett came so hard and so fast, everything seemed to white out as pleasure so deep in his bones rushed through him. He finally heard the cry from Ryker’s lips above him, and then he didn’t much remember anything else.

It waslight when Emmett woke to the sound of the shower. Memory rushed in, and he smiled. He looked at the sun peeking under the blind and wondered why Ryker hadn’t woken him when it was still dark. He didn’t think for one second Ryker had made a mistake and slept in. He had a feeling Ryker never did anything by mistake. Emmett’s heart started beating a little more firmly. What did that mean? If Ryker had deliberately let Emmett sleep in, it must be for a reason. It must be something other than taking him to the bus station.

Hope flared in Emmett. Did Ryker want him to stay?

He sat up quickly when the door opened and a gloriously naked Ryker walked in. Well, glorious except for the towel, which was a little disappointing. “I overslept.” Emmett tried really hard not to cringe at the slight overstatement.

Ryker met his eyes. Emmett took in the stiff shoulders, the cool, clear brown eyes, and expressionless face, and his heart hit his boots. He could practically hear the thud. “I made some calls. I have friends who are involved in a charity providing new starts for…people,” he added after a small pause. Emmett frowned, briefly diverted by the conviction he was going to say something else. Then he understood.

“You mean people just out of jail.”

Ryker shook his head. “No, I don’t. There may be some of that, but this is more geared at runaways. It’s why I didn’t wake you up. There’s a lady named May who’s on her way here.” He looked at his phone, which was still on the nightstand. “You have time for a shower.”

“You’re not taking me?” Emmett asked softly. He could hope.

Ryker shook his head. “I have to get back.” He grabbed his jeans and left the room. For a moment, Emmett didn’t understand why. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen everything he had last night. He swallowed around the tightness in his throat. Ryker had said it was a one-off. He’d been fair and direct with Emmett. Emmett scrubbed an irritated hand over his eyes. He’d been more than fair. He’d rescued him from Barry, and it looked like he was going to finally get a new life. He couldn’t expect Ryker to suddenly want to change his whole life because of a one-night stand. Just because Emmett had fallen for Ryker didn’t mean it was returned.

Emmett got out of bed and grabbed a shower. It was only when he washed himself and felt a slight twinge that he thought about what had happened. He wasn’t completely innocent. To put it bluntly, his ass should hurt like hell, but it wasn’t even really sore. Whatever lube Ryker had used must be amazing stuff. Then he thought back to last night. He’d been almost delirious with lust, but he remembered Ryker had held him still when he had come, almost as if he couldn’t bear to move. As far as he was aware, Emmett had fallen asleep with Ryker still inside him, which was both embarrassing and wonderful at the same time. By the time he had finished getting dressed, he heard voices in the kitchen, so he plastered on a polite smile and glanced at the woman who stood in the kitchen.

For a second she blinked in seeming surprise, and Emmett faltered. Wasn’t she expecting him? Ryker came out of the pantry holding some bread. “I was going to make some toast.”

Emmett turned his polite smile on Ryker. He wasn’t going to put either of them through this. “It’s okay. I’m not hungry at the moment. I’m not really a breakfast person.” He was starving, but he couldn’t cope with being where he wasn’t wanted. He thanked Ryker and turned, heading for the door. He was outside and walking to the Range Rover before May caught him up.

“Emmett?” May said gently.

He glanced at her. “Can we just go? I’m nervous my uncle will be looking for me.”

She nodded and opened the car. They were driving away from the cabin a moment later. Emmett very firmly refused to look back.