Royal Cocktail by J. Kenner

Chapter Seventeen

“Come on,”Jürgen said, cocking his head toward the elevator.

Skye crossed her arms across her chest. “I don’t think so.”

“Skye. You heard His Highness. I’m to see you home.”

“You can’t … make me leave.”

His brows rose. The man was seriously good-looking, but also imposing as hell. Skye congratulated herself on not caving.

“I’m staying.”

“Don’t make me use force.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

He took a step toward her, and she realized that, yeah, he’d totally dare. Whatever the prince wanted, Jürgen would do.

She sucked in a breath and decided to change her approach. “You … love him, too. Do you really want him to … be miserable?”

He crossed his arms over his massive chest and stared her down, as if he was just waiting for her to finish so he could toss her over his shoulder and carry her down to the street.

“You know he wants me there. And … we deserve it. He can’t just … unilaterally stop it.”

“He’s my prince who will soon be my king. I think he can unilaterally do pretty much anything he wants.”

“Including being an ass?”

Jürgen didn’t smile, but his eyes flickered with amusement. Skye considered that a win.

“This thing can’t … go anywhere. We’re not … stupid. But I’m helping him with the constitution. And he’s helping me … with my speech. So we’re going … to be together anyway.”

Jürgen said nothing. Another victory, as far as she was concerned.

“Tell me this—does he really love me? You’re … one of his closest friends. If you tell me he doesn’t, then I’ll go away. But if he loves me, then don’t we deserve to have whatever time we can grab?”

For a moment, Jürgen said nothing, just looked at her with those hooded eyes, his expression unreadable. Then he cleared his throat. He took a step toward her, and Skye held her breath, but managed to hold her ground.

“Do you love him?”

Skye drew in a breath, then managed a watery smile. “Is that really a question you have to ask?”

She watched as the decision played out over Jürgen’s face. Then he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a key card. “If I get fired, I expect a job working security at your firm.”

“You got it,” she said, her knees weak with relief.

“And Skye…”

She was already at the door. Now, she looked back over her shoulder.

“You’re good for him.”

“He’s good for me. Wish me luck?”

He tilted his head, and she turned back toward the penthouse. She drew a breath, inserted the card, then quietly stepped inside. There was no sign of Leo in the living area. She paused, her head tilting as she picked up the muffled sound of running water.

The shower.

Right. Well, that was a forward approach, wasn’t it? Then again, he wouldn’t kick her out if she was naked. Would he?

She stripped off her clothes, tossing them on the ground on the far side of the sofa, just to make it more difficult for him to get rid of her.

Then she took a deep breath, stepped through the open door into the bedroom, and walked the short distance to the bathroom. The door was closed, but not locked. Why would it be? He was alone, after all.

She gently pushed the door open and was immediately lost in the thick, hot steam. She stood for a moment to get her bearings, then saw the glass shower stall. His back was to her, his face in the spray. She squared her shoulders, walked to the stall, and slowly pulled open the door.

She stepped in behind him, her hands settling on his hips. “Leo,” she whispered even as he stiffened, one quick jolt of fear eclipsed by relief. And, she hoped, by longing.

She moved closer until her breasts were pressed against his back, and she slid her hands around to stroke his cock. His body tensed, and though she wanted to take him all the way, she wasn’t disappointed when he spun around, one hand cupping her head as his mouth closed violently over hers. He pushed her back, his lips hard on hers, his tongue warring with her own. She felt the cool glass against her back in contrast to the wet heat of the shower—and to Leo’s body, hot and hard and slick against hers.

“How are you here?”

His words were muffled by the press of his lips against her neck, then down lower until his teeth grazed her nipple. She made a squeaking noise, but couldn’t manage a response.

“You shouldn’t be here,” he said, his hands belying his words as his palms stroked and teased, his fingers slipping between her thighs, the intimate touch making her body shake as she moaned.

“Do you mind?” She could barely force the words out past her gasps and the wild jolts of electricity that were firing through her body.

“Terribly,” he said, as his hands slid to her hips and he lowered himself to his knees as he kissed his way down her belly. The tip of his tongue teased her clit, and her knees turned to rubber. She would have fallen except that he was holding her up, his entire mouth on her now, sucking and licking, and it felt so beyond incredible that it was a wonder she didn’t pass out.

She twined her fingers in his hair and bucked against him, her body desperate for release even while her mind wanted this wild and delicious sensation to never, ever end.

“Please,” she murmured, her mind so lost in a sensual haze that she wasn’t even sure what she was asking for. He rose, and she whimpered, then melted again when he silenced her with a kiss.

“With me,” he murmured, then led her out of the shower, through the steamy bathroom, and to the pristinely made bed.

“We’re soaking … wet.”

“I don’t care,” he said, then pulled him down with her. He straddled her, his body so warm it was like he burned from within, erasing any fears that she’d be cold. On the contrary, she felt on fire, every cell in her body like a small generator, making her burn for him.

“Please,” she begged. “Please, Leo, I don’t want to wait.”

He fumbled beside the bed, then pulled out a condom.

“I thought you said you … didn’t.” She meant it to be a tease, but maybe she was a tiny bit hurt that he’d told her he wasn’t sleeping around, and yet he kept condoms in his drawer.

“I haven’t,” he said. He pushed himself up, then gently brushed her hair from her eyes. “But when I saw you again—I knew we shouldn’t. I thought you wouldn’t want me, anyway. And yet, I hoped.”

She felt the tears prick her eyes. “Yes,” she said. “I …hoped, too.”


That was all he said, and their eyes locked and held. “Leo.” His name was a whisper, but it held so much meaning. And so much hope.

His mouth closed over hers again, and she arched back as he claimed her with his kisses, his hand stroking her body, readying her until she was begging him, whimpering for him to please, please take her right then.

“As you wish,” he whispered, then sank deep inside her as she arched up, meeting him thrust for thrust until they both exploded in a sizzle of stars and lightning and atoms and ecstasy. Until the world fell away, and it was just the two of them left, alone in each other’s arms.

She clung to him, breathing hard and never wanting to let go.

“You’re amazing,” he whispered.

“I was just thinking the same thing,” she said. “That, and that you’ll probably have to call the front desk for a new duvet. This one got soaked.”

He laughed, pulling her over until she was straddling him. “I’m sure they’ll accommodate. I’m a prince, after all. Or hadn’t you heard?”

“I think you mentioned something along those lines. And, Your Highness, I have to say that was incredible.”

He brushed his fingertip over her lips. “Thank you,” he said, the teasing gone from his voice. “For not listening to me. And for doing whatever you did that convinced Jürgen to let you in.”

“Ah, yeah. Well, I … had to kill him. Sorry about that.”

He stifled a laugh. “Well worth the sacrifice.”

“Actually, I … owe him.”

“We both do.” He moved closer and kissed her again, and she never wanted the moment to end.

“It might get bad,” he said, shattering the illusion.

“Or… it might not.”

But, of course, it did.