The Fireman I Loved to Hate by Jenna Gunn

Chapter 14

We talk for hours. It’s like I can’t stop talking, but when I do, she jumps in. The conversation is easy and flowing, and after we finish two pots of coffee and too many pastries, we drink all of her sweet tea. She feeds the cats again and combs out her hair. I get to play with Carmen. I ask about her work, she asks about mine. It is literally the best day I’ve had in a long time. The best day wearing clothes, anyway. Finally, I catch a glimpse outside and it’s dark. I tell her, “Oh wow, open the curtains.”

She gets up and stretches, then yanks the curtains back. “Oh my god, it’s night? No wonder I’m getting hungry.”

“When you turned on the lights earlier, I thought you must have noticed night creeping up on us.”

“I guess, but I hadn’t really paid attention. I was pleasantly distracted,” she says with a smile.

Since it’s getting so late, I stand up and stretch too. Her kitchen chairs are not meant for ten-hour conversations and something in my back cracks. “Maybe I should head home.”

Raina has a look on her face, then smiles.

I grab some of the pastry boxes and break them down to fit in the garbage can.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Cleaning up. Where are the paper towels? I made a little bit of a mess on my side of the table.”

“Like hell,” she reaches for the boxes, “guests don’t clean.”

“Well-mannered guests do,” I say as I keep the boxes out of her reach.

She fusses, “Well-mannered guests do what the hostess says,” she tries again, and it’s so cute when she jumps for the boxes. She’ll never reach them like that it, but when she jumps, her breasts bounce, and I get distracted. “Let me be a good hostess, dammit!”

Her last jump causes her to collide with me, and she almost knocks me off balance. Then she wobbles and I drop the boxes to stop her from falling. I grab her at the waist and it’s a breathless moment, like in romantic movies. I look down at her face. I can tell; she feels it, too.

I don’t know which one of us leans into it first, but we meet in the middle, lips first. Her kiss drives me crazy. There’s electricity in those lips and I want every crackling sensation she sends down my spine.

I can’t stop myself and I wouldn’t if I could. The last time we did this was the best sex I have ever had, and I want it again and again. I run my hands up her back and into her hair. I want my fingers to smell like her shampoo tomorrow.

She kisses me harder, like she’s hungry for me, too. It’s a relief to know I’m not alone in my desire for this. Her hands drift over my jeans and she gropes me there. I groan in her mouth, throb in her hand, and crave every inch of her body.

My fingers touch that strip of skin between the collar of her robe, and she lets me. Raina gets the shivers when I make contact, and part of me wonders if she’s going to go all Ice Queen at any moment. I hope to god she doesn’t. I want to make her shiver again.

Her hands wander across my body and my clothes, like she’s searching for skin, too. Finally, she gets my shirt untucked and her cold fingertips tickle my warm abs.

I gasp, “Cold!”

She seductively says, “Then you should warm me up.”

“I’m happy to. If you’ll let me.”

Raina unties her robe and lets it fall to the floor. “Follow me.”

Without hesitation, I follow her down the hallway to her bedroom, stripping my clothes off on the way. Once I’m naked too, I accidently bump into her from behind. She giggles, and I’ll be damned if that is not the sexiest sound on the planet.

Once inside her bedroom, she pounces on me and knocks us onto her bed. She’s making me crazy. She’s so little and feminine that her playful sexual side always seems to catch me off guard. She kisses my neck, then my chest. She licks my pec, then gives me a little bite, before she looks at me and grins.

I fake-scold her, “Bad Girl.”

She giggles again and says, “Guess you’ll have to punish me.”

“And here, I was planning to reward you. Oh well,” I say before I pick her up and flip her onto her back. She laughs and struggles the whole way there. Then, I pin her hands to the bed. “You said I have to punish you. Right?”

She doesn’t speak, but the wild look in her eye and the subtle nod speak volumes for her.

I pin both her hands together under one of mine, touch her soft skin all over. Then I stroke her soft skin, starting with her clavicle, then her breastbone, and around her navel. Then I do the same pattern again. By the time I do another one, she’s trembling and moaning. Finally, I reach between her legs after the fourth time around her non-erogenous zones, and she gasps, “Alex!”

“Feel good?”

“God, yes!” Then I release her hands and climb down her body. When I went down on her last time, I felt rushed. I’m not rushing today. I gently plant kisses and nibbles all over her body before I get down to the good stuff. I grab a pillow before I get down there, then hoist her hips on top of it. She laughs, “What are you doing?”

“Punishing you,” I say with a wink before I settle between her thighs. Then I begin. I slide my tongue around her tender skin, and she writhes but can’t move much because of the pillow. I spread her apart and find her clit. Every part of her is beautiful and I circle her there with my tongue, while she moans my name again. I’m searching for that spot I found last time until she makes a certain noise. It’s not unlike a squeak, but it’s sweeter than that. When she makes it again, her whole body goes rigid.

That’s the spot.

I stay put, but let my fingers play inside of her. Raina starts to shiver quickly, but I have no plans to stop. Her thighs clench my head, and I can’t hear her anymore, but her heels dig into my back when her body tenses, so I take that as a good sign. Inside of her, everything is getting wetter and tightens around my fingers. Finally, I can hear her over the press of her legs around my ears. .

And I keep going.

Raina squirms more, but I’m not stopping. Until finally, she kicks off my shoulders and pulls away from me. Her breath comes in hitches and fits, and I kneel up. She stares in my eyes, her face pink. She gives me a nod, so I crawl up the bed back to her.

I lower myself on top of her tiny frame, scared I’ll crush her, even though I know she can handle it. What I’m not sure about is the rest of her. I quickly ask, “Condom?”

“I’m clean and on birth control.”

I smile. “I’m clean, too.”

She bites her bottom lip and says, “So, then we don’t really need them, right?”

“I don’t, if you don’t,” I tell her. It’s been a long time since I’ve skipped them, but I trust Raina without question.

“I don’t need them.”

I nod and press myself against her delicate pussy. She’s wet and warm and feels so good I want to cry out. I brush myself against her there, savoring every sensation. Finally, I can’t take it anymore, and I push in an inch. I have to give her time to adjust; she’s tiny everywhere. I glide in and out, bit by bit, until I know I’m not going to hurt her. Her moans grow into growls. Then, I lower myself onto her more fully. Once all the way inside, I whisper, “Raina? Did you?”

“Yes,” she gasps loudly. I pump harder into her and on my thrusts, she begins to curse like a sailor. I’m so glad I got her there first. I can’t hold out for much longer-the whole day has felt like tantric foreplay to me. But then she says something I’ll never forget. “Tell me when.”

“Yeah,” I grunt.

“I want to use my mouth,” she blurts.

That does it. I groan and speed up, before I gasp, “Now!”

She pushes me back and takes me in her mouth, letting me come right there. But then, she doesn’t let go. I writhe under her, and beg, “Raina, please!”

She giggles and finally lets up. I collapse onto her pillows. Everything is crooked in the room, including her smile. She crawls up into my arms. “That was amazing.”

I pant and try to regain my balance. “Yes, you are, you cheeky little brat.”

She giggles again, and all is right with the world. As I drift off to sleep, I hope this is the Raina I wake up to, and not the Ice Queen who crushed me last time.
