Baby and the Wolf by Victoria Sue

Chapter Six

Emmett followed Ryker,still reeling a little from how welcoming everyone was, hoping he might make friends as well as a new family. He’d met a few people in the different apartments in Asheville, but Emmett wasn’t exactly a social butterfly. He’d been to one party, stood in a corner, and escaped as soon as possible. Katy had gone easy on him, but Mark had ragged him every day to go out. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to meet people; he didn’t like spending other people’s money, and until he got a job, he was stuck.

Ryker led him down a path that opened up to a small cabin. He unlocked the door, and Emmett glanced around. This wasn’t some hotel-type accommodation. This looked lived-in, from the small laptop on the desk in the corner to the crammed bookshelves. He glanced at Ryker, who looked like he was about to be asked to walk the plank. “This is lovely. I’m assuming this is your place?”

Ryker’s surprise was quite funny. “That’s the first question you’re gonna ask me?”

Emmett went over the last few minutes in his mind, wondering if he’d missed something. “Should it be something else?”

Ryker tossed the bag on the couch and nodded to the tiny kitchen. “Let’s sit down.” Emmett’s nerves ramped up, but he followed him without protest.

Ryker rubbed his beard. Emmett had seen him do that a couple of times when he wasn’t sure about something. “I thought you might have questions about Kai.” Emmett went to shrug because he really didn’t know…or maybe I do.

But did he? Ryker had held his hand, for fuck’s sake. He had set him on his lap. And that didn’t include the whole night they had together. Emmett tried to swallow past the huge lump in his throat. Maybe it was different for wolves. “Is the baby yours?”

Ryker jerked back as if he’d been hit. “What? No, of course not.”

“I know I’ve lived with humans, not shifters, but even I know what a trans—” But Ryker was shaking his head.

“He’s not transgender. He’s a male omega.”

Emmett was very glad he was sitting down. “But a male wolf omega?” he asked very quietly and slowly because he had a feeling the answer was going to blow his mind.

“All male omegas can get pregnant, Emmett.”

Emmett was silent for some time while that sentence pinged back and forth in his head. “You mean I could get pregnant?” he laughed, but it was in astonishment, not quite humor. “I’m glad I’m sitting down.”

Ryker made an impatient noise and, standing, plucked Emmett off his chair and into his lap. “I can’t have this conversation with you so far away.” Emmett turned into Ryker, glad to hide his face but very glad to be held as well. What was it about Ryker that made him so content when his arms were around him? “Is this a shifter thing as well?”

Ryker nodded and wrapped his arms around Emmett. “So—” Emmett said hesitantly. “I—you, we have to use condoms?”

“It might be a little late,” he admitted in a strangled voice. It took Emmett a moment, but then he pushed away from Ryker and stared at him.

“Are you saying I could be pregnant?” Ryker winced. “You are, aren’t you?” Emmett shrieked.

“It’s not just a possibility,” Ryker said. “It’s—I mean, you are.”

Emmett blinked at Ryker very slowly. “I’m pregnant.”

A short nod.

“But how do you know? I didn’t see you asking me to pee on a stick.”

“Wolf shifter hearing is exceptional. Alpha hearing even more so. I couldn’t tell until I held you at your apartment, but I can hear two heartbeats. Yours and our baby’s.”

Emmett almost felt the color drain from his face. “Does everyone know?”

“No. They would have to be really close to you.” He squirmed. “I’m pretty sure Chrissy knows.”

Emmett fell silent. He slid his hand around to his belly. “But—stating the obvious here—I’m assuming I would have to have a C-section?”

Ryker visibly flushed. “I think the best thing would be for you to have a talk with Kai. Or Chrissy.”

Emmett turned accusingly. “Is that why you brought me? To see Kai?”

“No,” Ryker said. “He’s new. I didn’t know we had any pregnant omegas. I brought you here because we needed to have this conversation, and I thought it would be good for you to meet some other shifters. Plus, your roommate was on her way back. Plus,” Ryker said, “it gave me some time to work out what to say.”

Emmett paused to think about that. “Wait, so you didn’t know when you came to see me?”

“No, not until I held you.”

“But it might have been a possibility?”

Ryker nodded,wondering where Emmett was going with all this. Emmett pushed against Ryker’s chest and stood. He glanced over at his bag and bent to pick it up.

“Emmett?” Ryker asked cautiously, not liking what he was seeing. Emmett looked up, and Ryker sucked in a breath at the distress in his eyes. “I know it’s a shock,” he said desperately. “But I have no intention of leaving you on your own. I can—”

“Let me go,” Emmett said calmly.


