Royal Cocktail by J. Kenner

Chapter Eighteen

“This is unacceptable,”Tarlton Porter said, pacing behind his desk. “What the hell were you thinking? You, prancing around like some air-headed female?”

Skye forced herself not to cower as she looked at her father. “I’m not … air-headed, and I don’t … prance. I love him.”

Her father waved the words away as if they were gnats at a picnic. “I thought you knew better, Skye. This kind of behavior? And one week before the symposium? Did you even stop to think how this would reflect on the firm?”

“This is … my fault? I didn’t ask to be … photographed. Followed. You’re punishing me for … living my life.”

For the last four days, she and Leo had been inseparable. They’d worked on the constitutional issues at the firm’s library or the sitting area in his suite. They’d practiced her speaking with an audience from both the firm and Jürgen’s security staff. They’d gone out for meals at both divey restaurants and high-end steak houses, with Skye always ordering to get in more practice. They’d had drinks at The Fix and mingled with her friends, all of whom accepted Leo as just one of the gang.

They hadn’t gone out of their way to draw attention, but they hadn’t tried to hide, either. True, they’d toned down the PDA, but there’d been hand-holding and a few kisses when they weren’t behind closed door. They hadn’t seen anyone taking snaps, but that didn’t mean folks weren’t watching. And considering the number of posts that had hit Twitter and other platforms, most royal watchers were very skilled at being sneaky. All the more impressive since Jürgen had stepped up security once the spotlight had landed on them.

“The man is a prince,” her father said, both stating the obvious and drawing Skye from her thoughts. “He’s used to a life of privilege. Of getting who he wants and what he wants.”

“Is he? Well, so are you.” She snapped the words out, fury making her react before thinking. But apparently her words hit the mark, because her father took a step backward.

“You’re lashing out, Skye.”

“You want … me to be someone … I’m not. And so you … insist I speak … at the symposium.”

His shoulders sagged, and he settled into the chair behind his desk. She stood a bit longer, then took a seat, too. “I love him, Daddy. And he … loves me.”

Her father sighed. “Let’s say that’s true.”

“It is.”

He didn’t even pause for her comment. “It doesn’t matter because nothing can come of it. The man is going to be a king. And soon if the reports about his father’s health are accurate.” He leaned forward. “Sweetheart, no matter how you feel about this man, you should end it.”

She said nothing. He was right, of course. But she wasn’t going to admit that aloud.

“What are you prepared to do if he wants you to go back with him? You’re not royal. You’re not a citizen. You can’t marry him.”

“You researched that?”

“You’re my daughter. Of course, I did.”

She blinked, fighting tears. “We know, Daddy.”

“Tell me you aren’t contemplating being his mistress.”

She swallowed. The temptation was there, yes, if for no other reason than to stay with Leo. But she shook her head. “I couldn’t be that girl.” She managed a rueful smile, then shrugged. “But it doesn’t matter anyway. I’d be in his circle no matter what, and I’d wither in the spotlight.”

Her father stood then circled his desk. He stopped in front of her and held out his hand. She took it and rose, confused as to his purpose. “I’m so sorry,” he said. “I tossed you into the symposium line-up thinking only of myself.”

She swallowed, her throat suddenly thick with tears. “I don’t know what you want from me, Daddy.”

His shoulders sagged. “Oh, baby. All I want is your forgiveness.”

A single tear escaped. “Then we’ve been at … cross purposes. Because all I’ve wanted is for you to … forgive yourself.”

* * *

“One more week,” Leo said as she snuggled close. They were in her bed, having gotten distracted when Skye was changing for the evening’s celebration honoring Professor Malkin and his impressive body of work. “I have to leave right after the symposium. The royal physician has asked that Gisele and I both meet with him in person.”

“I know. I don’t want … you to go.”

He looked at her, and she shook her head, certain she knew what he was going to say. She pressed her finger to his lips, then bent forward and kissed him. “We’re going to enjoy the week … we have left.”

“Yes,” he said. “We are.”

Her phone chimed, and she rolled over to find a text from Hannah about a possible client referral. As Skye started to type an answer, Leo slid out of bed, motioning that he was going to the kitchen.

She sent the reply and started to follow, only to stop when she heard the voices just beyond the door.

“Sleeping with my fiancée?” The humor in Bart’s voice was clear.

“Hey, if you couldn’t keep her satisfied…”

Skye clapped her hand over her mouth so as not to laugh aloud at Leo’s response.

“A fair point,” Bart said. “But, listen, I’ve got to say this, because I love her, too, you know? Not the way you do, but…”

“I get it.”

“Yeah, well, for the record, you hurt her, and we’re going to have issues.”

“That’s why I like you, man.”

From behind the door, Skye grinned.

“I’m glad to hear it,” Bart said.

“But I have to be honest,” Leo continued. “In the end, Skye and I both know that hurt is inevitable.”

“Yeah,” Bart said. “The royal thing is cool, but I gotta say, I don’t envy you.”

“Understood. There are times I don’t envy me, either.”

She sighed, then headed into the living room to join them. And, hopefully, to lighten the mood. “You two talking about me?”

“No,” said Bart.

“Of course,” said Leo.

Bart shot him a glance. “Tattletale.”

“Don’t worry,” Skye said, holding up her phone. “It’s what all the … cool kids are doing. Here’s the latest. It flashed on my notifications as I was answering Hannah’s text.”

She pulled it up again, then passed her phone to Bart with the headline filling the screen.

“It’s L-L-Love for the P-p-pr-ince,” he read. “Good grief, that’s horrible. And you don’t stutter.”

“Right?” She held out her hands as if in exasperation. “If they’re going to … make fun of me … at least get … it right.”

She turned to Leo, expecting him to join in the banter. Instead, he just looked sad.

“It’s … okay.”

“No. It’s not. I’m so sorry.”

“For what? You … didn’t encourage them.”

“She’s right,” Bart said. “You’re not the asshole here.”

Leo’s mouth twitched. “Fair enough.” He reached out and ran a lock of Skye’s hair through his fingers. “We should get dressed. The limo will be here within the hour.”

The professor had invited them over for cocktails, and Leo had offered to rent a limo to take all three of them from the professor’s home to the auditorium where he’d be receiving his award, something to which the professor had eagerly agreed.

Skye was looking forward to it, too. A limo might not be a treat for Leo, but she’d only been in one once before, after her father had rewarded her for graduating first in her law school class.

That night, she’d been crammed in with a dozen other students. Not friends so much as hangers-on. She’d kept to herself too much in law school to have made many close friends.

Tonight, she slipped into the limo with only one other person, and she felt so much more special than she had that night.

“Ever made out in a limo?” Leo asked, making her giggle.

“The driver and Jürgen can see us.”

“Not anymore,” he said, pushing the button to raise the privacy screen. He pulled her close and kissed her. “Thanks for coming with me.”

“Are you kidding? This man is like a surrogate father to you. I’m dying to meet him.”

“He’s looking forward to meeting you, too. And, unfortunately, he lives in Tarrytown,” he added, his hand sliding up her thigh and under her skirt.

“That is a shame,” she said, as his fingertip grazed the juncture of her thigh, tracing the elastic of her panties. “We’re practically already there.”

“Not quite,” he said, slipping his finger under and making her gasp.

But she was right—they were almost there, and as the limo pulled in front of Professor Malkin’s house, she was breathing hard. But not quite there.

“You’re a tease, Your Highness.”

“Just a preview of things to come. Literally,” he said, his lips brushing her ear as he whispered the promise.

She giggled, then straightened her skirt just in time for Jürgen to open the door. They slipped out of the car, and she took Leo’s hand as he led her up the sidewalk. The door opened as they approached, and a tall man with a graying beard stepped out to shake Leo’s hand before pulling him into a fatherly hug.

“And you must be Skye,” the professor said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you after so long. Our Leo used to talk about you all the time.”

“Did he?” She shot a mischievous glance toward Leo. “You’ll have … to tell me everything he … said.”

If the professor noticed her slurred speech, he didn’t show it. Instead, he simply took her arm and led her inside. “It will be my pleasure.”

They only had an hour for cocktails and conversation before the limo was set to whisk them to the award venue, but within ten minutes, Skye knew it wasn’t nearly long enough. She was about to say as much when Jürgen pulled Leo aside. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she knew it was bad from the expression on Leo’s face.

“What?” she asked when he returned. She put her hand on his arm and held fast, somehow certain that it would be a mistake to let him go.

“My father,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “He’s had another heart attack. They don’t expect him to survive. I’m so sorry, Professor. I have to go.”

“Of course.” Professor Malkin put his hand on Leo’s shoulder. “If there’s anything I can do.”

“Thank you.” He shook his head. “I wish there was.”

“Sire,” Jürgen said. “The press is already gathering.”

Skye frowned, only then realizing that of course some members of the press had followed the limo to the professor’s house. And if the news of the king’s heart attack was public, the pack of reporters would increase exponentially by the second.

“Skye,” Leo said, his hands on her shoulders. “I have to go. I left you once without saying goodbye. This time, I’m asking you to come with me.”

Her mouth went dry. Outside, she heard the clatter and shouts of the waiting press, already stifling even from behind the closed doors. She felt her chest tighten at the thought of seeing them. At having them shout out to her, even though they cared only about Leo. Of having to move through them. Speak to them.

“I … I don’t think I … can. And … what would I be to you … there?” The new king’s girlfriend? His mistress? She could have no role in his homeland, and they both knew it.

He touched her face. “I want to beg, my love, but I don’t have time to convince you. I need to go.”

She nodded, but didn’t leave his side as he hurried to the door. Maybe she could do this. Maybe she could go with him, and—

Jürgen pulled the door open, and she was assaulted with the cries of reporters and the flashes of cameras. Leo turned and looked at her, and she could see from his face that he knew better than to ask again. She felt trapped. And suddenly the deer in a headlight expression made so much sense.

Then Leo was there, kissing her sweetly. “It’s only goodbye for now,” he said, though she knew that was only a platitude.

“Leo—I’m so sorry.” She meant about his father, but the words held so much more meaning than that.

He squeezed her hand. “I have to go.”

She heard the pain in his voice and nodded, then bit her lip as tears started to fall. She felt the professor’s hand close over her shoulder as they watched Jürgen’s security team surround Leo and lead him to a waiting Town Car. Then he was gone, the limo left behind to take her and the professor on to the ceremony.

“I’m so sorry, my dear,” Professor Malkin said, after he’d gently closed the door.

She managed a watery smile, then worked on her breathing until she was confident she could form words. “The multiverse,” she said. “That’s a … physics thing … isn’t it?”

His brow furrowed, but he nodded.

“So maybe there’s … another Leo and Skye … together in a universe … where I chose to go … with him.”

The professor’s eyes seemed as sad as her own. “Perhaps there is, my dear. But the only universe you’ll know is the one you make.”