“No. This was what all this”—he waved at the cabin—“was all about? You left me alone for nearly two months. You only came to see me because my dad asked you to, and you only brought me here because you managed to knock me up.” He laughed a little hysterically. Ryker took a step forward, and Emmett took one back. “Don’t you dare touch me.”

Ryker froze. He didn’t have a clue what he’d done wrong. His wolf was snapping at him, ready to shift right there and then.

“I’m going to find Chrissy and talk to Kai. I won’t be staying with you tonight.” He was out of the cabin before Ryker could think of a reply. Ten seconds later, Ryker gave in to his wolf and couldn’t have cared less about the torn clothes he left on the floor.

Emmett joggeddown the path with his bag. Furious didn’t come close. He headed for the clearing and let out a shaky breath when he saw Kai walking slowly past the pack house. “Kai?”

Kai turned, took in Emmett’s bag, and met his eyes. His smile was warm. “Like a drink?” Emmett nodded gratefully. “We’ll go the back way. I’m not up to all those steps.”

Emmett stuck out his elbow for Kai to hang on to, and they walked around the side and in through a small door. A smiling woman turned around from where she was stirring something on a huge stove. She beamed when she saw Kai. “How’s my grandbaby doing?”

Kai smiled back at her. “Stubborn. I think he’s too lazy to move. This is Emmett. Emmett, meet Dinah. Everyone calls her Nana, hence the grandbaby comment.”

Emmett smiled shyly and helped Kai get settled in a cozy-looking nook in the corner of the kitchen. Dinah bustled and got him some orange juice and something that looked like a milkshake for Kai and put the biggest sandwich Emmett had ever seen in front of him. He looked nonplussed. Kai grinned and patted his belly. “No room.”

Emmett grinned. “But aren’t you supposed to be eating for two?”

Kai chuckled. “I wish.” He paused and tilted his head, studying Emmett, and then he nodded to the plate. “Dig in. It doesn’t bother me.”

Emmett didn’t look convinced. “I can’t believe how much I can eat. I thought I was just a greedy ass all these years.” He picked up the sandwich, which he had to hold in both hands. “I only found out this morning that I’m a shifter,” he added when Kai looked puzzled.

“Wow.” Kai sat back. “Bit of a shock, huh?”

Emmett nodded at the understatement because his mouth was full. He nearly groaned at how good it was.

“I got here this morning. My alpha got a new mate, and I was given my marching orders.”

Emmett swallowed. “But surely you were his mate?”

“Nope,” Kai said. “I was just the stupid fool who thought he was in love and assumed he felt the same.” He sighed. “But I should have known. I felt better the second I left him.”

Emmett paused, not entirely sure what he was supposed to say to that. “But that’s good, isn’t it?”

“If he’d been my proper mate, I would have gotten sick.”

Emmett froze. “Sick?” His heart started fluttering like a trapped bird.

Kai nodded. “Some omegas can get physically sick if they are separated from their mate for any length of time. It usually only happens with omegas and strong alphas these days. And I was fine.” He shrugged.

“What happened?” Because he had to try and sound normal, concerned. Had that been what was wrong with him in the last few weeks? He’d felt a million times better since this morning, even after all the shocks.

“My dad died in a hunting accident last year. I never knew my omega. The alpha took me in and said he was going to take care of me.” Kai shrugged. “He did right up to meeting his new mate. Then I was made to leave.”

Emmett looked at Kai’s very swollen belly. “I’m stunned.”

“Oh, he doesn’t know about this.” Kai patted his bump. “And he can’t. There’s a chance he could claim the baby. Because of the low birth rate, all pups are jealously guarded. I’ve been staying with a couple, Seth and Jesse, a few miles away, but there’s not much security, and with the baby due, they moved me.”

“But how could he take the baby?” That was horrific.

“I’m not mated. Wolf law. I have to have one to be safe, and don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a couple of volunteers from the ranger service, bless them, but I don’t want pity.” Kai patted his hand. “Enough about me. How are you?”

“I just found out I might be…well, I am, I think. Pregnant, that is.”

Kai beamed. “That’s wonderful.” He met Emmett’s gaze. “Isn’t it?” Emmett sighed, then, remembering what Ryker had said about wolf shifter hearing, looked around the room. Dinah was puttering about, in and out of the pantry. “I haven’t been here long, but I trust her.”

Emmett chewed his lip and told Kai the story of how he and Ryker had met. “That makes sense though,” Kai said. “Meeting your mate often triggers a first heat. Or you can take something that will mimic one if a certain alpha wants you willing.” He rolled his eyes and waved at himself. “I was eighteen.”

“You’re eighteen?” Emmett said. Kai shook his head.

“Nineteen now.” Kai took Emmett’s hand this time. “I’m guessing you’re a panther shifter because I can’t scent you?”

Emmett nodded. “How long have you got to go?”

“Nine weeks or so, and I can’t wait.” Emmett returned Kai’s grin. “Take a bite of your sandwich, then tell me why you were hightailing it over here. I’ve never met Ryker, but everyone around here talks like he’s God. As in an ‘isn’t he wonderful’ way, not in a ‘he thinks he’s God’ way. In fact, I’m sure when this omega called Jason finds out he’s spoken for, he’ll consider his life over.”

Emmett sighed. “He’s not spoken for.”

Kai chuckled. “Well, I don’t know how it works for panthers, but wolves only truly mate once. You’re it for him.”

“We’re not mated,” Emmett argued. Although, technically, he didn’t know what that meant.

“Uh-huh. Did he drug you to bring on your heat?”

“No,” Emmett said quickly. “I’m not happy with him, but I know he wouldn’t do that. And don’t ask me why because I have no idea.” Emmett scrubbed his face. “And apart from an infamous one-night stand where apparently I was in heat, we’ve known each other for two days with a seven-week gap in the middle.”

Kai grinned. “I feel like I’m watching a daytime soap. Did you bring popcorn?” Emmett chuckled despite himself, but then Kai sobered. He looked knowingly at Emmett. “I’m guessing you feel better already?” Emmett flushed, and Kai leaned forward as much as his belly would allow. “When a wolf meets his mate, it’s like their body thinks they’ve won the lottery. If he was convinced you were human, it was his head arguing with his heart.”

“Well, I don’t know about a wolf.” Emmett looked up, hearing Chrissy as she sat down next to him. “But he’s been like a bear with a sore head for weeks. And I’m assuming you’re the reason.” Chrissy patted Emmett’s hand. “Did he tell you about his mom?”

Emmett nodded. “He told me his father killed her because he was drunk and lost his temper.”

“He was, but she was killed because she was a human.” Emmett gazed at her in shock. “It’s why Ryker would never have been accepted as the alpha of his old pack and why his father was so bitter. He swore off humans, which is why he tried to give you up. Dinah and I had a bet going that he wouldn’t last another week.”

Emmett blew out a long breath. Chrissy nudged him. “Eat your sandwich.”

Kai finished the last of his shake, then winced. “I have to pee again.” He got to his feet gingerly. “Don’t leave without telling me. I need all the friends I can get.”

“It will be good to go through this with a friend.” Kai didn’t reply, just left hurriedly.

“I’m heading that way,” Chrissy said and stood up to follow.

“Is he okay?” Emmett asked, worried at how Kai casually mentioned an alpha could drug an omega to mimic a heat. Was that what had happened to Kai?

“No,” Chrissy said. “Which is why he needs a friend. He’s scared that whatever that bastard of an alpha drugged him with might have hurt the baby. Marco’s bringing an ultrasound machine to check, but he’s terrified there’s something wrong, poor lamb.”

“Is Marco a doctor?”

“He’s a medic with the ranger service.” Chrissy smiled. “And one of ours.”

Dinah came over and fussed while he tackled the sandwich, told him pointedly there were lots of spare rooms and to come and see her if he wanted one, then left him be.

Emmett ate automatically without really processing everything he’d learned. His head was so full he wasn’t sure how much more he could fit in there, and he scrubbed his face, stifling a yawn. He got up, grabbed his bag, and took the plate to the sink where he rinsed it. He was still trying to decide what to do when he headed outside and ended up back at Ryker’s small cabin. He knocked, but something told him Ryker wasn’t there. Sure enough, it was empty and unlocked. The laptop was still on the small desk and tattered clothes lay on the floor. He eyed the couch longingly as he yawned again but headed to the bathroom, picking the clothes up on the way. There were only two doors, and it was the second one. The first was a plain bedroom with just a bed and a nightstand with a book on it. He went to the bathroom and then, unable to keep his eyes open any longer, stretched out on the bed and pulled the blanket from the foot of the bed over him. He doubted it would take more than two minutes for him to fall asleep.